



常見的有fairly, pretty,rather, quite, very, much, too, greatly, almost, nearly, half, highly, awfully,deeply, partly, perfectly, really等。


(1)exactly程度副詞主要用於修飾形容詞和副詞,有的還可修飾比較級(如much, rather等)和最高級(如quite, much, almost等)。如:This is quite [much] the most expensive radio here.這是這裡最貴的收音機
【說明】quite有時也修飾比較級,但只用於quite better(身體康復)這一表達。
(2)有的程度副詞(如quite, rather, almost等)可修飾動詞,但有的(如fairly, pretty, very等fairly, pretty,則不能修飾動詞。如:I quite agree withyou.我完全同意你的意見。(不用fairly, pretty, very)We rather like the film.我們很喜歡這部電影。(不用fairly, pretty,very)
(3)個別的程度副詞(主要是quite和rather)還可修飾名詞(注意詞序)。如:It’s quite [rather] a good idea. / It’s a quite [rather]good idea.那可真是個好主意。若此結構中沒有形容詞,則quite和rather則只能放在冠詞之前。如:It was quite[rather] a success.那事相當成功。
much, little, very, rather, so, too, quite,perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely, almost, slightly, fairly, alot/bit/little, far, by far, even, nearly, pretty, as, this/that(=so), fully, absolutely,barely, completely, hardly, just, only, really, scarcely
修飾原級形容詞和副詞以及完全形容詞性化的現在分詞或過去分詞,如:tired, ashamed, exciting等
1) 非形容詞性化的分詞不能用very修飾, 可用much修飾.
例:She is very pleased by his words. (×)
She is much pleased by his words. (√)
2) 一些限度形容詞不能用very修飾, 可用quite (completely) 修飾.
例:You are very wrong. (×)
You are quite wrong. (√)
3) 部分以a 開頭的形容詞不能用very修飾, 可用 much修飾.
例:She was very afraid of dogs. (×)
She was much afraid of dogs. (√)
2. much
1) 修飾動詞;
2) 修飾介詞以及形容詞和副詞的比較級;
例:a) The girl is much like her mother. 這女孩非常像她媽媽。
b) She is much younger than her husband. 她比她丈夫年輕多了。
3) 修飾部分以a開頭的形容詞, 如: afraid, awake, alive, ashamed, alone, etc。
3. well
作“很,非常,相當”講, 主要用來修飾動詞、介詞短語或用於固定搭配。
例:a) She was well past thirty at that time. 她那時剛好過了30歲。
b) His house is over there, well above the other houses. 他的房子在那邊,就在其他房子的上方。
c) I don’t know him well. 我不是特別了解他。
d) The book is well worth reading. 這本書非常值得讀。
4. quite
1) 修飾表示絕對意義的形容詞或副詞, 如:sure, certain, possible, impossible, right, wrong, perfect, dead, ready等。例:
I’m quite sure the dog is quite dead. 我非常確信狗確實是死了。
2) 修飾動詞或名詞。例:
a) She quite likes the bike, but she is not quite ready to buy it. 她非常喜歡自行車,但是她不是特別想買它。
b) I had quite a time at your party that evening. 那晚我在你的聚會上呆了相當長的時間。
3) 可修飾good, well, old, young等個別形容詞的比較級。例:
a) She’s feeling quite better today. 她今天感覺好多了。
b) She looks quite older than before. 她看上去比以前老多了。
表示程度時含有迫切之意,常修飾want, need等動詞或表示不良情況的短語
例:a) They are badly in need of teachers. 他們急需老師。
b) She wants to go abroad badly. 她非常想出國。
c) He was badly wounded. 他受傷很重。
6. enough
意為“足夠地、非常、很”, 修飾形容詞, 副詞, 動詞, 但須放在這些詞的後面.
例:a) The meat is not done enough. 肉不是十分熟。
b) The boy ran fast enough to catch up with the dog. 那男孩跑得非常快,能夠跟上那隻狗。
7. fast/sound/wide/widely
這些詞用作程度副詞, 主要用在一些固定搭配中。
例:a) The baby was fast (sound) asleep. 那孩子很快就睡著了/睡得很香。
b) She was wide awake at that time. 她在那時非常清醒。
c) These books are widely different. 這些書非常與眾不同。
d) Opinions vary widely on this subject. 就這一主題各方觀點差異很大。
8. nice (good, fine) and +形容詞(副詞)
例:a) He was good and tired after work. 他工作后非常累。
b) The flowers look good and beautiful. 花非常漂亮。


