





Yujie Liu, Fulu Tao. Probabilistic Change of Wheat Productivity and Water Use in China for Global Mean Temperature Changes of 1, 2, and 3 ℃. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
Yujie Liu, Yi Luo. A Consolidated Evaluation of the FAO-56 Dual Crop Coefficient Approach Using the Lysimeter Data in the Northern China Plain. Agricultural Water Management
Liu Yujie, Yuan Guofu. Impacts of climate change on winter wheat growing process and production under B2 climate scenario in Panzhuang irrigation district. Journal of Geographical Sciences
Yujie Liu, Fulu Tao. Impacts and uncertainty analysis of elevated temperature and CO2 concentration on wheat biomass. Journal of Geographical Sciences
Tao Pan, Shaohong Wu, Erfu Dai, Yujie Liu*. Estimating the daily global solar radiation spatial distribution from diurnal temperature ranges over the Tibetan Plateau in China. Applied Energy
Yujie Liu, Fulu Tao, Yi Luo, Junhua Ma. Case study of developing an integrated water and nitrogen scheme for agricultural systems on the North China Plain. International Agrophysics
劉玉潔,陶福祿。作物水分利用效率對溫度和CO2濃度升高的響應研究進展. 地理科學進展
劉玉潔, 陶福祿。氣候變化對小麥生物量影響的概率預測和不確定性分析. 地理學報
劉玉潔,潘韜。中國地表太陽輻射資源空間化模擬. 自然資源學報
劉玉潔,羅毅. FAO-56土壤水分脅迫指數計算方法的驗證與改進. 資源科學
劉玉潔, 李援農, 翟祿興, 杜子龍。不同灌溉制度對覆膜春玉米的耗水規律及產量的影響. 乾旱地區農業研究
韓榮青,潘韜, 劉玉潔*, 張九天, 王文濤. 華北平原農業適應氣候變化技術集成創新體系. 地理科學進展