



於峰,教授,博士生導師,教育部青年長江學者,嶽麓學者, 院長助理。1984年出生於湖南永州。2007年於湖南師範大學獲生物技術學士學位。2013年於湖南師範大學獲植物學博士學位並於同年以副教授加入湖南大學生物學院,任獨立PI,2017年聘為研究員,2018年任教授。2017年入選教育部青年長江學者,2016年入選中國科協“青年人才托舉工程”,2015年獲湖南省優秀博士學位論文獎。近5年發表通訊作者或者第一作者SCI源刊論文十餘篇,多篇論文入選ESI高被引論文,其中影響因子>5.0的論文9篇,包括Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 4篇,Molecular Plant 2篇等。
Yu F, Shi J, Zhou JY, Gu JL, Chen QH, Li J, Cheng W, Mao DD, Tian LF, Buchanan B*, Li LG, Chen LB, Li DP*, Luan S* (2010) ANK6, a Mitochondrial Ankyrin Repeat Protein, is Required for Male-female Gamete Recognition in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107: 22332–22337.
Yu F, Qian LC, Nibau C, Duan QH, Kita D, Levasseur K, Li X, Lu CQ, Li H, Hou CC, Li LG, Buchanan BB*, Chen LB*, Cheung A, Li DP*, Luan S* (2012) FERONIA Receptor Kinase Pathway Suppresses Abscisic Acid Signaling in Arabidopsis by Activating ABI2 Phosphatase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109: 14693-14698.
Yu F, Li J, Huang Y, Liu L, Li DP*, Chen LB*, Luan S* (2014a) FERONIA Receptor Kinase Controls Seed Size in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Plant 7:920-922.
Yu F, Tian W, Luan S* (2014b) From Receptor-Like Kinases to Calcium Spikes: What Are the Missing Links? Molecular Plant 7:1501-1504.
Yu DS, Yu F, Du CQ, Li XS, Zhao XY*, Liu XM* (2015) RPN1a, a Subunit of the 26S Proteasome, Controls Trichome Development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 88:82-88.
Mao DD, Yu F*, Li J, Van de Poel B, Tan D, Li JL, Liu Y, Li XS, Dong MQ, Chen LB, Li DP, Luan S* (2015) FERONIA Receptor Kinase Interacts with S-adenosylmethionine Synthetase and Suppresses S-adenosylmethionine Production and Ethylene Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell & Environment 38:2566-2574.
Yang T, Wang L, Li CY, Liu Y, Zhu SR, Qi YY, Liu XM, Lin QL*, Luan S, Yu F* (2015) Receptor Protein Kinase FERONIA Controls Leaf Starch Accumulation by Interacting with Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 465:77-82.
Chen J, Yu F*, Liu Y, Du CQ, Li XS, Zhu SR, Wang XC, Lan WZ, Rodriguez PL, Liu XM, Li DP, Chen LB, Luan S* (2016) FERONIA Interacts with ABI2-type Phosphatases to Facilitate Signaling Cross-talk Between Abscisic Acid and RALF Peptide in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113:E5519-E5527.
Yu DS, Li XS, Zhao XY, Du CQ, Chen J, Li CY, Sun MS, Wang L, Lin JZ, Tang DY, Yu F*, Liu XM* (2016) RPN1a Negatively Regulates ABA Signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 108:279-285.
Yu F, Luan S* (2016) Peptide Signaling in Plants: Finding Partners is the Key. Cell Research 26:755-756.
Du CQ, Li XS, Chen J, Chen W, Li B, Li CY, Wang L, Li JL, Zhao XY, Lin JZ, Liu XM*, Luan S*, Yu F* (2016) Receptor Kinase Complex Transmits RALF Peptide Signal to Inhibit Root Growth in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 13:E8326-E8334.
Li CY, Wang L, Cui YC, He LM, Qi YY, Zhang JX, Lin JZ, Liao HD, Lin QL, Yang T, Yu F*, Liu XM* (2016) Two FERONIA Like Receptor (FLR) Genes are Required to Maintain Architecture, Fertility and Seed Yield in Rice. Molecular Breeding 36: 151-162.
Yu F (2017) Molecular Mechanism of Cross-talk Between Abscisic Acid and RALF Peptide in Arabidopsis. Science Foundation in China 4:50-50.
Liao HD, Zhang X, Tang RJ, Luan S*, Yu F* (2017) FERONIA Receptor Kinase at the Crossroad of Hormone Signaling and Stress Responses. Plant and Cell Physiology 58: 1143-1150.
Lu CQ, Yu F, Tian LF, Huang XY, Tan H, Xie ZJ, Hao XH, Li DP*, Luan S*, Chen LB* (2017) RPS9M, a Mitochondrial Ribosomal Protein, Is Essential for Central Cell Maturation and Endosperm Development in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 8:2171.
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Yu F