
Priscilia (馬藝瑄飾) 原本是與平凡的Ian成一組,但她趁著混亂之時,神不知鬼不覺地,偷偷把掉在地上的提示卡與曉奕的對調。曉奕的搭檔承羲 (謝宏輝飾)儘管目擊整個過程,但為了能參與遊戲,便選擇默不作聲。結果承羲與Priscilia就成為第二對情侶。
Nicholas (徐鳴傑飾)相信命中注定要遇上Isabelle (陳欣淇飾),後來在人群中找到Isabelle,並對她一見鍾情。Isabelle起初帶點猶豫,最後還是被他的魅力所傾倒,也成為遊戲中的第三對情侶。
Ash (陳羅密歐飾) 稍有名氣,為增加自己的知名度而參加比賽,但時間一分一秒地過去,他還是未找到女伴出賽。
在面臨被淘汰前三分鐘,貌不驚人的Kimmy (洪子惠飾) 上前跟他組成一對。

角色Name: Ian
年齡 Age: 24
星座 Star sign: 金牛座Taurus
學歷 Qualifications: 大學畢業 University graduate
職業 Occupation: 電腦工程師 Computer engineer
人物性格: 打扮中規中矩,架著黑框眼鏡,毫無特色,貌不驚人,木訥,循規蹈矩,其實是個擁有浪漫因子的男生,但是由於父母長期過於期待要求,導致自己一直循規蹈矩過日子,而無法選擇自己想要的人生。
人物發展: IAN代替臨時退出的朋友參加遊戲。在第一個任務當中,分派和曉奕配對,對曉奕一見鍾情,可惜曉奕對自己毫無興趣。丘比特之箭是否落在錯誤的人身上了?
Appearance: Average-looking, average dressing, sports a pair of black rim spectacles
Personality: Simple-hearted and rule-abiding. While he is actually a romantic at heart, he was trained from young to lead a rule-abiding life in order to live up to his parents' expectations, and is thus unable to choose how he wants to live his life truly.
Special characteristic: He is able to come up with romantic ideas anytime and this characteristic is slowly revealed through the programme.
Competition experience: Ian replaces his friend, after the latter gets cold feet. He meets Xiao Yi, whom he falls for instantly. However, Xiao Yi does not feel the same way. Sometimes Cupid makes the wrong judgment too, or does he?

Xiao Yi
角色Name: 曉奕 Xiao Yi
年齡Age: 22
星座Star sign: 獅子座Leo
學歷Qualifications: 大學畢業 University graduate
職業Occupation: 無業富家女 unemployed (she hails from a wealthy family)
Appearance: Impeccable taste (self-affirmed), brand-conscious
Personality: Confident, arrogant, concern about reputation. As she is very loved and protected by her parents, she is used to getting what she wants. But it is also this reason that she longs for some kind of danger and excitement, and to pursue a romance. In truth, she does not know what she wants.
Special characteristic: Has narcolepsy, a sleeping disorder, and while she always sees her prince charming in her dreams, she is never able to see his face.
Competition experience: Xiao Yi meets the average-looking Ian after a series of misunderstanding involving kicks and punches. Will Xiao Yi end up with Ian? After all, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

角色Name: 承羲 Cheng Xi
年齡Age: 26
星座 Star sign: 射手座Sagittarius
學歷 Qualifications: 設計學校畢業 Graduate from Design School
職業Occupation: 廣告設計師 Advertisement designer
人物性格: 打扮帥氣,桀驁不馴,高大英俊。風趣幽默,最怕責任,製造浪漫的高手,為了開心,無所不用其極,標準commitment phobia,一輩子都處於被愛,決定去尋找一次自己的愛情,邂逅曉奕,認定曉奕就是自己想要的一見鍾情。
人物發展: 好玩參加遊戲,靠著甜嘴四處留情,把眾女參賽者逗得樂不可支,自己也樂在其中。在知道Priscilia作弊后,也決定不揭穿她,繼續一起過關斬將,但當感覺背叛他時,他將如何處理呢?
Appearance: Good-looking, unruly, and always impeccably dressed
Personality: Humourous, afraid of responsibilities, a master at creating romance, and will go all out to achieve happiness. However, he will stop short at the commitment stage due to a phobia of commitment. He has been pursued all his life so for once, he decides to pursue a romance of his own. He meets Xiao Yi and decides she is the one.
Special characteristic: flirtatious, has an amazing ability to sweet-talk girls
Competition experience: Cheng Xi joins the game for fun and decides to keep mum when he sees Priscilia cheats. The pair works together to advance in the game; but what happens when his feelings betray him?

