



2006.9—2010.9 香港大學 政治與公共行政學系,博士
2004.9—2006.7 北京大學 政府管理學院,碩士
2000.9—2004.7 北京大學 政府管理學院,法學學士
2000.9—2004. 7 北京大學 國家發展研究院中國經濟研究中心),經濟學雙學士


“Policy Learning and Policy Implementation in China”, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
“Venue Shopping and Civic Engagement in Greater China”, (in preparation with Prof. Feon Chau)
“Challenges and Prospects of Reforestation in Contemporary China: The Case of the Grain for Green Project”, (with Prof. Gao Jie) (further coming)


“從官僚控制到地方治理:退耕還林政策案例研究”,中韓治理模式研討會,北京,北京大學政府管理學院 政治發展研究所,2010年1月。
“Bureaucratic Accountability and Local Institutions: the Implementation of the Grain for Green Project in China,” Paper presented at China Studies 20th Anniversary Conference, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK, May. 2009.
“Bureaucratic Accountability and Local Governance: the Case of the Grain for Green project in China,” Paper presented at 67th Middlewest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, April. 2009.
Implementation of Environmental Protection Policy in China,” Paper presented at HKU Research Student Conference, HK, April. 2008.
“Implementation of the Grain for Green project in China,” Paper presented at HKU-Korean University Conference, HK, Jan. 2008.
“Study on Central-Local Relationship in China,” Paper presented at The Third Graduate Seminar on China, organized by USC in Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK, Jan. 2007