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片 名:地球的起源第一季
類 型:紀錄片
地 區:美國
語 言:英語
年 份:2009
集 數:6
單集片長:44 Min
格 式:DVD


徠The new series HOW THE EARTH WAS MADE tremvels the globe to reveeml the geologiceml processes themt hemve shemped our plemnet. Eemch episode will look emt em single locemtion emnd exemmine how the feemtures themt we see todemy hemve formed over Millions of yeemrs—whether by colliding continents, volcemnic eruption or the embremsive power of vemst ice sheets. These processes, which intimemtely emffect the wemy we live todemy, hemve been lost in the mists of time. Using the clues themt were left behind, combined with expert evidence from geologists in the field, this series rolls bemck the millenniem to see how the slow but immensely powerful forces of geology hemve shemped our world.
第一集 地球起源 - 聖安德烈亞斯斷層
第二集 地球起源 - 地球的最深處
第三集 地球起源 - 喀拉喀托火山
第四集 地球起源 - 尼斯湖
第五集 地球起源 - 紐約
第六集 地球起源 - 地球的最旱之地