角色Name: Priscilia(Pris)
年齡Age: 25
星座 Star sign: 雙魚座Pisces
學歷 Qualifications: 中學畢業 Secondary school graduate
職業Occupation: 空姐Air stewardess
Appearance: Dresses sexily, has a great figure and noticeably attractive
Personality: Open-minded and thinks she understands guys.
Special characteristic: Has an amazing figure which never fails to stop people in their tracks
Competition experience: Dumping the average-looking Ian, Priscilia finds a part-time prince in Cheng Xi. Pris may have found her prince, but is she really the princess?

角色Name: Nicholas (Nic)
年齡Age: 27
星座 Star sign: 天蠍座Scorpio
學歷 Qualifications: 初級學院畢業,自稱曾到外國念書 Junior college graduate, self-stated that he continued his studies overseas
職業Occupation: 股票經紀 Stock Broker
人物性格: 打扮入時講究,無牌不歡,整齊乾淨。圓滑,自私,聰明,世故,神秘,為達目的不擇手段。
人物發展: Nic 相信命中注定要遇上Isabelle,但是事情真得有那麼巧合的嗎?
Appearance: Well-dressed, highly brand-conscious, clean-cut appearance
Personality: Smooth, selfish, smart, suave, mysterious, uses underhand means to get what he wants
Special characteristic: A serial liar
Competition experience: Nic believes he is destined to meet Isabelle. They take to each other immediately after he surprises her. Yet, is everything as coincidental as it seems?

角色 Name: Isabelle (Belle)
年齡 Age: 25
星座 Star sign: 白羊座Aries
學歷 Qualifications: 大學畢業 University graduate
職業Occupation: 保險業務員 Insurance agent
人物發展:Isabelle遇上Nic, 儘管覺得他口甜舌滑,還是對被他的魅力所傾倒。他們的相遇是真得是一個巧合嗎?
Appearance: Attractive dresser, trendy and brand-conscious
Personality: Materialistic, opportunistic, sophisticated, sensitive
徠Competition experience: Isabelle meets Nic, who surprises her. She may have found him to be a sweet-talker, but is nonetheless smitten. Is their meeting a chanced encounter, or are coincidences planned beforehand?

角色Name: Ash
年齡Age: 22
星座 Star sign: 雙子座Gemini
學歷 Qualifications: 沒有完成中學 Did not complete secondary school education
職業Occupation: 模特兒 Model
人物性格: 帥哥,四肢發達,高大威猛,肌肉男。自以為很帥,自信大於能力,頭腦簡單,愛搶風頭
Appearance: Handsome, tall and well-built, muscular
Personality: Thinks that he is very good-looking. Over-confident, simple-minded and enjoys being in the limelight
Special characteristic: Wants to enter the entertainment industry, bad in Mandarin
Competition experience: Ash joins the game in an attempt to win recognition and increase his popularity. Time is ticking away, but he has yet to find his partner. Will Ash find her on time, and stay in the game?

角色Name: Kimmy
年齡Age: 25(自稱,實為33)(Claimed to be 25, but in actual fact, she is 33)
星座 Star sign: 天秤座Libra
學歷 Qualifications: 自稱博學,其他資料不詳 Self-stated that she is well-read, other details unavailable
職業Occupation: -
人物性格: 相貌平凡,低調,肉感神經質,敏感。
人物發展: 由於貌不驚人,相貌平凡,一直引不起Ash對她的興趣,但時間不多了,Kimmy將耍出什麼手段以確保在比賽中還能佔一席位?
Appearance: Average-looking, keeps a low profile, is sexually appealing
Personality: Nervous, sensitive and has a compassionate side
Special characteristic: The tomboyish Kimmy, paired with the handsome Ash, creates entertainment and enables her to remain the competition.
Competition experience: Tomboyish and plain, Kimmy fails to leave an impression on Ash, although she is right in front of him. Time is almost up. She cannot afford to lose. What will Kimmy do to ensure her spot in the competition?

角色 Name: Coco
年齡 Age: 37
星座 Star sign: 處女座Virgo
學歷 Qualifications: 大學畢業 University graduate
職業 Occupation: 監製 Executive Producer
Appearance: Strict and fierce
Personality: Thinks that her talent is unrecognized and feels that she is always forced to produce bad programmes against her will. On top of that, she also loves to complain. Despite this, she will still go to extremes to obey her bosses and keep them happy.

角色Name: 宇森 Yu Sen
年齡Age: 34
星座 Star sign: 水瓶座Aquarius
學歷 Qualifications: 初級學院畢業 Junior College graduate
職業Occupation: 過氣主持人Has-been Host
人物性格: 不認老,自稱帥哥,愛扮可愛,自以為才高八斗。
人物發展: 愛說冷笑話,冷到不行,因為節目,重新獲得重視,對節目收視重視非常,許勝不許敗。
Appearance: Loves to act and dress young, has a loud and trendy dress sense
Personality: Refuses to admit that he is old, calls himself a handsome guy, loves acting cute and thinks that he is really talented.
Special characteristic: Loves to tell really bad and lame jokes. After hosting the show, he regains his market value once again and thus begin to take the show very seriously, making sure that it does not fail.

