共找到5條詞條名為曹明華的結果 展開









Ø Minghua Cao, Jianqiang Li, Yitang Dai, Feifei Yin, and Kun Xu, “Bandpass sampling based digital coherent receiver with free-running local oscillator laser for phase-modulated radio-over-fiber links,” Optics Express, Vol.
Ø Minghua Cao, Jianqiang Li, Yitang Dai, Feifei Yin, and Kun Xu, “Multiband Phase-Modulated RoF Link With Coherent Detection and Bandpass Sampling,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
Ø Minghua Cao, Jianqiang Li, Kun Xu, Yitang Dai, Feifei Yin, and Jintong Lin, “Bandpass Sampling in Digital Coherent Receiver with Free-Running Local Oscillator Laser for Phase Modulated Radio-over-Fiber Systems,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, MWP/APMP
Ø Minghua Cao, Jianqiang Li, Kun Xu, Yitang Dai, and Feifei Yin, “Coherent Detection of Multiband Phase Modulated Radio-over-Fiber Signals Using Bandpass Sampling,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACP 2014
Ø Minghua Cao, Jianqiang Li, Feifei Yin, Yitang Dai, and Kun Xu,” Digital coherent detection with bandpass sampling in multiband phase-modulated radio-over-fiber links,” 2014 13th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks, ICOCN 2014
Ø 曹明華,王惠琴,黃 瑞,雷益艷,陳海燕. FSO中分層空時編碼的誤碼性能[J]. 紅外與激光工程
Ø 曹明華,王惠琴. 基於WSNs的農田環境信息監測系統. 中國農機化
Ø CAO Minghua, WANG Huiqin, JIA Kejun, HOU Liang,“Free Space Optical Communication Based on V_BLAST”. 2010 International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics SOPO 2010
Ø CAO Minghua, WANG Huiqin, PENG Duo, JIA Kejun. “An Intelligent Environment Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks”. 2009 International Conference on Photonics and Image in Agriculture Engineering PIAGENG 2009. Proc. of SPIE Vol
Ø 曹明華,崔炳學,顧海康. 小城鎮EPON綜合接入網設計. 光通信技術,2010,34(2):11-13等
Ø 發明專利:無線光通信OOK數字調製方式的通道估計及軟解調方法


Ø 參與項目“通信工程專業課程體系、內容和教學方法的改革與實踐”獲2013年甘肅省教學成果獎三等獎
Ø 參與的項目“基於WIMAX的無線網路節能機制研究”獲得蘭州市科技進步二等獎