共找到3條詞條名為陳信宏的結果 展開
- 台灣屏東滿州消防分隊小隊長
- 中國男歌手
- 中華經濟研究院第二研究所研究員
Awards:Shin-Horng Chen、Meng-Chun Liu and Ku-Ho Lin, “Industrial development models and economic outputs: A reflection on the "high tech, high value-added" proposition”,第二屆“台灣產經論文獎”,台灣產經建研社,2006年12月。
中華經濟研究院第二研究所研究員,1999年7月~ 迄今
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University International Journal of Technology and Globalization A member of the Editorial Board 2004~
中華經濟研究院第二研究所研究員兼所長,2001年~ 2009年2月
Shin-Horng Chen Yun-Chung Chen and Pam Wen (2009), “MNCs’ offshore R&D mandates and host countries’ locational advantages: A comparison between Taiwan and Chinese Mainland”, China Information, Vol. XXIII, No.1, pp.159-187. (indexed by the Bibliography of Asian Studies, the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, International Political Science Abstracts, Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie/Review of Bibliography in Sinology, and MLA International Bibliography)
Shin-Horng Chen (2007), “The national innovation system and foreign R&D: The case of Taiwan”, R&D Management, Vol.37, No.5, pp.441-453, (SSCI).
Shin-Horng Chen and Pam Wen (2007), “Globalization, knowledge-based innovation: The changing economic geography of innovation across the Taiwan Strait”, Macalester International Journal.
Shin-Horng Chen, (2004) “Taiwanese IT firms’ offshore R&D in China and the connection with the global innovation network”, Research Policy, Vol. 33, pp.337-349. (SSCI; 國科會一級期刊).
Shin-Horng Chen (2002) “Global production networks and information technology: The case of Taiwan”, Industry and Innovation, Vol.9, No.3, pp.247-264.
Shin-Horng Chen (1997) “Decision-making in R & D Collaboration”, Research Policy, Vol.26, pp.121-135 (SSCI; 國科會一級期刊).
Shin-Horng Chen (2007),”The National Innovation System and Foreign R&D: The Case of Taiwan”,R&D Management, Vol.37, No.5, pp441-453, (SSCI)。
Shin-Horng Chen, Meng-chun Liu, Jia-Zhen Chen and Chun-Hung Kuo (2005), “Raising R&D intensity: A strategy for Taiwan”, Asia Pacific Tech Monitor, Vol.22, No.4, July-august, pp.24-37.
Tain-Jy Chen, Gee San, Shin-Horng Chen Meng-chun Liu, and Jiann-Chyuan Wang (2003) “Industrial Clusters and Networking: Toward a Knowledge-Based Economy”, Taiwan Economic Forum, Vol. 1, No.10,October,2003, pp.29-50.
“Expected impacts of cross-strait trade on Taiwan’s manufacturing industry following WTO accession: A questionnaire survey”, Industry of Free China, (2002), (with H-T Shih)
"Expected impacts of cross-strait trade on Taiwan’s manufacturing industry following WTO accession: A questionnaire survey”, Industry of Free China, (2002), (with H-T Shih)
“Global Production Networks and Local Capabilities: New Opportunities and Challenges for Taiwan,” East-West Center Working Papers Economic Series No.15, February 2001. (with Tain-Jy Chen and Meng-chun Liu).
“Implications, Challenges and Prospects for Taiwan in the Knowledge-based Economy,” in Ng Chee Yuen and Charla Griffy-Brown(eds)(2001), Trends and Issues in East 2001, Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development: Tokyo (with Tain-Jy Chen and Meng-chun Liu).
“Telecommunications Liberalization in Taiwan : Initial Impacts,” Industry of Free China, Vo1.87, No.11, November 1997, pp.121-135.
“Decision-Making in Research and Development Collaboration,” Research Policy, Vo1.26, 1997, pp.121-135.
Meng-chun Liu and Shin-Horng Chen (2006), “Cross-border R&D Networks and International R&D: A Quantitative Study of Taiwanese Firms”, Paper presented at the Tsinghua-Stanford workshop on Greater China’s Innovative Capacities: Progress and Challenges, Beijing, China, May 20-21, 2006
Chintay Shih and Shin-Horng Chen (2009), “On Reform of Hong Kong’s Public Research Funding System”, Savantas Policy Institute, January, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong.
