共找到24條詞條名為於傑的結果 展開
1993.8-1997.3 中國科學院金屬研究所,博士。
1988.8 -1990.8 上海有色金屬研究所,助理工程師。
1997.3 -1999.7中國科學院物理研究所,博士后。
1999.7 -2000.11新加坡南洋理工大學電子與氣工程系,研究員。
2000.12-2002.12日本國立材料科學研究所, STA博士后研究員。
2003.1 -2004.10香港中文大學物理系, 副研究員。
主要研究方向為1. 寬禁帶半導體薄膜的化學氣相合成及其發光性質。
2. 納米材料的設計、製備及其生物感測和光探測器件應用。
3. 新型能源材料及應用(燃料電池、超級電容器及釩電池等)。
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:化學氣相沉積法催化生長高結晶六方氮化硼薄膜及其發光性
質(項目批准號:50972033), 主持, 執行期限:2010.1-2012.12。
2. 深圳市基礎研究計劃重點項目:有機薄膜及納米光電轉換器件的研製,項目編號:JC20090
3. 國家教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃項目:寬禁帶半導體立方氮化硼薄膜的化學氣相生
長、結構及發光特性的研究(項目編號:NCET-06-0342),主持, 執行期限:2007.1-200
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:氟和離子轟擊在立方氮化硼化學氣相合成中的交互作用機理(項
目批准號: 50572019),主持, 執行期限:2006.1-2008.12。
2. 國家教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金:寬禁帶材料六方氮化硼晶體薄膜的化學氣相合成
3. 深圳市科技計劃項目:多功能連續納米碳纖維的電紡法製備工藝及其設備設計原理的
4. 熱絲化學氣相生長金剛石薄膜及其反應器設計原理研究,國家自然科學基金(NSF)八五重大
5. 輕元素(BCN)納米材料的化學氣相合成、場發射及其發光性質研究, 中科院重點支持項目
7. 晶態立方氮化硼薄膜的化學氣相合成及其性質,日本國家優秀中心項目(COE),主要參加
52. Yejun Qiu, Jie Yu,* Jing Yin, Cuili Tan, Xiaosong Zhou, Xuedong Bai, and Enge Wang,
Synthesis of continuous boron nitride nanofibers by solution coating electrospun
template fibers。
Nanotechnology 20 (34), 345603-1-345603-7 (2009).
51. Yejun Qiu, Jie Yu,* Javed Rafique, Jing Yin, Xuedong Bai, and Enge Wang,
Large-Scale Production of Aligned Long Boron Nitride Nanofibers by Multijet/Multicollect
or Electrospinning,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (26), 11228–11234 (2009).
50. Yejun Qiu, Jie Yu,* Gang Fang, Hao Shi, Xiaosong Zhou, and Xuedong Bai, Synthesis
of Carbon/Carbon Core/Shell Nanotubes with a High Specific Surface Area,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (1), 61–68 (2009).
49. Yejun Qiu, Jie Yu*, xiaosong Zhou, Synthesis of Porous NiO and ZnO Submicro- and
Nanofibers from Electrospun Polymer Fiber Templates,
Nanoscale Research Letters 4 (2), 173-177 (2009).
48. Yejun Qiu, Jie Yu*, Cuili Tan, Preparation of honeycomb-like NiO with nanogrooves by
using electrospun nanofibrous webs as templates,
Materials Letters 63 (2), 200-202 (2009).
47. Jie Yu*, Yejun Qiu, Production of aligned helical polymer nanofibers by electrospinning,
European Polymer Journal 44 (9), 2838–2844 (2008).
46. Yejun Qiu, Jie Yu*, Synthesis of titanium dioxide nanotubes from electrospun fiber
Solid State Communications 148 (11-12),556-558 (2008).
45. Yejun Qiu, Jie Yu*, Cuili Tan, Jing Yin, and Xiaosong Zhou, Fabrication of ZnO
Microtubes by Using Electrospun Polymer Fiber Templates,
Chemistry Letters 37 (11), 1114-1115 (2008).