角色 Name: Candice
年齡 Age: 25
星座 Star Signed: 白羊座 Aries
學歷 Qualification: 理工學院畢業 Poly grad
職業Occupation: 助導 AP Assistant Producer
Appearance: Kawaii-looking girl, always in trendy Japanese and Korean-styled dressing
Personality: simplistic, blur and easily bullied
分集查詢收起查詢1集2集3集4集5集 第1集 The local broadcast station comes up with a new reality game show,Let's Play Love,to find the 'Best Lover' through a number of missions. Four males and four females from different backgrounds join the programme for various reasons. Who will accumulate the most points in this race to be the 'Best Lover'? 一個本地電視台出品了一個通過各種任務尋找‘最佳情人’的真人秀節目——PK愛情。來自不同家庭背景四位男性與四位女性因為各自不同的理由參加了這個節目。誰將在這個比賽中獲得最高積分成為最佳情人呢? Ian代替朋友來參加比賽,不相信一見鍾情的他卻碰上了心目中的天使曉奕,這時曉奕卻突然倒向了Ian的懷中。。。第2集 Yu Sen.the host of Let's Play Love, decides to pair Ian with Xiao Yi and ends the show with the couple's adorable first encounter. Executive producer of the programme Coco is furious over Yu Sen's decision, but there is noting she can do. 節目主持人YuSen決定將Ian與XiaoYi配對,並且以兩人有趣的邂逅結束了當集節目。節目監製Coco對YuSen的決定大發雷霆,但是卻無能為力。第3集 Nicolas(Nic) meets Isabelle in the middle of a crowd and confesses his love for her with a bouquet of roses. He had bought them after he noticed a tint of rose perfume on her. Isabelle feels that Nicolas's cofession was surprising but sweet. She asks Nicolas what if she isn't a contestant. 在人群中 Nicolas 遇見Isabelle。在聞到她身上的玫瑰味香水后,他選擇購買一束玫瑰來表達自己的愛意。Isabelle感覺很吃驚卻甜蜜。她詢問Nicolas如果她不是參賽者結果會怎樣。第4集 Ash is a popular model with many fans.All brawn and no brains, Ash believes that he can get anyone he wants. The time is ticking, but Ash still could not find his 'other half'.Kimmy is frustrated that Ash could not figure out the hints. Not only is she Ash's 'other half', she is also a paparazzi, working undercover to get scoops on the game show. Before time is up, Kimmy bit the bullet and acknowledged Ash. The two become a couple. Ash是一名高人氣模特。四肢發達頭腦簡單的他相信自己可以輕易獲得任何人的心只要他願意。節目開始時間越來越接近,他卻還沒有找到他的另一半。Kimmy對於Ash無法看懂提示感到十分無力。她不僅僅Ash的‘另一半’,她還是一個狗仔記者,為了獲得比賽的第一手信息而卧底參加比賽。在時間結束之前,Kimmy主動與Ash相認。兩個人成為了一對。第5集 The eight contestants are finally paired together. Yu Sen criticised Let's Play Love as a silly idea concocted by someone who had not been in love before. An infuriated Coco said that she would not be doing shallow programmes like this if she was not stripped off her status as a news anchor. 八個參賽者最終都配對了。Yu Sen 認為PK愛情是一個沒有經歷過愛情的人的愚蠢的注意。被激怒的Coco解釋說如果她沒有失去她的主播地位她也不會做一個這麼膚淺的節目。
黃靖倫 -我們的Show
作詞:蕭閎仁 作曲:蕭閎仁
OS:不好意思 碰到你了 我坐過去一點好了
什麽是愛 互相包容 我問我自己
也許只是 衝動而已 兩個人的show
你的臉頰有你的頭髮 貼在我心上
希望世界能停留 感受你的體溫
Oh baby~ 我們的SHOW
I got a show 真誠地快掉眼淚
一點點 親吻再多一點
我們的show 儘管時間不長久 誰把誰休
我曾了解 能會有多痛 管那麽多
你的臉頰有你的頭髮 貼在我心上
希望世界能停留 感受你的體溫
Oh baby~ 我們的show
I got a show 真誠地快掉眼淚
一點點 親吻再多一點
I got a show 真誠地快掉眼淚
一點點 親吻再多一點
我們的show 儘管時間不長久 誰把誰休
我曾了解 能會有多痛 管那麽多
OS:不好意思 不好意思太擠了 我的手不知道該往哪擺