CHEN, Shin-horng, YU, Pei-Ju, WEN, Pam and LIN, Alice, (2009). “Paradigm Shift of Manufacturing: A Proposed Strategy for Taiwan.” Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Industrial Technology Innovation (ICITI, 2009)~ Meeting Challenges with Innovation, sponsored by Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs, National Central Library, Taipei, August 20-21, 2009.
陳信宏與溫蓓章(2008年),“全球化與台灣產業聚落的演化”,發表於2008年International Conference on “East Asia’s Industrial Agglomeration and Clustering”北京大學與名古屋大學,2008年10月17日~18日,北京。
Shin-Horng Chen, “Taiwanese IT Industry’s Pathway to Innovation in the Global Production Network”, paper presented at Social Science Research Council Meeting in New York, September 12-13, held by Social Science Research Council.
Shin-Horng Chen, Meng-chun Liu and Pam Wen (2006), “Globalization and the Evolution and Reinvention of Industrial Clusters: The Case of Hsin-chun Science-based Industrial Park”, presented at the 2006 international conference "High Tech Regions 2.0 – Sustainability and Reinvention", Stanford Project on Regions of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SPRIE), Stanford University (in collaboration the Industrial Technology Research Institute and the School of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), Stanford University November 13-14, 2006.
Shin-Horng Chen, Pam Wen, Meng-chun Liu, and Xin-Wu Lin (2006), “Innovation Capability-Building and Technology Branding: From OEM/ODM to OBM”, Paper presented at the 2006 International Conference on Industrial Technology Innovation Repositioning for Industrial Growth and Economic Prosperity through Innovation, sponsored by Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Taipei, August 3-4, 2006(submitted to Research Policy)
Yuan-Chieh Chang, Shin-Horng Chen, Chin-Tay Shih, Ming-Huei Chen (2006), “Global R&D Strategy beyond Triad: A Study of MNE R&D Centres in Taiwan”, IAMOT 2006, Tsing Hua University, Beijing, May 22-26 2006, submitted to Journal of International Business Studies (SSCI).
Shin-Horng Chen & Yun-Chung Chen (2006), “MNCs’ Offshore R&D Mandates and Host Countries’ Locational Advantages: A Comparison between Taiwan and Chinese Mainland”, (submitted to China Information)
Shin-Horng Chen、Meng-Chun Liu and Ku-Ho Lin (2005), “Industrial development models and economic outputs︰A reflection on the "high tech, high value-added" proposition”, paper presented at the International Conference on “2005 Industrial Technology Innovation~ New Value Creation Era”, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, August 25-26, 2005, Taipei (submitted to Research Policy).
Shin-Horng Chen、Meng-Chun Liu、Jia-Zhen Chen and Chan Hsiao (2004) “The strategy for raising R&D intensity of Taiwan”, paper presented at the International Conference on “2004 Industrial Technology Innovation~ Growth Engines of the Innovation-driven Economy”, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, August 19-20, 2004, Taipei.
“兩岸實質經濟整合與國際創新網路”(與劉孟俊、史惠慈合著),發表於the Sixth Scholarship Conference on the East Asian Economy, National Institute for Research Advancement主辦,11月,日本福岡。
Shin-Horng Chen, “Taiwanese IT Firms’ Offshore R&D in China and the Connection with the Global Innovation Network”, 2003 產業科技創新關鍵年代的政策與挑戰國際研討會,2003年10月30-31日,台北,台灣經濟研究院主辦。
Shin-Horng Chen, Meng-chun Liu and Hui-Tzu Shih (2003), “R&D Services and Global Production Networks: A Taiwanese Perspective”, paper presented at AT10 Research Conference: Innovation and Promotion Policies for the Service Sector in Asia, held by Normura Research Institute, Tokyo, February 20-21.
“Expected impacts of cross-strait trade on Taiwan’s manufacturing industry following WTO accession: A questionnaire survey”, Industry of Free China, (2002), (with H-T Shih)
“Global production networks and information technology: The case of Taiwan”, special issue: A New divide in Industry Dynamics: Global Production Networks, Information Technology and Knowledge diffusion, Industry and Innovation Vol.9, No. 3, (2002, forthcoming).