44. J. Rafique, J. Yu*, J. L. Yu, and G. Fang, K. W. Wong, Z. Zheng, H. C. Ong, W. M. Lau,
Electrospinning highly aligned long polymer nanofibers on large scale by using a tip
Applied Physics Letters 91 (6), 063126 (2007).
43. J. Yu* and Javed Rafique, Synthesis and properties of B-C-N related nanomaterials,
International Journal of Nanotechnology 4 (1-2), 32-43 (2007) (invited review).
42. H. Yamamoto, S. Matsumoto, K. Okada, J. Yu, K. Hirakuri, Synthesis of c-BN films by
using a low-pressure inductively coupled BF3–He–N2–H2 plasma,
Diamond & Related Materials 15 (9), 1357 – 1361 (2006).
41. J. Yu,* Z. Zheng, H. C. Ong, K. Y. Wong, S. Matsumoto, and W. M. Lau, Thermal
stability of cubic boron nitride films deposited by chemical vapor deposition,
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (42), 21073-21076 (2006).
40. J. Yu, H. C. Ong, S. Matsumoto, K. Y. Wong, and W. M. Lau, Morphology dependence
of cathodoluminescence from cubic boron nitride films deposited by chemical vapor
Journal of Applied Physics 99 (12), 124915 (2006).
39. J. Yu, S.H. Song, L.Q. Weng, Adhesion improvement of cubic boron nitride films by in
situ annealing,
Surface & Coatings Technology 200 (16-17), 4737-4740 (2006).
38. J. Yu and S. Matsumoto, Effects of rf bias voltage and H2 flow rate on the growth of
cubic boron nitride films by chemical vapor deposition,
Applied Physics A-Materials Science and Processing 80 (4), 777-781 (2005).
37. J. Yu, S. Matsumoto, and K. Okada, Growth of cubic boron nitride films on tungsten
carbide substrates by dc jet plasma chemical vapor deposition,
Journal of Materials Research 19 (5), 1408-1412 (2004).
36. J. Yu and S. Matsumoto, Synthesis of thick and high quality cubic boron nitride films by
rf bias assisted chemical vapor deposition,
Diamond and Related Materials 13 (9), 1704-1708(2004).
35. J. Yu and S. Matsumoto, Growth of cBN films by DC-bias assisted RF induction thermal
plasma chemical vapor deposition,
Diamond and Related Materials 12 (10-11), 1903-1907 (2003).
34. J. Yu and S. Matsumoto, Controlled growth of large cubic boron nitride crystals by
chemical vapor deposition,
Diamond and Related Materials 12 (9),1539-1543 (2003).
33. J. Yu, J. Ahn, Q. Zhang, S. F. Yoon, Rusli, B. Gan, M. B. Yu, Synthesis of carbon
nanoparticles by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition and their field emission
Journal of Materials Science Letters 21 (7), 543-545 (2002).
32. J. Yu, J. Ahn, Q. Zhang, S. F. Yoon, Rusli, B. Gan, M. B. Yu, Synthesis and
characterization of carbon nanostructures by microwave plasma chemical vapor
Materials Science and Engineering B 90 (1-2), 16-19 (2002).
31. J. Yu, J. Ahn, Q. Zhang, S. F. Yoon, Rusli, Y. J. Yu, B. Gan, K. Chew, and K. H. Tan,
Catalyzed growth of carbon nanoparticles by microwave plasma chemical vapor
deposition and their field emission properties,
Journal of Applied Physics 91 (1), 433-436 (2002).
30. J. Yu, J. Ahn, Q. Zhang, S. F. Yoon, Rusli, B. Gan, M. B. Yu, Field emission from
patterned carbon nanotube emitters produced by microwave plasma chemical vapor
Diamond and Related Materials 10 (12), 2157-2160 (2001).
29. J. Yu, Q. Zhang, J. Ahn, S. F. Yoon, Rusli, B. Gan, K. Chew, K. H. Tan , X. D. Bai, and
E. G. Wang, Growth and structure of aligned B-C-N nanotubes,
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 19 (3), 671-674 (20001).
