








申忠如,郭福田,丁暉. 普通高等教育“十一五”國家級教材《現代測試技術與系統設計》(第2版). 2009年, 西安交通大學出版社.
丁暉. 副主編:電氣工程師手冊第8篇:電氣測量和儀器儀錶. 2006.9.機械工業出版社.
劉君華,閆曉燕,丁暉. 虛擬儀器圖形化編程語言Labview教程. 2001.8. 西安電子科技大學出版社.
申忠如,郭福田,丁暉. 電氣測量技術. 科學出版社,2002年12月.




Hui Ding, Haifeng Ge, Junhua Liu. High performance of gas identification by wavelet transform- based fast feature extraction from temperature modulated semiconductor gas sensors. Sensors and Actuators. B:2005,107(2): 749-55. SCI收錄932QC.
Hui Ding, Jianqi Liang, Junhong Cui, XiangnanWu. A novel fiber Fabry-Perot filter based mixed-gas sensing system Sensors and Actuators. B:2009,138(1): 154-159. SCI收錄439VU.
Hui Ding, Xiangnan Wu, Jianqi Liang, Xianli Li. Online calibration of PZT driven fiber Fabry-Parot filter nonlinearity using FBG array and PSO algorithm Measurement. 2009,42(7):1059-1064. SCI收錄495CI.
Hui Ding, Xiangnan Wu, Jianqi Liang, Xianli Li. Application of PSO Algorithm in Wavelength Detection of FBG Sensors. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2010.30(2):563-566. SCI收錄552VN.
Hui Ding, Jianqi Liang,Junhong Cui. Application of Near-Iinfrared Absorption Spectrum Scanning Techniques in Gas Quantitative Measurement. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2010.30(3):667-671. SCI收錄565NF.
Hui Ding, Jianqi Liang. An All-fiber Gas Sensing System Using Hollow-core Photonic Bandgap Fiber as Gas Cell Instrumentation Science & Technology. 2011.39(1):78-87. SCI收錄719GN.
Hui Ding, Xiangnan Wu, Jianqi Liang. A novel acetylene sensing system based on tunable optical filter. 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Advanced Sensor Technologies and Applications.
Haifeng Ge, Hui Ding, Junhua Liu. Gas Identification by Wavelet Transform Based Fast Feature Extraction and Support Vector Machine from Temperature Modulated Semiconductor Gas Sensors. The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems COEX, Seoul, Korea, June5-9,2005. (第1作者為本人指導的研究生)
Ding Hui, Liu Junhua, Shen Zhongru: Drift reduction of gas sensor by wavelet and principal component analysis. Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical. 2003,96(1-2): 354~363. SCI 收錄748TZ
丁暉, 熊志暉, 梁建奇. 基於差分光譜吸收技術的雙光纖光柵乙炔測量系統。光學學報. 2009,29(2):548-551. 崔俊紅, 丁暉, 李仙麗等. 基於空芯光子晶體光纖氣體吸收腔的乙炔檢測系統. 光學學報. 2009. 30(8): 2262~2266.(第1作者為本人指導的研究生)


丁暉,梁建奇,崔俊紅. 一種光纖混合氣體定量測量系統及測量方法。.
丁暉,梁建奇,吳相楠. 一種光譜吸收型氣體測量氣室。