共找到25條詞條名為李志堅的結果 展開
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- 天津市薊縣林業局站長
- 中山大學附屬第一醫院醫生
- 田園詩人
1.Time evolution and transfer of entanglement between an isolated atom and a Jaynes-Commings atom,Journal of Physics B,40,2007-8,sci核心A區(特二級),排名:1
2.time-eveolving disemtamglement in a spin-boson model,physics letters A,359(2006)245-280,2006-6,sci核心B區(一A),排名:2
3.Short-time decoherence of a quantum Hadamard gate with Josephson charge qubits,Physica B,381(2006)1-5,2006-1,sci核心B區(一A),排名:2
4.Short-time decoherence of a quantum Hadmard gate with Josephson charge qubits,Physica B,381,1-5(2006),2006-1,sci核心B區(一A),排名:2
5.Persistent Current Induced by Both AB and AC Effects in a Polyacetylene Ring,International Journal of Modern Physics B,vol. 19 No. 14 P2251-2259,2005-6,sci核心B區(一A),排名:2
6.Quantum spin tramsport through Aharonov-Bohm ring with a tangent magnetic field,Chinese Physice,Vol 14 No 10 2100-06,2005-10,sci核心B區(一A),排名:1
7.Controllable quantum spin precession by Aharonov-Casher phase in a Conducting ring,Applied Physics Letters,Vol.84 No.6 p996-998,2005-1,sci核心A區(特二級),排名:2
8.Bifurcation of a periodic instanton and quantum-classical transition in the biaxial nano-ferromagnet with a magnetic field along hard axis,Chin. Phys.(1.185),2003年12卷,905,2003-8,sci核心A區(特二級),排名:2
9.Larmor precession and dwell time of a particle scattered by a quantum well,PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES (1.107),19(4): 328-331 200,2003-7,sci核心A區(特二級),排名:1
10.Larmor precession and dwell time of a relativistic particle scattered by a rectangular quantum well,JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL (1.406),36(23): 6563-6570,2003-5,sci核心A區(特二級),排名:1
11.Larmor precession and tunneling time of relativistic neutral spinning particle through an arbitrary,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2002,65,024101,2002-2,排名:1
12.Berry Phase in an Effective SU(1,1) System,ModernPhys.Lett.B,16:783,2002-1,排名:2
13.Lamor precession and tunneling time of a relativistic neutral spinning particle through an arbitrary,Phys.Lett.A,65:024101,2002-1,排名:1
14.Larmor Procession and tunneling time of non-relativistic neutral spin-1/2 particle trough an arbitra,Chin.Phys.Lett,19:10,2002-1,排名:1
15.Lamor precession and tunnelling time of a non-relativistic neutral spin-1/2 particle through an arbi,chinese physics lett,19(1),10-13 (2D),2002-1,排名:1
16.Larmor Precession and Barrier Tunneling Time of a Neutral Spinning Particle - Art. No. 042112,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2001, Vol 6404, Is,2001-1,排名:1
17.Larmor precession and barrier tunneling time of a neutral spinning particle,Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, an,v 64 n 4 October 2,2001-1,排名:1
18.The Aharonov-Casher Phase and Persistent Current in a Polyacetylene Ring,JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-C,2001, Vol 13, Iss,2001-1,排名:1
19.Aharonov-Casher phase and persistent current in a polyacetylene ring,Journal of Physics Condensed Matter,13 4 Jan 2001