2004.10-2008.1瑞士聯邦高工(洛桑)光子與界面實驗室(染料敏化太陽能電池的創始人Michael Grätzel教授組),博士后。
2.近年來共發表論文40多篇,其中SCI收錄35篇,被引用1000餘次。包括1篇Nature Photonic,3篇JACS,2篇Angew.Chem.Int. Ed,2篇Adv.Mater,1篇Nano Lett,1篇Adv.Funct.Mater,1篇Small,1篇ACS Nano等。被J.Phys.Chem,Langmuir,Crystal.Growth.Design,Solar Energy material and solar cell等國際學術期聘請擔任論文評審專家。多次參加國際、國內學術會議,並作特邀報告、口頭報告、張貼場報等。
1. Daibin Kuang, Satoshi Uchida,“Organic Dye-sensitized Ionic Liquid Based Solar Cells: Remarkable Enhancement in Performance through Molecular Design of Indoline Sensitizers”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2008, 53,1923-1927.
2. Daibin Kuang, Cedric Klein, Henry J. Snaith, Robin Humphry-Baker, Shaik. M. Zakeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel., “A New Ion-coordinating Ruthenium Sensitizer for Mesoscopic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, Inorg. Chim. Acta., 2008, 361, 699-706.
3. Daibin Kuang, Cedric Klein, Zhipan Zhang, Seigo Ito, Jacques-E Moser, Shaik. M. Zakeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, “Stable High Efficiency Ionic Liquid Electrolyte Based Mesoscopic Dye-sensitized Solar Cells: Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Photovoltage Transient Studies”, Small, 2007, 3(12), 2094-2102.
4. Daibin Kuang, Pablo Walter, F. Nüesch, Sanghoon Kim, Jaejung Ko, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin, Pascal Comte, Shaik. M. Zakeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, ‘‘Co-Sensitization of Organic Dyes for Efficient Ionic Liquid Electrolyte based Dye-sensitized Solar Cells’’, Langmuir., 2007, 23(22), 10906-10909.
5. Daibin Kuang, Cedric Klein, Seigo Ito, Jacques-E Moser, Robin Humphry-Baker, Nick Evans, Francine Duriaux, Carole Grätzel, Shaik. M. Zakeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, ‘‘High Efficiency and Stable Mesoscopic Dye-sensitized Solar Cells based on New High Molar Extinction Coefficient Ruthenium Sensitizer and non-Volatile Electrolyte’’, Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 1133-1137.
6. Daibin Kuang, Cedric Klein, Seigo Ito, Jacques-E Moser, Robin Humphry-Baker, Shaik. M. Zakeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, ‘‘High Molar Extinction Coefficient Ion-Coordinating Ruthenium Sensitizer for Efficient and Stable Mesoscopic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells’’, Adv. Funct. Mater, 2007, 17, 154-160.
7. Daibin Kuang, Cedric Klein, Henry J. Snaith, Jacques-E Moser, Robin Humphry-Baker, Pascal Comte, Shaik. M. Zakeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, ‘‘Ion Coordinating Sensitizer for High Efficiency Mesoscopic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Influence of Lithium Ions on the Photovoltaic Performance of Liquid and Solid-State Cells’’, Nano Letters., 2006, 6(4), 769-773.
8. Daibin Kuang, Anwu Xu, Yueping Fang, Hanqin Liu, Christoph Frommen, Dieter Fenske, “Surfactant-assisted Growth of Novel PbS Dendritic Nanostructures via Facile Hydrothermal Process”, Adv. Mater., 2003, 15(20), 1747-1750.
9. Daibin Kuang, Peng Wang, Seigo Ito, Shaik. M. Zakeeruddin , and Michael Grätzel, ‘‘Stable Mesoscopic Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Tetracyanoborate Ionic Liquid Electrolyte’’, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128 (24), 7732-7733.
10. Daibin Kuang, Seigo Ito, Bernard Wenger, Cedric Klein, Jacques-E Moser, Robin Humphry-Baker, Shaik. M. Zakeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, “High Molar Extinction Coefficient Heteroleptic Ruthenium Complexes for Thin Film Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128(12), 4146-4154.
11. Markus Antonietti, Daibin Kuang, Bernd Smarsly and Yong Zhou, “Ionic liquids for the convenient synthesis of functional nanoparticles and other inorganic nanostructures”, (mini review) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2004, 48, 4988-4992. Angew. Chem.; 2004, 116, 5096-5100.
12. Daibin Kuang, Torsten Brezesinski and Bernd Smarsly, “Hierarchical porous silica materials with a trimodal pore system using surfactant templates”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126(34), 10534-10535.
13. Daibin Kuang, Yueping Fang, Anwu Xu, Hanqin Liu, Christoph Frommen, Dieter Fenske, “Fabrication of Boehmite AlOOH and γ-Al2O3 Nanotubes via a Soft Solution Route”, J. Mater. Chem., 2003, 13, 660-662.
14. Daibin Kuang, Anwu Xu, Jinyan Zhu, Hanqin Liu, and Beisheng Kang. “Fabrication of ordered macroporous rutile titania at low temperature”, New. J. Chem. 2002, 26, 819.
15. Daibin Kuang, Anwu Xu, Yueping Fang, Huangdong Ou, and Hanqin Liu. “Preparation of Inorganic Salts (CaCO3, BaCO3, CaSO4) Nanowires in the Triton X-100/Cyclohexane/Water Reverse Micelles”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2002, 244, 379.
Daibin Kuang, Peng Wang, Shaik. M. Zakeeruddin, Michael Grätzel, “Ionic Liquid Electrolyte: DSC based on Tetracynoborate’’ European Patent: EP1819005A1. International Patent: WO2007093961A1. (歐洲專利及國際專利)