共找到6條詞條名為房客的結果 展開
- 1927年阿爾弗雷德·希區柯克導演的電影
- 房客[漢語詞語]
- 王心凌演唱歌曲
- [英] 薩拉·沃特斯所著長篇小說
- 瑪麗·貝洛克·朗茲原著小說
- 美國2006年dannygreen執導電影
《房客》是1927年上映的由阿爾弗雷德·希區柯克導演的英國驚悚電影,Marie Ault、Arthur Chesney等參與演出。
影片根據Marie Belloc Lowndes的同名小說改編,講述了一個小旅店的老闆娘在那段時間裡發現自己的神秘房客可能就是“開膛手傑克”因而提心弔膽的故事。

角色 | 演員 |
The Landlady | Marie Ault |
Her Husband | Arthur Chesney |
Daisy Bunting | ---- |
Extra in newspaper office | 阿爾弗雷德·希區柯克 |
Joe Chandler | Malcolm Keen |
Jonathan Drew | Ivor Novello |
- | Reginald Gardiner |
Showgirl Victim | Eve Gray |
導演 Director:阿爾弗雷德·希區柯克Alfred Hitchcock
編劇 Writer:
Eliot Stannard ....(scenario)
Marie Belloc Lowndes ....(novel) (as Mrs. Belloc Lowndes)/play "Who Is He?" (uncredited)
Marie Belloc Lowndes ....play Who Is He?
製作人 Produced by:
卡萊爾·布萊克韋爾 Carlyle Blackwell ....producer (uncredited)
Michael Balcon ....producer (uncredited)
原創音樂 Original Music:Ashley Irwin ....(1999)
攝影 Cinematography:Gaetano di Ventimiglia ....(photography) (as Baron Ventimiglia)
剪輯 Film Editing:Ivor Montagu
美術設計 Art Direction by:
C. Wilfred Arnold ....(as C. Wilfrid Arnold)
Bertram Evans
副導演/助理導演 Assistant Director:艾瑪·雷維爾 Alma Reville ....assistant director
製作公司:Gainsborough Pictures [英國]
⒈ AmerAnglo Corp. [美國] (1928) (USA) (theatrical) (states rights system)
⒉ Grapevine Video [美國] (USA) (VHS)
⒊ Laserlight Entertainment [美國] (1999) (USA) (DVD)/(2003) (USA) (DVD)
⒋ Navarre Entertainment [美國] (2002) (USA) (DVD)
⒌ Nostalgia Video [美國] (USA) (VHS)
⒍ Video Yesteryear [美國] (1996) (USA) (VHS)
⒎ Woolf & Freedman Film Service [英國] (1927) (UK) (theatrical)
⒏ Divisa Ediciones [西班牙] (1995) (Spain) (VHS)
⒐ Delta Expedition [美國] (2001) (USA) (DVD)
⒑ Whirlwind Media Inc. [美國] (2001) (USA) (DVD)
⒒ Rhino Home Video [美國] (2002) (USA) (DVD)
⒓ BCI Eclipse LLC [美國] (2003) (USA) (DVD)
⒔ Brentwood Home Video [美國] (2003) (USA) (DVD)
國家/地區 上映/發行日期(細節)
英國 UK 1927年2月14日
美國 USA 1928年6月10日......(New York City,New York)
德國 Germany 1992年4月......(video premiere)
Alfred Hitchcock wanted an ambiguous ending to the film,but the studio wouldn't allow it to be implied that the lodger might actually be the murderer.
The movie is based on the book of the same name. It was the first book to offer a solution to the Jack The Ripper killings. The book is supposedly based on an anecdote told to the painter Walter Sickert by the landlady when renting a room; she said that the previous tenant had been Jack the Ripper.
Director Cameo: [Alfred Hitchcock] a desk in the newsroom early in the film. Some people claim he also appears later in the crowd lynch scene.
Hitchcock told François Truffaut that,though he had made two films prior to this,he considered this his first true film.
Debut of Reginald Gardiner.
This is the earliest film directed by Alfred Hitchcock that survives today in its entirety.
瑕疵 Goofs
Continuity:After "the lodger" escapes handcuffed,Daisy met him sitting on a bank in the street. Then she sits down side by side with him. After that he puts his head on her right shoulder,with his face touching her face. Between shots she appears alone with nobody on her shoulder.
Continuity:In one of the heralded shots of the film,Daisy and her parents look at the ceiling to see the chandelier shaking. We then see "through" the ceiling to a shot of the Lodger's feet pacing back and forth. This was a unique way to imply the sound of footsteps in a silent film. However,looking at the layout of the house,the room the family is in is NOT beneath the room in which the Lodger is pacing.
對白 Quotes
Joe Betts:When I've put a rope round the Avenger's neck,I'll put a ring around Daisy's finger.
[first lines] Female eyewitness:Tall he was - and his face all wrapped up.
[last lines] The Landlady:Your toothbrush - you left it behind.
Joe Betts:Does this lodger of yours mean any harm to Daisy? The Landlady:Don't be silly,Joe. He's not that sort. Joe Betts:Even if he's a bit queer,he's a gentleman.