共找到31條詞條名為張昊的結果 展開
- 中國國家隊花樣滑冰運動員
- 江蘇省宿遷市委常委、宿遷經開區書記
- 中國內地男演員
- 中國籃球運動員
- 永寧縣政府辦公室黨組成員、副主任,信訪局局長、二級主任科員
- 南開大學現代光學研究所副教授
- 北京昌平公安分局黨委書記
- 北京市房山區文聯副主席
- 中共甘孜州委常委、甘孜州人民政府副州長
- 滁州市網路安全和信息化管理辦公室副主任
- 長沙學院機電工程系副教授
- 魯迅美術學院版畫系講師
- 安徽省蚌埠市委常委
- 湖南農業大學教師
- 哈爾濱商業大學法學院副教授
- 安徽省滁州市招商局副調研員
- 東北大學工商管理學院講師
- 魯迅美術學院教授
- 廣州市第一人民醫院神經外科副主任醫師
- 中國冰球運動員
- 中國足球運動員
- 河南工業大學土建學院副教授
- 濟寧市人民政府節約能源辦公室副主任
- 電影攝影師
- 中國田徑運動員
- 航天科技集團五院空主任設計師
- 說唱聽我的選手
- 上海中醫藥大學附屬岳陽中西醫結合醫院醫生
- 北京市軌道交通建設管理有限公司主任工程師
- 鳳陽縣融媒體中心新聞記者
- 湖北美術學院水彩畫系教師
Optics Letters、Optics Express、Photonics Technology Letters、Measurement Science and Technology、Appied Optics、Smart Materials and Structures、Sensors、Optical Fiber Technology、Sensors Letters、Optics and Laser Technology、Chinese Optics Letters、Optoelectronics Letters、Journal of Electronics(China)、Photonic Sensors、光學學報、中國激光、光電子激光、強激光與粒子束等刊物審稿人
國家自然基金項目2項(11004110, 11274182)、中央高校基本科研業務費項目1項、橫向項目1項。
國家自然基金重點項目1項(60736039)、國家自然科學基金項目1項(60778043, 10704043, 11174155)、國家科技部973計劃項目1項(2010CB27605)。
Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, et al., "Photonic generation of microwave signal using a dual-wavelength single-longitudinal-mode distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser", Optics Communications, 2009, 282 : 4114-4118 (SCI 496RA;
Hao Zhang, Yanli Jin, et al., "L-band all-optical gain-clamped EDFA by utilizing C-band backward ASE", Optics Communications, 2006, 260 (1): 150-154 (SCI 028PJ;
Hao Zhang, Ling Yu, et al., "Noise figure improvement of a double-pass erbium-doped fiber amplifier by using a HiBi fiber loop mirror as ASE rejecter", Optics Communications, 2005, 244: 383-388 (SCI 889HG;
ZHANG Hao, XIONG Ling-Yun, et al., "A room-temperature multiwavelength erbium-doped fibre laser by exploiting polarization hole-burning", Chinese Physics Letters, 2005, 22 (1): 122-124 (SCI 890IV)。
Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, et al., "Acoustic dispersion measurement for a single-mode-fiber-based acoustooptic tunable filter excited by flexual acoustic wave", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2012, 54 (5): 1281-1285 (SCI: 907QA;
Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, and Chenglai Jia, "Fiber birefringence measurement based on a beat-frequency-interrogated multilongitudinal-mode distributed Bragg reflector erbium-doped fiber laser", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2012, 54 (3): 702-707 (SCI 879MG;
Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, and Chenglai Jia, "An active strain sensing system based on single-longitudinal-mode distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser and its applications in the measurement of erbium-doped fiber birefringence", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2011, 53 (11): 2508-2512 (SCI 821OX;
Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, et al., "Photonic generation of microwave signals by exploiting fiber birefringence effect in single-longitudinal-mode distributed Bragg reflector fiber lazer", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2010, 52 (3): 535-540 (SCI 553JW;
Hao Zhang, Jianhua Luo, et al., "Polarimetric multilongitudinal-mode distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser sensor for strain measurement", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2009, 51 (11): 2559-2563 (SCI 493ZJ;
Hao Zhang, Lingyun Xiong, et al., "A room temperature dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser operating in the L-band", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2005, 45 (1): 12-15。