28. J. Yu, E. G. Wang, and X. D. Bai, Electron field emission from carbon nanoparticles
prepared by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition ,
Applied Physics Letters 78 (15), 2226-2228 (2001).
27. J. Yu, J. Ahn, S. F. Yoon, Q. Zhang, Rusli, M. B. Yu, B. Gan, X. D. Bai and E. G. Wang,
Semiconducting boron carbonitride nanostructures: nanotubes and nanofibres,
Applied Physics Letters 77 (13), 1949-1951 (2000).
26. J. Yu, X.D.Bai, J.Ahn, S.F.Yoon, and E.G.Wang, Highly oriented rich boron B-C-N
nanotubes by bias-assisted hot filament chemical vapor deposition ,
Chemical Physics Letters 323 (5-6), 529-533(2000).
25. J. Yu, E. G. Wang, J. Ahn, S. F. Yoon, Q. Zhang, J. Cui, and M. B. Yu, Turbostratic
boron carbonitride films produced by bias assisted hot filament chemical vapor
Journal of Applied Physics 87 (8), 4022-4025 (2000).
24. J. Yu, E.G.Wang, Turbostratic boron carbonitride film and its field emitting behavior,
Applied Physics Letters 74 (20), 2948-2950 (1999).
23. J. Yu , E. G. Wang, Guichang Xu, Observations of micrometer BCN rods by
bias-assisted hot filament chemical vapor deposition,
Chemical Physics Letters 292 (4-6), 531-534 (1998).
22. J. Yu, E.G.Wang, Guichang Xu, Synthesis and characterization of B-C-N compounds on
Journal of Materials Research 14 (3), 1137-1141(1999).
21. J. Yu, Rongfang Huang, Lishi Wen, Changxu Shi, Nucleation kinetics of diamond in hot
filament chemical vapor deposition,
Materials Research Bulletin 34 (14-15), 2319-2325 (1999).
20. Jie Yu, Rongfang Huang, Lishi Wen, and Changxu Shi, Large area diamond film growth
in multi-filament chemical vapor deposition,
Materials Science and Engineering B 56 (3), 255-258(1999).
19. J. Yu, Rongfang Huang, Lishi Wen, and Changxu Shi, Effects of density of gas flow
rate on large area diamond growth in hot filament chemical vapor deposition,
Journal of Materials Science Letters 17 (12), 1011-1013 (1998).
18. J. Yu, Rongfang Huang, Lishi Wen, and Changxu Shi, Enhancement of the HFCVD
diamond growth process by directed gas flow,
Materials Letters 32 (2-3), 143-146 (1997).
17. D. Y. Liu, S. Ren, G. S. Wang, L. S. Wen, J. Yu, Rapid synthesis and morphology
control of nickel powders via a microwave-assisted chemical reduction method,
Journal of Materials Science 44 (1), 108-113 (2009).
16. D. P. Li, Z. Zheng, Z. Y. Shui, M. Q. Long, J. Yu, K. W. Wong, L. Yang, L. Z. Zhang,
and W. M. Lau, Using Elemental Se and Ag to Grow Pure Ag2Se Dendrites/Dendritic
Films of Highly Oriented (001) Nanocrystals,
Journal of Physical Chemistrty C 112 (8), 2845-2850 (2008).
15. X. D. Bai, Jie Yu, Shuang Liu and E. G. Wang, Role of nickel particles in selected
growth of boron carbonitride tubular structures,
Chemical Physics Letters 325 (5-6), 485-489 (2000).
14. X.D.Bai, E.G.Wang, J. Yu, and Hui Yang, Blue-violet photoluminescence from larg-scale
highly aligned boron carbonitride nanofibers,
Applied Physics Letters 77 (1), 67-69 (2000).
13. X. D. Bai, J. D Guo, J. Yu, E. G. Wang, Jun Yuan, Wuzhong Zhou, Synthesis and field
emission behavior of highly oriented boron carbonitride nanofibres,
Applied Physics Letters 76 (18), 2624-2626 (2000).
