David Andrews
David Andrews
David Andrews
殭屍世界大戰World War Z (2012)
分手信Dear John (2010)
公平遊戲Fair Game (2010)
女同謀The Conspirator (2010)
延森計劃The Jensen Project (2010)
12 Miles of Bad Road (2007)
兄弟姐妹Brothers & Sisters (2006)
The Rain Makers (2005)
絕密飛行Stealth (2005)
終結者3:救贖Terminator 3: Redemption (2004)
最後一個夏天The Last Summer (2004)
兩個士兵Two Soldiers (2003)
終結者3:機器的覺醒Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
The Chester Story (2003)
初戀的回憶A Walk to Remember (2002)
漢尼拔Hannibal (2001)
錯誤的身份Switched at Birth (1999)
搏擊俱樂部Fight Club (1999)
從地球到月球From the Earth to the Moon (1998)
十五歲的孕婦Fifteen and Pregnant (1998)
不論好壞The Rat Pack (1998)

阿波羅13號Apollo 13 (1995)
懷亞特·厄普Wyatt Earp (1994)
盲目的信任Blind Faith (1990)
墳場禁區Graveyard Shift (1990)
金甲無敵Cherry 2000 (1987)
伸冤人The Equalizer (1985)
凱魯亞克與電影Kerouac, the Movie (1985)
猛鬼街A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)
邁阿密天龍Miami Vice (1984)