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- 歐美電影人物
- 中國家電新零售生態服務平台
破壞王拉爾夫(Wreck-It Ralph)
卡爾霍恩(Tamora Jean Calhoun)

雲妮洛普(vanellope vonSchweetz)

• In Latin, "Felix" means "lucky" and "successful".
• During the film's earliest development, Felix was cast as the main character, whilst Ralph had the role of a supporting character. However, writer Phil Johnston, felt that the story of Ralph becoming a bigger person (a hero) would be more compelling.
• In an early draft of the film, Felix was intended to join Ralph on his journey to become a hero. However, the filmmakers felt that Felix's inclusion would distract the central heart of the story: the relationship between Ralph and Vanellope.
• True to his name, Felix can fix anything with his magical golden hammer, including, apparently, physical injuries. Unfortunately for him, this comes with a catch;anythingthe hammer touches is instantly restored to pristine condition, and cannot be used to destroy or damage things. An example when he tries to break the prison bars, but instead strengthens them.
• Felix's name ends with Jr. We can see that his ancestor was also named 'Fix-it Felix'.
• Felix, in a way, has similar traits to Bob the Builder: both can fix anything, and their signature lines involve "fixing things" ("Can we fix it? Yes we can!" / "I can fix it!").
• In one scene of the film, Felix mentionsMarioduring the party; Mario is Nintendo's mascot. His main inspiration was Mario: They both wear caps, gloves, and boots and they also had some kind of accent (Mario's Italian, Felix's Southern slang).
• However, Bowser, Mario's arch nemesis,appears in the movie, as Mario is only referenced.
• Another however, Felix is a smart but cowardly-at-times person which makes him similar to Luigi, Mario's brother.
• Felix can speak Q*bertese, although he says it's a little rusty.
• InThe Art of Wreck-It Ralph, it shows changes in Fix-It Felix's appearance from a figure made of measuring rulers to a human wearing overalls to a human wearing modern plumbers uniform.
• Fix-It Felix has some similarities with his voice actor, Jack McBrayer.
• Felix is the second Disney character voiced by Jack McBrayer (first isIrvingfromPhineas and Ferb).
• However, Felix is the first to be voiced by Jack McBrayer in a Disney feature while Irving is the first to be voiced by the same actor in a Disney TV series.
• Another scene with Calhounis that when they fell into the Nesquik-sand, they stepped on a double-striped branch since Vanellope mentioned that double stripes break.
• Despite being inspired by Mario fromMario Bros., Fix-It Felix also has some similarities with another Disney character,Manny Garcia, fromHandy Manny.
• Manny is Hispanic and speaks English as his second language while Felix looked more European and speaks English with a touch of Southern slang.
• Manny never took off his hat, except at the wedding episode, and Felix took his hat off several times in the film.
• However, they had a few differences too.
• They have similar clothes: cap, short-sleeved shirt, an undershirt, tool belt, gloves, jeans (with rolled up sleeves), and shoes.
• They both had round noses.
• They both had "magical" tools.
• They both fix things.
• Both of them are short in height.
• Many people found them cute.
• Manny's motto sounded similar to Felix's catchphrase.
• Manny's "pet"was named Fix-It, which is now Felix's title.
• Despite being the central "good guy" in the gameFix-It Felix, Jr., Felix seems to be the only one who does not think Ralph is as bad as he's programmed to be. He seems to only repudiate Ralph in order to stay "on top" with the "good guys", and generally tries to cease all arguments between the "good guys" and Ralph.
• Even though Felix wears a short-sleeved blue shirt and carries a golden hammer in the game (and inthe film), the film showsthat theFix-It Felix, Jr.game cabinethas pictures of himwearing a yellow shirt and carrying a normal hammer.
• It is possible that after marrying Calhoun, Felix's full name became Fix-It Felix Calhoun since Felix might never really had a last name.
• In the junior novelization, Mary was announcing the Nicelanders' favorite flavors and when she get to Felix's she wasn't interrupted by Ralph like in the movie so she reveals that Felix's favorite flavor is Vanilla.
• Felix is the only character in the film to be seen regenerating after dying (he was in his game when he got smashed by a building piece) along with some soldiers fromHero's Duty. Turbo was seen getting killed but didn't regenerate since he was not in his own game.
• "Ralph abandoned his game!"
• "I can fix it!"
• "Oh, I bet that's Mario. Fashionably late, per the norm."
• "Okay, everyone calm down. Ralph probably fell asleep in the washroom ofTapper'sagain."
• "Stand by. My Q*bertese is a little rusty."
• "Ralph's gone Turbo?!"
• "I'm Fix-It Felix, Jr., ma'am,... from the gameFix-It Felix, Jr."
• "Jiminy Jaminy, look at that high definition...your face... it's amazing!"
• "And it is my job to fix what Ralph wrecks and I cannot ask you to risk your life cleaning up his mess. No flex on this one ma'am. I am coming along with you!"
• "That's right, you guys just got plugged in. Well, back when the arcade first opened,TurboTimewas by far the most popular game in the world, and Turbo... he loved the attention. So whenRoad Blastersgot plugged in and stole Turbo's thunder... boy was he jealous. So jealous that he abandoned his game and tried to take over the new one. Turbo ended up putting both games and himself out of order... for good."
• "Oh, that's not blunt force trauma, ma'am. That's just the honey glow in my cheeks."
• "Ma'am I just gotta tell ya,... You are one dynamite gal."
• "But all I said is that you're a dynamite gal!"
• "I don't need to do Boo. Forgive my potty-mouth."
• "I'm just so... so crossed with you! Do have any idea what you've put me through?! I mean, higgledly-piggledy all over creation looking for you! I almost drowned in chocolate milk mix! And then... I met the most dynamite gal. Oh, she gives me the honey glow, something awful...But she rebuffed my affections! AND THEN...I GOT THROWN IN JAIL!!"
• "No! Ralph, you don't know what it's like to be rejected and treated like a criminal!"
• "Milady! You came back!"
• "Oh my land"
• "You did it, Ralph! Way to go, brother!