共找到59條詞條名為楊剛的結果 展開



楊剛 管理學博士、教授、博士生導師,現任西南大學MBA教育中心副主任。網路作家;文字控站長,百訊CEO;1988年畢業於西南師範大學歷史系,獲學士學位;2002年獲西南師範大學公共關係與CIS方向碩士學位。主要研究方向為區域經濟競爭與產業政策、企業戰略管理理論與實踐、新型城鎮化戰略與協調發展、組織文化建設等。在《中國軟科學》、《改革》、《宏觀經濟研究》、《經濟地理》、《人民日報》(理論版)等著名學術刊物公開發表學術論文40餘篇。出版專著及教材《重慶城市競爭力比較研究》、《現代企業經營與管理新編》、《現代企業管理案例分析》、《企業文化理論與實踐》、《現代旅遊文化學原理》等7部。主持和主研國家和省部級科研項目15項,地方政府委託項目20餘項。


科研項目:主持了國家自然科學基金、重慶市優秀人才計劃、留學回國基金、中國博士后基金、中央高校科研業務費專項資金、林業科技支撐計劃子項目、引進人才基金等項目,並作為主要完成人參與了973計劃、中科院知識創新項目、荷蘭政府項目(CatchBio)、Evonik公司等項目的研究工作。論文發表:應邀在CRC/Apple Academic, Bentham等出版社撰寫了5部專著章節和Int. J. Mol. Sci., Catal. Survey Asia等期刊撰寫了多篇綜述/論文。迄今已發表83篇學術論文,其中SCI收錄76篇,第一作者/通訊作者論文64篇。大多數論文發表於Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., ChemSusChem, Chem. Eur. J., Sci. Rep., J. Catal., ChemCatChem, J. Phys. Chem., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Appl. Catal.等國際知名期刊。學術任職:擔任Current Catalysis地區編輯和Current Computer-aided Drug Design, Journal of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Research等國際專業期刊(客座)編輯或編委;擔任Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Journal of Chemical Information Modeling, Journal of Computational Chemistry, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy等30多種期刊和專業書籍審稿專家。


1988- 獲歷史學學士學位;
2002- 獲法學碩士學位;
1988- 西南師範大學繼續教育學院/培訓部主任副研究員;
2003- 西南大學文化與社會發展學院(原西南師範大學管理學院)/副教授;
2008- 西南大學經濟管理學院/副教授;
2010- 西南大學經濟管理學院/教授。




1.2010年 在部隊第一年獲得優秀士兵稱號
2.2011年 文學作品《軍綠與紅地毯》獲得文學二等獎
3.2012年 擔任時光當鋪文學社幕後運營
4.2012年 創辦匯棗網和文字控官網
5.2012年 成立百訊網路科技有限公司
6.2013年 擔任百訊公司CEO






