

在1996在亞特蘭大所舉辦的奧林匹克運動會主題曲,由Enigma 『Return to innocence』,中間一段膾炙人口的歌謠,即是由郭英男與馬蘭吟唱隊所演唱(1999年由美國法庭公開認定,並於


會外達成和解。從此,該曲向全世界宣告,演唱與創作來自台灣阿美族的郭英男),馬蘭吟唱隊因為擁有嘹亮而又動人的嗓音,並以他們的歌聲,撼動全世界所有人 的心。早在年少時,郭英男Difang原本只是和「馬蘭吟唱隊」的朋友玩樂,沒想到在玩樂中他們養成唱歌的興趣,他們有著上天賦予最棒的嗓音和肢體語言,唱出台灣原住民阿美族獨特複音音樂,讓旋律像是流竄在軀體里的因子,不時的散發出來。


During the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta the official song by Enigma—“Return to Innocence”—included a short section sung by Kuo Ying-nan and the Ma-Lan Choir (in 1999, a copyright lawsuit ended with an out-of-court settlement establishing Kao Ying-nan of the Taiwanese Amis tribe as the righteous owner of the song.) With their beautiful sonorous voices, the Ma-Lan Choir has touched the hearts of millions worldwide. When he was young, Kao Ying-nan (or “Difang” in his aboriginal dialect ) used to hang around with his friends of the Ma-Lan Choir. Who thought that playing around would foster their interest in singing. With their amazing voices and vivid body language, they have made the polyphonic singing style of the Amis aborigines known throughout the world.
Kao Ying-nan and his wife recently passed away, but the aged members of Ma-Lan Choir have vowed to continue singing their beloved songs and make their enchanting voices─a gift bestowed by heaven—heard in the world.