12. Bo Gan, Chew Kerlit, Qing Zhang, J.Ahn, S.F.Yoon, Rusli, J. Yu, Q. F.Huang, V. A.
Ligatchev, Study of Band-Gap States in CVD Diamond Using Sub-Band-Gap
physica status solidi (A) 181 (1), 17-22 (2000).
11. Bo Gan, J. Ahn, Rusli, Qing Zhang, S. F. Yoon, V. A. Ligatchev, J. Yu, K. Chew, and
Q.- F. Huang, Thickness dependence of density of gap states in diamond films studied
using space-charge- limited current,
Journal of Applied Physics 89 (10), 5747-5753 (2001).
10. B. Gan, J. Ahn, Q. Zhang, Rusli, S. F. Yoon, J. Yu, Q. -F. Huang, K. Chew, V. A.
Ligatchev, X. -B. Zhang and W. -Z. Li, Y-junction carbon nanotubes grown by in situ
evaporated copper catalyst,
Chemical Physics Letters 333 (1-2), 23-28 (2001) .
9. Bo Gan, J. Ahn, Qing Zhang, S. F. Yoon, M. B. Yu, V. A. Ligatchev, J. Yu, Chew Kerlit
and Q. -F. Huang,, Thickness dependent density distribution of gap states in undoped
CVD diamond films,
Diamond and Related Materials 10 (3-7), 998-1001 (2001).
8. L. Q. Weng, S.-H. Song, S. Hodgson, A. Baker and J. Yu, Synthesis and characterisation
of nanotubular titanates and titania ,
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 26 (8): 1405-1409 (2006).
7. F. Li, L. Q. Weng, G. Y. Xu, S. H. Song, and J. Yu, Synthesis and characterization of
microwave dielectric BaTi4O9 ceramics via EDTA–citrate gel process,
Materials Letters 59 (23), 2973-2976, (2005).
6. 劉德義,黃榮芳,於傑,聞立時,師昌緒,熱絲法化學氣相沉積大面積金剛石膜中輻射場和
材料研究學報,10(3),1996, 279-284 (1996)。
5. 陳岩,於傑,陳廣超,程新紅,曹曉明,張軍旗,宋貴宏,劉德義,蘇 革,黃榮芳,聞立
4. 陳岩,於傑,陳廣超,程新紅,曹曉明,張軍旗,宋貴宏,劉德義,蘇 革,黃榮芳,聞立
3. 潘躍武, 於傑, 崔啟良, 高春曉, 鄒廣田, 劉景, 不同粒徑納米晶硫化鋅的高壓結構相變研究,
高壓物理學報21(1), 29-34 (2007).
2. Y. W. Pan, J. Yu, Z. Hu, H. D. Li, Q. L. Cui, G. T. Zou, Pressure-induced structural
transitions of the zinc sulfide nano-particles with different sizes,
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 23 (2), 193-195 (2007).
1. 於記良, J. Rafique , 於傑, 電紡PAN 納米纖維的碳化工藝研究,
廣州化工 35 (3), 25-28(2007).
1. 一種超細氮化硼連續納米纖維的製備方法,於傑,邱業君,尹靜, (申請號:200810241202.
2. 一種具有超疏水氮化硼薄膜及其製備方法,於傑,高彪,丁友龍。(申請號:2008100654
3. 一種具有大比表面積的碳/碳複合納米管材料及製備方法,發明人:於傑,邱業君,時浩,
4. 一種氮化硼連續納米纖維的製備方法,發明人:於傑,邱業君。(申請號:20081006540
5. 定向排列的聚合物螺旋納米纖維的電紡製備方法及其設備,發明人:於傑,於記良,邱業
6. 大面積定向排列的聚合物納米纖維製備裝置及製備方法,發明人:於傑,嘉偉·拉非克,
7. 一種生長高定向BCN納米管材料的方法(專利號:ZL 99 1 09627.4),發明人:王恩哥,