共找到2條詞條名為郭順的結果 展開
- 應縣一中政教處主任
- 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所副研究員
2001/09-2005/07 中國地質大學(北京),寶石與材料工藝學,學士
2010/06-2013/01 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所 礦物學、岩石學、礦床學,博士后
2013/01-至今 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所 副研究員
Guo, S., Ye, K., Yang, Y.H., Chen, Y., Zhang, L.M., Liu, J.B., Mao, Q., Ma, Y.G., 2014a. In situ Sr isotopic analyses of epidote: tracing the sources of multi-stage fluids in ultrahigh-pressure eclogite (Ganghe, Dabie terrane). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
Guo, S., Ye, K., Cheng, N.F., Chen, Y., Su, B., Liu, J.B., 2014b. Metamorphic P-T trajectory and multi-stage fluid events of vein-bearing UHP eclogite from the Dabie terrane: insights from key mineral compositional zonations. International Geology Review
Guo S., Ye K., Wu T.F., Chen Y., Yang Y.H., Zhang L.M., Liu J.B., Mao Q., Ma Y.G., 2013. A potential method to confirm the previous existence of lawsonite in eclogite: the mass imbalance of Sr and LREEs in multi-stage epidote (Ganghe, Dabie UHP terrane). Journal of Metamorphic Geology
Guo S., Ye K., Chen Y., Liu J.B., Mao Q., Ma Y.G., 2012. Fluid-rock interaction and element mobilization in UHP metabasalt: Constraints from an omphacite-epidote vein and host eclogites in the Dabie orogen. Lithos
Guo S., Ye K., Chen Y., Liu J.B., 2009. A normalization solution to mass transfer illustration of multiple progressively altered samples using the Isocon diagram. Economic Geology
郭順, 葉凱, 陳意, 劉景波,張靈敏, 2013b. 開放地質體系中物質遷移質量平衡計算方法介紹. 岩石學報