龐新廠,男,教授,1979年9月出生於河南省周口市西華縣,2002年和2005年,在鄭州大學獲得學士及碩士學位, 2008年在復旦大學獲得博士學位。2008年10月到2013年12月,分別在韓國浦項理工大學、美國愛荷華州立大學和喬治亞理工學院做博士后研究工作, 2013年1月到2015年1月,在喬治亞理工學院任研究員,2015年回到鄭州大學材料科學與工程學院工作,被聘為河南省特聘教授,併入選第十一批國家青年。
2008年10月-2009年11月:韓國浦項理工大學化學工程系;(Pohang University of Science and Technology, POSTTECH)博士后;
2009年12月-2011年7月:愛荷華州立大學材料科學與工程學院(Iowa State University)博士后;
2011年7月-2013年1月:喬治亞理工學院材料科學與工程學院(Georgia Institute of Technology)博士后;
2013年1月-2015年5月:喬治亞理工學院材料科學與工程學院(Georgia Institute of Technology)研究員;
2016年01月- :鄭州大學材料科學與工程學院,河南省特聘教授,中組部"青年千人",鄭州大學特聘教授,有機功能材料方向學術帶頭人。
(1)Pang, X.; Zhao, L.; Han, W.; Xin, X.; Lin, Z. A general and robust strategy for the synthesis of nearly monodisperse colloidal nanocrystals,Nature Nanotechnology.2013, 8, (6), 426-431.
(2) Xu, H.; Xu, Y.;Pang, X.; He, Y.; Jung, J.; Xia, H.; Lin, Z. A general route to nanocrystal kebabs periodically assembled on stretched flexible polymer shish,Science Advances.2015, 1, (2), e1500025-e1500025.
(3)Pang, X.; Jing, R.; Pan, M.; Huang, J. A pH- and temperature-sensitive macrocyclic graft copolymer composed of PEO ring and multi-poly(2-(dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate) lateral chains,Science China Chemistry.2010, 53, (8), 1653-1662.
(4) Han, W.; Byun, M.; Li, B.;Pang, X.; Lin, Z. A Simple Route to Hierarchically Assembled Micelles and Inorganic Nanoparticles,Angewandte Chemie International Edition.2012, 51, (50), 12588-12592.
(5) Xu, H.;Pang, X.; He, Y.; He, M.; Jung, J.; Xia, H.; Lin, Z. An Unconventional Route to Monodisperse and Intimately Contacted Semiconducting Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposites,Angewandte Chemie International Edition.2015, 54, (15), 4636-4640.
(6)Pang, X.; He, Y.; Jiang, B.; Iocozzia, J.; Zhao, L.; Guo, H.; Liu, J.; Akinc, M.; Bowler, N.; Tan, X.; Lin, Z. Block copolymer/ferroelectric nanoparticle nanocomposites,Nanoscale.2013, 5, (18), 8695.
(7) Liu, J.; Guo, H.;Pang, X.; Tan, X.; Akinc, M.; Lin, Z.; Bowler, N. Dynamics of polystyrene-block-poly(methylmethacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA) diblock copolymers and PS/PMMA blends: A dielectric study,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids.2013, 359, 27-32.
(8) Bai, J.; Wang, X.; Fu, P.; Cui, Z.; Zhao, Q.;Pang, X.; Liu, M. From the Unimolecuclar Template of Water-Soluble Multiarm Star Brush Copolymers to One-Dimensional Colloidal Nanocrystal Clusters: Facile Synthesis via a Combination of Magnetic Assembly with Photoinduced Cross-Linking,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C.2016, 120, (1), 705-714.
(9) Bai, J.; Wang, X.; Fu, P.; Cui, Z.; Zhao, Q.;Pang, X.; Liu, M. From the Unimolecuclar Template of Water-Soluble Multiarm Star Brush Copolymers to One-Dimensional Colloidal Nanocrystal Clusters: Facile Synthesis via a Combination of Magnetic Assembly with Photoinduced Cross-Linking,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C.2016, 120, (1), 705-714.
(10)Pang, X.; Zhao, L.; Feng, C.; Wu, R.; Ma, H.; Lin, Z. Functional copolymer brushes composed of a hydrophobic backbone and densely grafted conjugated side chains via a combination of living polymerization with click chemistry,Polymer Chemistry.2013, 4, (6), 2025.
(11) He, M.;Pang, X.; Liu, X.; Jiang, B.; He, Y.; Snaith, H.; Lin, Z. Monodisperse Dual-Functional Upconversion Nanoparticles Enabled Near-Infrared Organolead Halide Perovskite Solar Cells,Angewandte Chemie International Edition.2016, 55, (13), 4280-4284.
