

周曉明:男,電子科技大學副教授。2000.09-2004.07 電子科技大學 機械設計製造及其自動化 本科;2004.08-2006.07 電子科技大學 機械製造及其自動化碩士;2006.09-2010.01 電子科技大學 機械電子工程博士;2007.10-2009.11 華盛頓大學(University of Washington)聯合培養博士;2011.01-2011.07 電子科技大學機械電子工程學院教師;2011.08至今電子科技大學機械電子工程學院副教授.


(1)生物傳熱傳質(Bio Heat Mass Transfer)—低溫保存/人工器官
(3)電子設備散熱技術(Electronic Cooling)
(2)國家自然科學基金項目:“凍干紅細胞殘餘水的性質及其對紅細胞凍干保存的影響”,2014~1017 (合作研究,校內主持)


現已以第一作者身份在International Journal of Heat and Mass transfer(JCR Ranking: Q1, 中科院分類:工程2區、機械1 區,Top Journal)、Journal of Biomechanical Engineering- Transactions of the ASME、中國機械工程等國內外高水平期刊和會議上發表論文十餘篇。部分代表性著作如下:
Xiaoming Zhou, Zhong Liu, Xin M. Liang, ZhiquanShu, Pingan Du, DayongGao. Theoretical investigations of a novel microfluidic cooling/warming system for cell vitrification cryopreservation. International Journal of Heat Mass Transfer. 2013, 65, 381-388.
X. M. Zhou, Z. Q. Shu, W. P. Ding, S. Heimgeld, J. Chung, P. A. Du, D. Y. Gao. Heat Transfer Analysis for the Design and Application of the Passive Cooling Rate Controlled Device—box-in-box—in Cryopreservation. International Journal of Heat Mass Transfer. 2011, 54(9-10): 2136-2143.
X. M. Zhou, Z. Liu, Z. Q. Shu, W. P. Ding, P. A. Du, J. Chung, C. Liu, S. Heimgeld, D. Y. Gao. A Dilution-filtration System for Removing Cryoprotective Agents. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transaction of ASME. 2011, 133(2): 021007 . ( This paper was chosen and highlighted on the cover of the Journal (Feb issue)).
X. M. Zhou, X. J. Kang, Z. Q. Shu, H. H. Chen, W. P. Ding, J. Chung, D. Y. Gao. Cryopreservation of Peripheral Blood Stem Cells Using a Box-in-Box Cooling Device. Biopreservation and Biobanking, 2009, 7(2):107-114.
X. M. Zhou, Z. Q. Shu, S. Heimgeld, P. A. Du, D. Y. Gao. Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Optimal Experimental Design for Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity of Cell Membrane. Biopreservation and Biobanking, 2010, 8(3):147-152.


1.BOOK CHAPTER:DayongGao and Xiaoming Zhou. "Prevention of lethal osmotic injury to cells during addition and removal of cryoprotectants: theory and technology", in “Current Frontiers in Cryobiology”, edited by I. Katkov. 2012, InTech. ISBN: 979-953-307-300-1.
2.四川省科技進步三等獎:“基於CAPP的汽車白車身裝配工藝設計系統”, 2007, 12
a)DayongGao, Xiaoming Zhou. An automatic multifunctional cell processor for cryoprotectant addition/removal and/or volume control of cell suspensions. Application Number: 61656977
b)周曉明, 高大勇, 劉馳, 裴瑩瑩, 趙剛. 攜帶型血液凈化系統. 2011(申請號: 20112028153.8, 公開號:CN102389594A)
c)周曉明,高大勇, 劉馳, 趙剛, 馬和武。多功能全自動細胞及溶液處理儀. 2012(申請號: 2012100326543)
d)周曉明, 高大勇, 劉馳, 趙剛, 馬和武。細胞、組織和器官低溫保存降溫控制裝置. 2012(專利號: ZL 2012 2 0047132.6)