Hao Zhang, Qingying Dou, et al., "Gain and noise figure improvement of a reflective L-band EDFA by using a short length of preamplification EDF", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2005, 45 (1): 60-62 (SCI 905SM;
Hao Zhang, Qingying Dou, et al., "L-band all-optical gain-clamped erbium-doped fiber amplifier via ASE reflection technique", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2006, 48 (5): 852-854 (SCI 032XM;
Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, et al., "Acoustic frequency dependence of transmission characteristics in fiber acoustic gratings", Optica Applicata, 2011, 41 (4): 817-823 (SCI: 911FM;
Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, et al., "Temperature-insensitive displacement sensor based on high-birefringence photonic crystal fiber loop mirror", Optica Applicata, 2010, 40 (1): 209-217 (SCI 595XL;
張昊,於嶺等,“一種結構新穎的L 波段摻鉺光纖激光器”,光學學報,2004, 24 (7): 929-931。
Hao Zhang, Ling Yu, et al., "Wavelength-tunable erbium-doped fiber laser with FBG and HiBi fiber loop mirror as reflectors", Chinese Optics Letters, 2004, 2 (1): 9-11。
張昊,劉波等,“一種有源光纖折射率的新型測量方法”,光學學報,2010, 30 (s1): 213-1-5。
Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, et al., "Multilongitudinal-mode fiber laser temperature sensor and its applications in the temperature dependence of fiber birefringence", Proceedings of SPIE, ACP2011, 2011, 8311。
Hao Zhang, Ling Yu, et al., "A novel method to improve noise figure for double-pass L-band EDFA," Proceedings of SPIE, APOC2004, 2005, 5623: 799-802。
Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, et al., "An all-fiber electric voltage sensor based on high birefringence fiber loop mirror", Proceedings of SPIE, APOC2004, 2005, 5623: 817-820。
Hao Zhang, Yange Liu, et al., "Novel all-fiber variable optical attenuator based on high birefringence fiber loop mirror", Proceedings of SPIE, 2004, 5279: 456-460。
Hao Zhang, Ling Yu, et al., "Discretely tunable all-fiber Fabry-Perot laser based on birefringence fiber loop mirror and fiber Bragg grating", Proceedings of SPIE, 2004, 5680: 849-852。
Zhang Hao, Wang Shuangxia, et al., "Design of an active curvature sensor based on multi-longitudinal-mode erbium-doped fiber laser", 南開大學學報(自然科學版), 2010, 43 (4): 1-6。
Zhang Hao, Liu Bo, et al., "A novel all-optical automatic gain-clamped erbium-doped fiber amplifier incorporating Hi-Bi fiber Bragg grating", 南開大學學報(自然科學版), 2009, 42 (1): 80-83。
Zhang Hao, Yuan Shuzhong, et al., "A double-pass erbium-doped fiber based broadband ASE source by utilizing C-band ASE compensation", 南開大學學報(自然科學版), 2006, 39 (5): 10-13。
張昊,劉艷格等,“用級聯的M-Z干涉儀實現EDFA增益平坦化的模擬研究”,南開大學學報(自然科學版),2004,37 (3): 12-16。
Bo Liu, Hao Zhang*, "Polarimetric distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser sensor array for simultaneous measurement of transverse load and temperature", Optical Fiber Technology, 2011, 17: 619-625 (SCI: 844AV;
Hongguang Dong, Hao Zhang*, et al., "Improvement of coupling efficiency for acoustooptic tunable filter and its prospects in sensing applications", Sensor Letters, 2012, 10 (7): 1502-1506 (SCI: 031TA;
Jian Liu, Hao Zhang*, et al., "Temperature measurement based on photonic crystal modal interferometer", Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China, 2010, 3 (4): 418-422。
Xiaoyi Dong, Hao Zhang*, et al., "Tilted fiber Bragg gratings: principle and sensing applications", Photonic Sensors, 2011, 1 (1): 6-30。