共找到26條詞條名為李曉軍的結果 展開
- 榆陽區上郡路街道辦事處社區服務中心主任
- 原唐山市副市長兼市委農工委書記
- 新民市人民代表大會常務委員會副主任
- 山西省永濟市副市長
- 南方醫科大學教授
- 北京電影學院導演系導演
- 赤峰市元寶山區元寶山鎮人民政府副鎮長
- 無錫市公安局政治部副主任
- 濟南市商務局辦公室主任
- 杭州藝福堂茶業有限公司CEO
- 貴州省綏陽縣人大常委會副主任
- 陝西省文化廳文化產業處處長
- 獲“書法篆刻展”優秀作品獎
- 慶陽市人力資源和社會保障局副局長
- 國家高級烹調師
- 上海電機學院中德智能製造學院常務副院長
- 晉商銀行臨汾分行原副行長
- 四川工程職業技術學院教師
- 新疆生產建設兵團廣播電視台副台長
- 中國少年兒童出版社副編審
- 陝西省美術家協會會員
- 輪台鎮組織幹事
- 東城中醫院出診專家
- 北京空港建設管理服務中心副主任
- 攀枝花市愛委會專職副主任
- 瀋陽音樂學院附中鍵盤學科副主任
Li Xiaojun graduated from 78 class of the directing department of Beijing Film Academy. This class produced well-known fifth-generation directors in China, including Chen Kaige, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Hu Mei, Li Shaohong, etc., so it was an absolute star director class. "Genius" Li Xiaojun, after graduating, entered the feature film director workshop of AUGUST FIRST FILM STUDIO, the most influential film studio in China those days, and created several popular film and television works.
Masterpieces: film and television works
“Army Nurse”, won outstanding film award in Italy Pesaro Film Festival.
“Report from a drill master” won Huabiao film award.
“A Decisive War”, won Huabiao award, Goden Rooster Award and Hundred Flowers Award
“The Killer of the Judgment Day” broke the box-office record that year.
“The Color of Money” ranked first in the ratings in Beijing at the corresponding period.
“Eonian Hero” created a precedent in domestic TV series aerial stunts.
The epic “Emperor Xuanyuan” is now under way