共找到3條詞條名為曹郁的結果 展開
- 第41屆台灣電影金馬獎最佳攝影
- 中國國家一級美術師
- 華中師範大學化學學院教授
2007-現在 華中師範大學化學學院,教授
2005 -2007 日本國立福井大學大學院生物應用科,日本學術振興會外國人特別研究員。
2003-2005 中國科學院化學所高分子物理與化學國家重點實驗室,博士后
1995-1997 保定天鵝化纖股份公司,生產調度
1. 2009中國科技創業計劃大賽新苗獎(科技部火炬高技術產業開發中心、國家科技風險開發事業中心&寧波市人民政府,2009)
2. 日本學術振興會外國人特別研究員(日本學術振興會,2005,NO.P05151)
3. 獲第三十六批博士后科學基金資助金(中國博士后科學基金會,2004)
曹郁, 楊歡, (編輯), 2004中科院博士后前沿與交叉學科學術論壇論文集, 中國科學院, 2004年12月.
新型纖維素藥物傳遞系統的構築,日本學術振興會 (P17.05151),課題負責人與主持人。(2005-2007)
Selected Publications:
Cao, Y.*; Ikeda, I.*Antioxidant activity and antitumor activity (in vitro) of xyloglucan selenious ester and surfated xyloglucan, Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2009, 45, 231-235
Cao, Y. *; Gu, Y.; Ma, H.; Bai, J.; Liu, L.; Zhao, P.; He, H. Self-assembled nanoparticle drug delivery systems from galactosylated polysaccharide–doxorubicin conjugate loaded doxorubicin, Int. J. Biol. Macromol., in press(doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2009.11.008).
Cao, Y.*; Shen, D.; Lu, Y.; Huang, Y.* A Raman-scattering Study on the Net Orientation of Biomacromolecules in the Outer Epidermal Walls of Mature Wheat Stems (Triticum aestivum),Ann.Bot., 2006, 97, 1091–1094
Cao, Y.*; Tan, H.* Study on Crystal Structures ofEnzyme-hydrolyzed Cellulosic Materials by X-ray Diffraction, Enzyme Microb. Technol..2005,36/2-3, 314-317.
Cao, Y.; Tan, H.* Effects of cellulase on the modification of cellulose, Carbohydr. Res.,2002, 337, 1291–1296
1. Y. Cao, Ying Gu, Jing Bai, Hong Ma, Peiguang Zhao, Lina Liu, Hongxuan He, Huilin Jiang, Xia Lei, Hong Qian, Changjiang Yang. Self-organized Nano Drug Delivery Systems from Polysaccharide Grafted with Antitumor drug and Targeting Moiety. ChinaNANO 2009, International Conference on Nanoscience & Technology. 2009. (Oral)
2. Y. Cao, Hong Ma, Jing Liu, Jing Bai, Chao Qi. Novel Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Systems for Hepatic tumor. PIBM 2009, 8th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine. 2009
3. Y. Cao, Y. Huang, The mean orientation of biomacromolecules in the outer epidermal walls of biomass (wheat stem), Preprint of International Symposium on Polymer Physics, Dali, China, June 1-5, 2004, 290, (Poster)
4. Y. Cao, H. Tan, Effects of Cellulase on Biodegradation of Cellulose, IUPAC World Polymer Congress 2002 Preprint, 1026
5. Y. Cao, H. Tan, Effects of Enzymes on the Alkaline Solubility of Cellulose, IUPAC World Polymer Congress 2002 Preprint, 1027