“Global Production Networks and Information Technology: The case of Taiwan”, paper submitted to Industry and Innovation (November 2001).
“China's Impacts on Taiwan's Manufacturing Industry Following WTO Accession: A Questionnaire Survey,”paper presented at the Greater China and the WTO Conference held at the Hong Kong City University, Hong Kong, 22-24 March 2001.(with Hui-Tzu Shih)
“Global Production Networks and Local Capabilities: New Opportunities and Challenges for Taiwan,” East-West Center Working Paper Economic Series No.15, February 2001 (with Tain-Jy Chen)
“Taiwan's Transition from an Industrializing to a Knowledge-based Economy”, paper presented at The Emerging Network Economy and East Asian Market Integration Workshop held at the Nomura Research Institute January 2001, Tokyo (with Meng-Chun Liu).
“The Knowledge-Based Economy and Information Technology: The Taiwanese Perspective”, paper presented at the ASEAN Roundtable 2000. New Development Paradigms in Southeast Asia: The Challenge of Information Technology, Singapore: National University of Singapore, 12-13 October 2000. (with Meng-chun Liu).
“Implications, Challenges and Prospects for Taiwan in the Knowledge-Based Economy”, paper presented at the Trends and Issues 2000 Workshop. Tokyo 25-26 October 2000 (with Tain-Jy Chen and Meng-chun Liu)
“Fostering Supporting Industries in Taiwan” ,Nov. 2000.,發表於生產力中心舉辦之國際研討會, (with Tain-Jy Chen)
“Taiwan as a Node of the Global Production Network”, paper presented at the Conference on The Asian Financial Crisis and Taiwan's Role in the Region, Brookings Institution, Washington , D.C. , April 5,1999 (with Da-Nien Liu).
“The Future Role of Taiwan in Stabilizing the Regional Economy after the Asian Financial Crisis”, paper presented at the Conference on Southeast Asian Trade and Economics: Domestic Reforms and International Cooperation, East West Center, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, March 4-6, 1999 (with Da-Nien Liu).
"Decision-making in R & D Collaboration : A UK Perspective," paper presented at the First International Conference on Pacific Basin Business and Economics, National Central University, Chung-Li , June 15-16, 1996.
"Telecommunications Liberalization: A Taiwanese Perspective," paper presented at the Eighth Annual East Asian Seminar on Economics , National Bureau of Economic Research and CIER, Taipei , June 19-21, 1997.
Study on the Trends in Public and Private Investments in ICT R&D in China, India and Taiwan, and on the Globalisation of R&D and the Competitiveness of Their Innovation Systems in ICT, sponsored by European Commission's Institute for Prospective Technological Studies,2009年5月。
Hong Kong Innovation Project, sponsored by Savantas Policy Institute(香港匯賢智庫),2009年4月。
Shin-Horng Chen and Tain-Jy Chen (2001) Global production networks and local capabilities: New opportunities and challenges for Taiwan, East-West Center Working Paper Economic Series No.15, February.
The Impact of Investment Rule-Making and Liberalization: The Comparisons of Case Studies Among Member Economies,台灣地區行政機構經建會委託,1997年6月。
陳信宏、溫蓓章,“揭開台韓經濟發展動能消長之面紗”,《經濟前瞻》,103期(2006/01/05) 頁94-101。
Chintay Shih and Shin-Horng Chen (2010), “On Reform of Hong Kong’s Public Research Funding System” in D. Fuller (ed.), Innovation Policy and the Limits of Laissez-faire: Hong Kong Policy in Comparative Perspective, Palgrave.
Meng-chun Liu and Shin-Horng Chen (2008), “Cross-border R&D networks and international R&D: A study of Taiwanese firms”, in Henry S. Rowen (ed.), Greater China's Quest for Innovation, CA: Stanford University Press.