(12)Pang, X.; Zhao, L.; Akinc, M.; Kim, J. K.; Lin, Z. Novel Amphiphilic Multi-Arm, Star-Like Block Copolymers as Unimolecular Micelles,Macromolecules.2011, 44, (10), 3746-3752.
(13)Pang, X.; Zhao, L.; Feng, C.; Lin, Z. Novel Amphiphilic Multiarm, Starlike Coil–Rod Diblock Copolymers via a Combination of Click Chemistry with Living Polymerization,Macromolecules.2011, 44, (18), 7176-7183.
(14) Zhao, L.;Pang, X.; Adhikary, R.; Petrich, J. W.; Jeffries-EL, M.; Lin, Z. Organic−Inorganic Nanocomposites by Placing Conjugated Polymers in Intimate Contact with Quantum Rods,Advanced Materials.2011, 23, (25), 2844-2849.
(15) Jiang, B.;Pang, X.; Li, B.; Lin, Z. Organic–Inorganic Nanocomposites via Placing Monodisperse Ferroelectric Nanocrystals in Direct and Permanent Contact with Ferroelectric Polymers,Journal of the American Chemical Society.2015, 137, (36), 11760-11767.
(16) Yang, D.;Pang, X.; He, Y.; Wang, Y.; Chen, G.; Wang, W.; Lin, Z. Precisely Size-Tunable Magnetic/Plasmonic Core/Shell Nanoparticles with Controlled Optical Properties,Angewandte Chemie International Edition.2015, 54, (41), 12091-12096.
(17) Chen, Y.; Yoon, Y. J.;Pang, X.; He, Y.; Jung, J.; Feng, C.; Zhang, G.; Lin, Z. Precisely Size-Tunable Monodisperse Hairy Plasmonic Nanoparticles via Amphiphilic Star-Like Block Copolymers,Small.2016, 12, (48), 6714-6723.
(18) Feng, C.;Pang, X.; He, Y.; Li, B.; Lin, Z. Robust Route to Unimolecular Core–Shell and Hollow Polymer Nanoparticles,Chemistry of Materials.2014, 26, (20), 6058-6067.
(19) Zhao, L.; Feng, C.;Pang, X.; Jung, J.; Stefan, M. C.; Sista, P.; Han, R.; Fang, N.; Lin, Z. Self-assembly of a conjugated triblock copolymer at the air–water interface,Soft Matter.2013, 9, (33), 8050.
(20) Jung, J.;Pang, X.; Feng, C.; Lin, Z. Semiconducting Conjugated Polymer–Inorganic Tetrapod Nanocomposites,Langmuir.2013, 29, (25), 8086-8092.
(21) Zhao, L.;Pang, X.; Adhikary, R.; Petrich, J. W.; Lin, Z. Semiconductor Anisotropic Nanocomposites Obtained by Directly Coupling Conjugated Polymers with Quantum Rods,Angewandte Chemie International Edition.2011, 50, (17), 3958-3962.
(22) Iocozzia, J.; Xu, H.;Pang, X.; Xia, H.; Bunning, T.; White, T.; Lin, Z. Star-like polymer click-functionalized with small capping molecules: an initial investigation into properties and improving solubility in liquid crystals,RSC Adv..2014, 4, (91), 50212-50219.
(23)Pang, X.; Wan, C.; Wang, M.; Lin, Z. Strictly Biphasic Soft and Hard Janus Structures: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications,Angewandte Chemie International Edition.2014, 53, (22), 5524-5538.
(24) Wang, J.;Pang, X.; Akinc, M.; Lin, Z. Synthesis and characterization of perovskite PbTiO3 nanoparticles with solution processability,Journal of Materials Chemistry.2010, 20, (28), 5945.
(25)Pang, X.; Jing, R.; Huang, J. Synthesis of amphiphilic macrocyclic graft copolymer consisting of a poly(ethylene oxide) ring and multi-poly(ɛ-caprolactone) lateral chains,Polymer.2008, 49, (4), 893-900.
(26)Pang, X.; Feng, C.; Xu, H.; Han, W.; Xin, X.; Xia, H.; Qiu, F.; Lin, Z. Unimolecular micelles composed of inner coil-like blocks and outer rod-like blocks crafted by combination of living polymerization with click chemistry,Polymer Chemistry.2014, 5, (8), 2747.
(27)Pang, X.;Yanjie He;Jaehan Jung;Zhiqun Lin.1D nanocrystals with precisely controlled dimensions, compositions, and architectures,Science. 2016,353, (6305), 1268-1272.