





第一章 中國葡萄生產概況Chapter Ⅰ General Introduction of the Chinese Grape Industry
1中國葡萄栽培簡史Brief History of Viticulture in China
2中國葡萄產業布局The Layout ofChinese Grape Industry
2.1西北乾旱、半乾旱葡萄區Northwest Arid and Semi—arid Grape Regions
2.2黃土高原葡萄生產區Grape Production Area in the Loess Plateau
2.3黃河故道葡萄生產區The Yellow River's Old Flooded Course Area
24冀北葡萄生產區Grape Production Area of Northern Hebei Province
2.5渤海灣葡萄栽培區Grape Cultivated Area of Bohai Bay
2.6華中、華東、華南葡萄栽培區Grape Cultivated Areas of Central,East and SouthChina
2.7西南葡萄生產區Grape Production Area of Southwest China
2.8東北葡萄生產區Grape Production Area of Northeast China
3中國葡萄栽培方式Grape Cultivation Pattern of China
3.1露地栽培0pen Field Cultivation
3.2設施栽培Protected Cultivation
4中國葡萄品種資源Chinese Grape Germplasm Resources
4.1葡萄的種類與分佈Species andDistribution of vitis Plant
4.2葡萄屬植物的特點Characteristics of Vitis Plant
4.3葡萄品種普查General Investigation of Grape Varieties
4.4地方葡萄品種Local Grape Varieties
4.5葡萄引種概況General Situation of Grape Intriduction
4.6葡萄資源圃建設Construction of Grape Germplasm Resources Repositories
5中國葡萄育種成就Achievement of Grape Breeding in China
5.1鮮食葡萄育種Table Grape Breeding
5.2釀酒、制汁、砧木葡萄育種Wine,Juice and Rootstock Grape Breeding
6中國葡萄品種結構Varietal Structure in China
6.1鮮食葡萄品種Table Grape Varieties
6.2釀酒葡萄品種Wine Grape Varieties
第二章中國葡萄栽培品種Chapter Ⅱ Cultivated Grape Varieties in China
中國葡萄品種英文名稱索引Index to Grape Varieties in China(in English)