共找到40條詞條名為楊丹的結果 展開
- 中國內地女主持人,代表作《天氣預報》
- 江西省吉安市委副書記
- 央視天氣預報主持人
- 西南交通大學校長,九三學社中央常委
- 中國內地女歌手
- 加州大學伯克利分校教授
- “我最喜愛的十大人民警察”候選人
- 北京外國語大學校長
- 香港大學化學系教授
- 西湖大學化學生物學講席教授
- 六盤水市鐘山區政協主席
- CCTV-7《魅力城鄉》外拍編導
- 南充市金融工作辦公室原主任
- 樂山高新技術產業開發區管理委員會副主任
- 哈爾濱市公安原消防支隊松北區大隊大隊長
- 吉林省人民醫院腫瘤生物治療中心主治醫師
- 清原滿族自治縣實驗小學教師
- 2010第一美差亞軍獲得者
- 華東政法大學講師
- 北京微影時代科技有限公司副總裁
- 你丹姐阿
- 四川生殖衛生學院附屬醫院院長
- 著名導演
- 青年畫家
- 職業藝術品鑒定師
- 上海市第一婦嬰保健院婦科主任醫師
- 國家海洋二所海洋化學研究室工程師
- 暨南大學人文學院副教授
- 甌海區第二高級中學高中班主任
- 貴陽中醫學院針推學院政治輔導員
- 復旦大學長江講座特聘教授
- 廣東海洋大學應用化學研究所副所長
- 大連金州新區馬橋子街道社區管理中心科員
- VINCI創始人
- 畢節市納雍縣醫療保障局黨組書記、局長
- 廣西特級教師
- 常州信息職業技術學院講師
- 諸暨市中醫醫院急診科副護士長
- 南京師範大學法學院副教授
- 編劇
Research Interests
Our research aims to elucidate (1) how visual information is encoded and processed in the mammalian brain, and (2) how neural circuits are shaped by visual experience. We use a multidisciplinary approach combining computational analyses and experimental studies at multiple levels, from single neurons and dendrites to animal behavior.
Current Projects
Study of cortical circuits and dynamics in slice. Patch-clamp recording experiments are performed in visual cortical slices to study the interaction between different pathways ? feedforward, recurrent, and feedback ? in information processing and activity-dependent plasticity. Two-photon Ca2+ imaging allows us to study processing at the dendritic level.
Characterization of neural circuits underlying receptive field properties in vivo. In addition to extracellular recordings, whole-cell (intracellular) recordings are made in the visual cortex in vivo to monitor excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs into cortical neurons during visual stimulation and to manipulate the postsynaptic membrane potential. Linear and nonlinear computational techniques are used to analyze the responses to complex stimuli (e.g., white noise, natural scenes) to understand the cortical circuitry underlying various response properties of visual neurons, the effects of neuromodulatory inputs, and the mechanisms underlying experience-dependent receptive field plasticity.
Studying ensemble coding with multielectrode recording and imaging. Activity of multiple neurons will be measured simultaneously with multielectrode recording, two-photon imaging, or voltage-sensitive dye imaging. These experiments will allow us to characterize the spatiotemporal patterns of ensemble neural activity and their roles in visual coding.
Exploring the neural correlate of perception in awake animals. In addition to human psychophysics experiments, we have established a rodent behavioral paradigm for studying visual perception. Multielectrode recording are also made in awake rodents to understand the neural activity patterns underlying perception.
Selected Publications
Froemke, R.C. and Dan, Y. (2002). Spike timing-dependent synaptic modification induced by natural spike trains. Nature 416, 433-438.
Fu, Y., Djupsund, K., Gao, H., Hayden, B., Shen, K., and Dan, Y. (2002). Temporal specificity in the cortical plasticity of visual space representation. Science 296, 1999-2003.
Lau, B., Stanley, G.B., and Dan, Y. (2002). Computational subunits of visual cortical neurons revealed by artificial neural networks. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 8974-8979.
Dan, Y. and Poo, M.-m. (2004). Spike timing-dependent plasticity of neural circuits. Neuron 44, 23-30.
Touryan, J, Felsen, G., and Dan, Y. (2005). Spatial structure of complex cell receptive fields measured with natural images, Neuron 45, 781-791.
Froemke, R.C., Poo, M.-m., and Dan, Y. (2005). Spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity depends on dendritic location, Nature 434, 221-225.
Felsen, G., Touryan, J., Han, F., and Dan, Y. (2005). Cortical sensitivity to visual features in natural scenes, PLoS Biol. 3 (10), e342.
Felsen, G. and Dan, Y. (2005). A natural approach to studying vision, Nature Neurosci. 8, 1643-1646.