共找到3條詞條名為研究生英語讀寫譯教程的結果 展開
  • 研究生英語讀寫譯教程



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出版社: 安徽大學出版社; 第1版 (2010年2月1日)叢書名: 研究生英語系列教材
平裝: 343頁
正文語種: 中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787811107371
條形碼: 9787811107371






Unit One
Text A The End of Something
Text B When Goodness Isn't Good Enough
Translation ( IX )
Writing IXUmt Two
Text A The Pleasures of Ignorance
Text B The Virtue of idleness
Translation ( X )
Writing ( X )
Unit Three
Text A Exercise Is a State of Mind
Text B Soccer Gets Sexy
Translation (XI)
Writing (XI)
Unit Foour
Text A Rags to Rags, Riches to Riches
Text B Power vs Poverty
Translation (XH)
Writing (Ⅶ)
Unit Five
Text A Teaching Our Children about Evil
Text B What Is a freethinker and Why Does It Matter
Translation (Ⅶ)
Writing (Ⅶ)
Unit Six
Text A The Coming Trade Wars
Text B Outline of Remarks on Dollar Perspective
Translation (XIV)
Writing (XIV)
Uint Seven
Text A Whose Art Is It?
Text B Making Room for Art
Writing XV)
Uint Eight
Text A commercialism and Newspaper Quality
Text B Political Culture
Translation (XVI)
Writing (XVI)