now, then, often, always, usually, early, today, lately, next, last, already, generally, frequently, seldom ,ever, never, yet, soon, too, immediately, hardly, finally, shortly , before, ago ,sometimes, yesterday.
here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on.
carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly
much, little, very, rather, so, too, still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely, almost, slightly.
how, when, where, why.
when, where, why.
how, when, where, why, whether
1.He works hard all day.他整天都在使勁地幹活。
He hardly works at all.他很少幹活。
2.You have come too late.你來得太晚了。
Have you see him lately?你最近見到過他嗎?
3.The person who talks most is often theone who doesleast.說得最多的人常常幹得最少。
The audience consisted mostly of women.觀眾大部分是女的。
4.The next flight dose not go direct toTokyo; it goes byway of Shanghai.下趟航班不直飛東京,而是繞道上海。
He will be here directly.他馬上就來。
5.The rider pulled his horse up short.騎手突然一下把馬勒住。
Make a right turn shortly beyond thevillage.村前不遠處往右拐。
6.Please stand clear of the gate.請不要站在門前。
He stated his view-point clealy.他很清楚明白地闡述了自己的觀點。
7.The exam was pretty difficult.這次考試相當難。
Her little girls are always prettilydressed.她的小女孩穿著總是很漂亮。
(二)這類詞主要有wide,widely;close,closely;high,highly等等,這兩種副詞形式不同,含義也有差別,但是沒有第一類的區別明顯,而且翻譯成漢語時用詞也很接近。所以使用時很容易混淆。這類詞含義及用法上的主要特點是:不帶-ly的副詞表示具體的行為和動作,說明的動作或狀況有可測量性和可見性;而以-ly結尾的同源副詞所表達的常常是抽象性的行為和狀況。這時,這些詞大都具有“greatly”和“extremel y”的含義。試作如下比較:
1.You see that butterfly flying highabove the street.你看那隻蝴蝶在街道上方高高飛著
The distinguished guests were highlypraised.貴賓們受到了高度讚揚。
2.He flung the door wide open.他猛地把門開得大大的。
We were widely different on many questions.我們在許多問題上分歧很大。
3.You will have to pay dear for thattelescope.買那個望遠鏡你得付很高的價錢。
You will pay dearly for the insult.對這樣的侮辱你將付出高昂的代價。
4.She stood close against the wall.她緊挨著牆站著。
The police were watching him closely.警察在密切監視他。
5.The bird is now flying quite low.鳥兒現在飛得非常低。
He bowed lowly before the queen.他謙恭地給女王鞠了一躬。
6.They had to dig deep to reach water.他們挖得很深才挖到水。
You have offended him deeply.你冒犯他可不輕。
7.Grace is holding tight to Paul.格雷斯緊緊地摟抱著保羅
The passengers were packed tightly in thetrain.火車車箱里擠滿了乘客。
Cole tends to speak rather loud.科爾說話聲音總是很大。
Cole boasted loudly of his power.科爾大肆誇耀自己的權力。
急劇地, 突然地 sharply, steeply, dramatically, drastically, suddenly
顯著地, 快速地 considerably, significantly, noticeably, remarkably, rapidly
穩步地, 逐漸地 steadily, moderately, gradually, smoothly,
輕微地, 緩慢地 slightly, slowly, mildly, moderately