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Criminal Interrogation And Confessions Is The Classic Text For The Reid Technique Of Interviewing And Interrogation. The Reid Technique Is The Standard In The Field, . Criminal Interrogation And Confessions Presents Techniques That Are Based On Actual Criminal Cases And Have Been Used Successfully By Thousands Of Criminal Investigators. This Practical, Step-By-Step Text Is Built Around Simple Psychological Principles And Examines Interrogation As A Nine-Step Process That Is Easily Understood By Students.


Fred Edward Inbau was born in New Orleans in 1909.
徠Fred’s greatest interest was in police interrogation. He developed an approach to that relied on presenting a mass of damaging facts to persuade criminals that they had no choice but to confess, and that used subtle psychology in dealing with crimes of passion.
Inbau also urged the police to use artifice and deception to trick suspects into confessing. He was frequently called on to conduct interrogations in celebrated cases and was a master at applying his own techniques. His book, Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, has been translated into many languages. Although he wrote eighteen different books, some in multiple editions, the interrogation textbook was the most influential. It was cited repeatedly by the Supreme Court in its famous Miranda decision. Inbau would become the leading scholarly critic of Miranda, and persistently called for the reversal of that holding.


第一篇 審訊的策略和方法
第一章 審訊前的準備
第二章 保護無罪者的初步預防措施
第三章 隱私和審訊室
第四章 審訊人員的資格、態度和行為
第五章 無確證犯罪嫌疑人的審訊
第六章 有確證犯罪嫌疑人的審訊策略和方法——九步審訊法
第七章 對審訊人員的一般性建議和忠告
第二篇 審訊與供述的法律
第八章 審訊的法律
第九章 供述的法律
附錄 審訊的心理學原理