Shin-Horng Chen, Meng-Chun Liu and Ku-Ho Lin (2006), “Industrial development models and economic outputs: A reflection on the "high tech, high value-added" proposition”,第二屆“台灣產經論文獎”,台灣產經建研社,2006年12月。
Meng-chun Liu and Shin-Horng Chen (2005), “International R&D deployment and locational advantage: A case study of Taiwan”, in Takatoshi Ito and Andrew K. Rose (eds.), International Trade in East Asia, University of Chicago Press: Chicago.
Shin-Horng Chen (2004) “Knowledge intensification in Taiwan’s IT industry”, in Tain-jy Chen and Joseph S. Lee (eds.), The New Knowledge Economy of Taiwan, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton MA, USA, Edward Elgar.
Shin-Horng Chen and Meng-chun Liu (2002), “Knowledge-based economy and information technology: The Taiwan experience”, in Chia Siow Yue and Jamus Lim (eds.) (2001) Information Technology in Asia: New Development Paradigm, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Shin-Horng Chen and Meng-chun Liu (2001), “Taiwan’s transition from an industrialising Economy to a knowledge-based economy”, in Seiichi Masuyama and Donna Vandenbrink (eds.) Towards a Knowledge-based economy: East Asia’s Changing Industrial Geography, Tokyo: Nomura Research Institute and Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Tain-Jy Chen, Shin-Horng Chen and Meng-chun Liu (2001) “Implications, challenges and prospects for Taiwan in the knowledge-based economy”, in Ng Chee Yuen and Charla Griffy-Brown (eds.) Trends and Issues in East Asia 2001, Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development: Tokyo.
Shin-Horng Chen (2000) "Telecommunications liberalization: A Taiwanese Perspective", in T. Ito and A. Krueger (eds), Deregulation and Interpendence in the Asia-Pacific Region, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 2000.
"Taiwan's active role in the global production network", P. Chow and B. Gill(eds), in Weathering the storm, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, D.C. (with Da-Nien Liu)
Shin-Horng Chen、Meng-Chun Liu and Ku-Ho Lin, “Industrial development models and economic outputs︰A reflection on the "high tech, high value-added" proposition”, 第二屆“台灣產經論文獎”,台灣產經建研社,2006年12月。
Shin-Horng Chen (2006), “The National Innovation System and Global R&D Strategies: The Case of Taiwan”, Paper presented at the conference on R&D Interplay in Northeast Asia: Global Corporate Strategy and Host Countries’ National Innovation System, sponsored by Samsung Economic Research Institute, The Shilla Hotel Seoul, Korea, February 24th, 2006(已由Samsung Economic Research Institute 出版為電子書;submitted to R&D Management).
Shin-Horng Chen and Pei-chang Pam Wen (2006), "Globalization, Knowledge-based Innovation and the Changing Economic Geography of Innovation across the Taiwan Strait", (已被接受; 將於2007年出版在Macalester International Journal).
Shin-Horng Chen (2004), Knowledge Intensification in Taiwan’s IT Industry, in Tain-Jy Chen and Joseph S. Lee (eds.), The New Knowledge Economy of Taiwan, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
Meng-chun Liu and Shin-Horng Chen (2003), "International R&D Deployment and Locational Advantage: A Case Study of Taiwan", National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper, December.
Shin-Horng Chen, (forthcoming; accepted in September 2003) "Taiwanese IT Firms' Offshore R&D in China and the Connection with the Global Innovation Network", Research Policy, (SSCI).
Shin-Horng Chen, Meng-Chun Liu and Hui-Tzu Shih, “R&D Services and Global Production Networks: A Taiwanese Perspective”, East-West Center Working Papers, Economic Series No.52, March 2003.
"The future role of Taiwan in stabilizing the regional economy after the Asian financial crisis", in M. Montes and G. Chu (eds), Southeast Asian Trade and Investment: Post-Crisis Reforms and International Cooperation, East-West Center: Honolulu, Hawaii, 1999.
"The Telecommunications industry", in The Impact of Investment Liberalization in APEC: Policy Review and Case Studies, APEC: Singapore, 1998.
"The Telecommunications Industry", in The Impact of Investment Liberalization in APEC: Policy Review and Case Studies, Singapore, APEC. (NOV. 1998).
Collaboration in Industrial Research and Development: Its Nature, Rationale and Geography, CIER Economic Monograph Series, No.37, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Taipei, May 1996.