共找到8條詞條名為陳桂芳的結果 展開
- 海南人民醫院兒科醫師
- 福建莆田烈士
- 山東大學能源動力與工程學院工程師
- 華夏民間收藏家聯誼會永久會員
- 湖北團風籍烈士
- 綿陽師範學院副教授
- 三門峽職業技術學院教授
- 製片人
2004.9-2007.6 山東大學,能源與動力工程學院,碩士研究生
2008.9-2014.6 山東大學,能源與動力工程學院,博士研究生
第一作者發表論文4篇,其中SCI 1篇,EI 2篇
(1)Guifang Chen, Zhanlong Song, Chunyuan Ma, et al. Lignite sulfur transformation during the supercritical water gasification process[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2015, 116:161-167(SCI,3.564)
(2) Guifang Chen, Yong Zhang, Shouyan Chen,et al.Element transformation and gaseous products distribution in supercritical water[J].Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,448-453: 2999-3004(EI: 20134717004039)
(3)Guifang Chen, Yong Zhang, Shouyan Chen,et al.Content and speciation of heavy metals in residues of used tires treated with supercritical water [J].Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,448-453:3082-3087(EI: 20134717004056)
(5)Fengming. Zhang, Shouyan Chen, Chunyuan Xu, Guifang Chen,et al. Experimental study on the effects of operating parameters on the performance of a transpiring-wall supercritical water oxidation reactor[J]. Desalination, 2012, 294: 60–66. (SCI: 000304289800009, IF: 2.590; EI: 20121714972637)
(6)Fengming. Zhang, Shouyan Chen, Chunyuan Xu, Guifang Chen,et al. Energy consumption analysis of a transpiring-wall supercritical water oxidation pilot plant based on energy recovery[J]. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2013,51(37-39):7341-7352(SCI刊源, IF:0.752)
(7)Jiaming Zhang, Chunyuan Ma, Fengming Zhang, Guifang Chen,et al. Supercritical water oxidation of N-phenylglycinonitrile wastewater[J], Desalination and Water Treatment, 2013,51(16-18):3398-3407 (SCI刊源, IF: 0.752)
(3) 馬春元, 張鳳鳴, 陳桂芳,徐純燕, 陳守燕. 一種超臨界水氧化流體注采工藝[P]. 發明專利,ZL201110151407.0, 2014–07–16.
(4) 馬春元,陳桂芳,陳守燕,張鳳鳴,徐純燕,張勇。一種開採深海可燃冰的方法和裝置[P].發明專利,ZL201210293368.2,2015-01-21.
(1) 熱工凈水,利用廢水本身的能量,實現氧化法與蒸發法結合處理有機含鹽廢水;
(2) 超臨界水氧化,利用超臨界水的特殊優勢,實現有機物的無害化處理。