徠JWI(the MIT Java Wordnet Interface),是一個面向WordNet的Java API類庫。JWI支持訪問1.6——3.0之間的任意版本的WordNet,也包括其他擴展版本的WordNet。
JWI是由美國麻省理工學院計算機與人工智慧實驗室的Mark Alan.Finlayson主持的項目,使用Java編寫。其目的是為了訪問Princeton University 普林斯頓大學主持的WordNet提供方便的Java介面。
JWI開發包中所有的類包都起名為 edu.mit.jwi,是一個免費的開源的工具。當前版本為JWI 2.2.2 。可以到Mark Alan.Finlayson個人主頁下載。
publicstaticvoid testDitctionary() throws IOException{
// construct the URL to the Wordnet dictionary directory
String wnhome = System. getenv("WNHOME"); //獲取環境變數WNHOME
String path = wnhome + File. separator+ "dict";
URL url= new URL("file", null, path); //創建一個URL對象,指向WordNet的ditc目錄
// construct the dictionary object and open it
IDictionary dict= new Dictionary(url);
dict.open(); //打開詞典
徠// look up first sense of the word "dog "
IIndexWord idxWord=dict.getIndexWord("dog", POS. NOUN);//獲取一個索引詞,(dog,名詞)
IWordID wordID=idxWord.getWordIDs().get(0);//獲取dog第一個詞義ID
IWord word = dict.getWord(wordID); //獲取該詞
System . out . println ("Id = " + wordID );
System . out . println (" 詞元 = " + word . getLemma ());
System . out . println (" 註解 = " + word . getSynset (). getGloss ());
Id = WID-02064081-N-??-dog
詞元 = dog
註解 = a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds; "the dog barked all night"