









publication List (from 1996)
1.Oxazolinylferrocene Ligands for the Addition of Diethylzinc to Benzaldehyde: Effects of the Symmetry and the Substituent on the Oxazoline Ring of the Ligands on Asymmetric Catalysis.?± Wanbin Zhang , Hidefumi Yoshinaga, Yoshitane Imai, Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Synlett , 2000 (10), 1512-1514.
2.Novel Chiral Bisoxazoline Ligands with a Biphenyl Backbone: Preparation, Complexation, and Application in Asymmetric Catalytic Reactions.?± Yoshitane Imai, Wanbin Zhang , Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, The Journal of Organic Chemistry , 2000 , 65 (11), 3326-3333.
3.Novel C 2 -Symmetric Chiral Oxazolinyl Biaryl Ligands Bearing a Hydroxyl Group.?± Yoshitane Imai, Shigeaki Matsuo, Wanbin Zhang , Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Synlett , 2000 (2), 239-241.
4. C 2 -Symmetric Diphosphine Ligands with only the Planar Chirality of Ferrocene for the Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation.?± Wanbin Zhang , Takashi Shimanuki, Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, The Journal of Organic Chemistry , 1999 , 64 (17), 6247-6251.
5.Novel Axial Chiral Sulfur-Oxazoline Ligands with a Biphenyl Backbone.?± Yoshitane Imai, Wanbin Zhang , Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Synlett , 1999 (8), 1319-1321.
6.Perfect Control of Diastereomeric Complexation of C 2 -Symmetric Chiral 1,1"-Bis(oxazolinyl)- ferrocene Ligands.?± Yoshitane Imai, Wanbin Zhang , Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Chemistry Letters , 1999 (3), 243-244.
7.Achiral and Planar Chiral Ferrocene Diols: Preparation and Complexation with Titanium(IV).?± Wanbin Zhang , Yoh-ichi Yoneda, Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry , 1999 , 574 (1), 19-23.
8.Novel Chiral P,N-Ferrocene Ligands in Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylations.?± Wanbin Zhang , Yoh-ichi Yoneda, Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry , 1998 , 9 (19), 3371-3380.
9.Diphenylphosphinooxazoline Ligands with a Chiral Binaphthyl Backbone for Pd-Catalyzed Allylic Alkylation.?± Yoshitane Imai, Wanbin Zhang , Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Tetrahedron Letters , 1998 , 39 (24), 4343-4346.
10.Novel Axial Chiral Catalyst Derived from Biphenyl Ligands Bearing only Two ortho -Substituents.?± Yoshitane Imai, Wanbin Zhang , Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Tetrahedron Letters , 1997 , 38 (15), 2681-2684.
11.Novel C 2 -Symmetric Chiral Bisoxazoline Ligands in Rhodium(I)-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrosilylation.?± Yoshitane Imai, Wanbin Zhang , Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry , 1996 , 7 (8), 2453-2462.
12.Novel C 2 -Symmetric Diphosphine Ligand with only the Planar Chirality of Ferrocene.?± Wanbin Zhang , Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Tetrahedron Letters , 1996 , 37 (44), 7995-7998.
13.Interesting and Effective P,N-Chelation of Ferrocene Ligands for Palladium- Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Substitution.?± Wanbin Zhang , Toshikazu Hirao and Isao Ikeda, Tetrahedron Letters , 1996 , 37 (26), 4545-4548.
14.Highly Diastereoselective ortho -Lithiation of 1,1"-Bis(oxazolinyl)ferrocene Directed to C 2 -Symmetric Chiral Ligands.?± Wanbin Zhang , Yoichi Adachi, Toshikazu Hirao, and Isao Ikeda, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry , 1996 , 7 (2), 451-460