1. Rui Tian, Gang Yang*, Xinmin Liu, Hang Li*. Specific Anion Effects for the Aggregation of Colloidal Minerals: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. J Phys Chem C 2015, 119, 4856-4864.
2. Gang Yang*, Lijun Zhou. Zwitterionic versus Canonical Amino Acids over the Various Defects in Zeolites: A two-layer ONIOM Calculation. Sci Rep 2014, 4, 6594.
3. Rui Tian, Gang Yang*, Hang Li*, Xiaodan Gao, Xinmin Liu, Hualing Zhu, Ying Tang. Activation Energies of Colloidal Particle Aggregation: Towards a Quantitative Characterization of Specific Ion Effects. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2014, 16, 8828-8836
.6. Xinmin Liu, Gang Yang*, Hang Li*, Rui Tian, Rui Li, Xianjun Jiang, Jiupai Ni and Deti Xie. Observation of Significant Steric, Valence and Polarization Effects and their Interplay: A Modified Theory for Electric Double Layer. RSC Adv 2014,4, 1189-1192.
7. Gang Yang*, Lijun Zhou. A DFT Study on the Direct Benzene Hydroxylation Catalyzed by Framework Fe and Al Sites in Zeolites. Catal Sci Tech 2014, 4, 2490-2493.
8. Gang Yang, Evgeny Pidko, Emiel Hensen. A Mechanistic Study of Ni-catalyzed Carbon Dioxide Coupling with Ethylene towards the Acrylic Acid Manufacture. ChemCatChem 2014, 6, 800-807.
9. Gang Yang, Evgeny Pidko, Emiel Hensen. The Mechanism of Glucose Isomerization to Fructose over Sn-BEA Zeolite: A Periodic Density Functional Theory Study. ChemSusChem 2013, 6, 1688-1696.
10. Gang Yang*, Evgeny Pidko, Emiel Hensen. Structure, Stability and Lewis Acidity of Mono and Double Ti, Zr and Sn Framework Substitutions in BEA Zeolites: A Periodic DFT Study. J Phys Chem C 2013, 117, 3976-3986.
11. Gang Yang, Evgeny Pidko, Emiel Hensen. Mechanism of Brönsted acid-catalyzed conversion of carbohydrates. J Catal 2012, 295, 122-132.
12. Gang Yang*, Lijun Zhou, Xianchun Liu, Xiuwen Han, Xinhe Bao. Reaction Mechanisms of H2 Reduction and N2O Decomposition on Fe/ZSM-5 Zeolite: A Density Functional Theoretical Study. J Phys Chem C 2009, 113, 18184-18190.(影響因子 = 4.835)
13. Zhiwei Yang, Gang Yang*, Yuangang Zu, Yujie Fu, Lijun Zhou. The Conformational Analysis and Proton Transfer of the Neuraminidase Inhibitors: A Theoretical Study. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2009, 11, 10035-10041.
14. Gang Yang*, Lijun Zhou, Xianchun Liu, Xiuwen Han. Lewis and Brönsted Acidic Sites in M4+-doped Zeolites (M = Ti, Zr, Ge, Sn, Pb) as Well as Interactions with Probe Molecules: A DFT Study. J Mol Catal A: Chemical 2012, 363-364, 371-379.
15. Gang Yang*, Lijun Zhou, Xianchun Liu, Xiuwen Han, Xinhe Bao. Adsorption, Reduction and Storage of Hydrogen within ZSM-5 Zeolite Exchanged by Various Ions: A Comparative Theoretical Study. Micropor Mesopor Mat 2012, 161, 168-178. 1
6. Gang Yang*, Lijun Zhou, Xianchun Liu, Xiuwen Han, Xinhe Bao. Density Functional Calculations on the Distribution, Acidity and Catalysis of the Ti(IV) and Ti(III) Ions in MCM-22 Zeolite. Chem Eur J 2011, 17, 1614-1621.
17. Gang Yang*, Zhiwei Yang, Lijun Zhou, Rongxiu Zhu, Chengbu Liu. A Revisit to Proline-catalyzed Aldol Reaction: Interactions with Acetone and Catalytic Mechanisms. J Mol Catal A: Chemical 2010, 316, 112-117.
18. Gang Yang*, Lijun Zhou, Chengbu Liu. Glycine Canonical and Zwitterionic Isomers within Zeolites. J Phys Chem B 2009, 113, 10399-10402.
19. Gang Yang*, Yuangang Zu,Yujie Fu, Lijun Zhou, Rongxiu Zhu, Chengbu Liu. Assembly and Stabilization of Multi- Amino Acid Zwitterions by the Zn(II) Ion: A Computational Exploration. J Phys Chem B 2009, 113, 4899-4906.
20. Gang Yang*, Yuangang Zu, Chengbu Liu, Yujie Fu, Lijun Zhou. Stabilization of Amino Acid Zwitterions with Varieties of Anionic Species: The Intrinsic Mechanisms. J Phys Chem B 2008, 112, 7104-7110.
21. Gang Yang*, Jing Guan, Lijun Zhou, Xianchun Liu, Xiuwen Han, Xinhe Bao. Microporous ZSM-5 Zeolite Anchors the Exceptionally Active Triplet Oxygen Species: Mechanistic Studies. Micropor Mesopor Mater 2008, 113, 583-587.
22. Gang Yang*, Xijie Lan, Jianqing Zhuang, Ding Ma, Lijun Zhou, Xianchun Liu, Xiuwen Han, Xinhe Bao. Acidity and Defect Sites in Titanium Silicalite Catalyst. Appl Catal A: General 2008, 337, 58-65.
23. Gang Yang*, Lijun Zhou, Xianchun Liu, Xiuwen Han, Xinhe Bao. Peroxo and Superoxo Anions: A DFT Study on Fe/ZSM-5 Zeolite. Catal Commun 2007, 8, 1981-1984.
24. Gang Yang*, Xianchun Liu, Xiuwen Han, Xinhe Bao. Density Functional Theoretical Investigations on Various Nanostructural Zeolite Surfaces. J Phys Chem B 2006, 110, 23388-23394.
25. Gang Yang*, Lijun Zhou, Xianchun Liu, Xiuwen Han, Xinhe Bao. H2 Adsorption on Fe/ZSM-5 Zeolite: A Theoretical Approach. J Phys Chem B 2006, 110, 22295-22297.
26. Gang Yang, Xiuwen Han, Xiumei Liu, Pengyu Yang, Yonggui Zhou, Xinhe Bao. Study on Conformation Interconversions of Novel Chiral 3-Alkyl-3,4-dihydro-2H- benzo[1,4]oxazine Derivatives: From Ab Initio Density Functional Calculations and Dynamic NMR Experiments. J Phys Chem B 2005, 109, 18690-18698.
27. Gang Yang, Yan Wang, Danhong Zhou, Xianchun Liu, Xiuwen Han, Xinhe Bao. Density Functional Theory Calculations on Various M/ZSM-5 Zeolites: Interaction with Probe Molecule H2O and Relative Hydrothermal Stability Predicted by Binding Energies. J Mol Catal A: Chemical 2005, 237, 36-44.
28. Jianqin Zhuang, Gang Yang, Ding Ma, Xijie Lan, Xiumei Liu, Xiuwen Han, Xinhe Bao, Ulrich Mueller. In Situ Magnetic Resonance Investigation of Styrene Oxidation over TS-1 Zeolites. Angew Chem Int Ed 2004, 43, 6377-6381. (Dr. Zhuang and I contribute to the experiments and theoretical calculations, respectively)
29. Gang Yang, Yan Wang, Danhong Zhou, Jianqin Zhuang, Xianchun Liu, Xiuwen Han, Xinhe Bao. On Configuration of Exchanged La3+ on ZSM-5: A Theoretical Approach to the Improvement in Hydrothermal Stability of La-modified ZSM-5 Zeolite. J Chem Phys 2003, 119, 9765-9770.