共找到2條詞條名為郝玉英的結果 展開
- 東北財經大學會計師
- 太原理工大學博導教授
2006年獲山西省青年學術帶頭人,2007年獲山西省教學成果一等獎,2007年獲山西省科教文衛體系統知識女性創新成果獎,2008年山西省教學名師,2008年獲山西省青年科技獎並獲“青年教學專家”稱號,2009 獲山西省模範教師稱號;
(2)主持山西省自然科學基金“有機電致白光材料的合成及光電性能研究, 山西省自然科學基金(項目編號2008011008)”(主持)。
入選山西省333科學技術人才、山西省高等學校青年 學術帶頭人、山西省教學名師、山西省模範教師等榮譽稱號。
38.Yanxia Cui, Jun Xu, Yinyue Lin, Yuying Hao, Sailing He, and Nicholas X. Fang, “Optical curtain effect: extraordinary optical transmission enhanced by antireflection,” submitted to Plasmonics
37.Yuying Hao, Qian Yang, Yanxia Cui, Ye Zhang, Hua Wang, and Bingshe Xu, “Millimeter-sized concavo-convex interface for enhancing efficiency in organic light emitting diodes,” submitted to Organic Electronics
36.Ye Zhang, Yuying Hao, Weixin Meng, Huixia Xu, HuaWang, and Bingshe Xu, “The characterization of electroplex generated from the interface between 2-(4-trifluoromethyl-2-hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazole] zinc and N,N_-diphenyl-N,N_- bis(1-naphthyl)-(1,1_-biphenyl)-4,4_-diamine,” Applied Physics A 106,709–715, 2012
34.Qian Yang, Yuying Hao, Zhenguo Wang, Yunfei Li, Hua Wang, and Bingshe Xu, “Double-emission-layer green phosphorescent OLED based on LiF-doped TPBi as electron transport layer for improving efficiency and operational lifetime,” Synthetic Metals 162, 398–401, 2012
33.Huixia Xu, Yan Yue, Hua Wang, Chen Liuqing, Yuying Hao, and Bingshe Xu, “Single-crystal structure, photophysical characteristics and electroluminescent properties of bis(2-(4-trifluoromethyl -2-hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazolate)zinc,” Journal of Luminescence 32(4), 919-923, 2012
32.Hongli Liu, Song Guo, Yuying Hao, Hua Wang, and Bingshe Xu, “Luminescent properties of Eu3+ and Sm3+ activated M2SiO4(M=Ba, Sr and Ca) red-emitting phosphors for WLEDs,” Journal of Luminescence 132(11), 2908-2912, 2012
31.Huixia Xu, Hua Wang, Yan Yue, Liuqing Chen, Yuying Hao, and Bingshe Xu, “Achieving the blue-light-emitting materials for benzothiazolate Zn(II) complexes by introducing different functional groups,” Synthetic Metals 162(9–10) ,775-780, 2012
30.解曉東,郝玉英,章日光,王寶俊,“Li摻雜8-羥基喹啉鋁的密度泛函理論研究”,物理學報 61(12),127201,2012
29.岳岩,許慧俠,郝玉英,解曉東,屈麗桃,王華,許並社,“室溫磷光材料二(2-苯基吡啶)(2-(2-吡啶)苯並咪唑)合銥(III)的合成及光電特性”,物理化學學報 28(7), 1593-1598, 2012
28.王麗平,韓培德,郝玉英,張竹霞,許並社,“Ag在MgF2(010)表面吸附的密度泛函理論研究”,高等學校化學學報 33(3), 569, 2012
27.雷利平,張葉,解曉東,郝玉英,王華,許並社,“一類新型苯基吡唑(Ⅲ)配合物的電子結構及光譜性質”,分子科學學報 27(6), 2011
26.孟維欣,郝玉英,許慧俠,王華,劉旭光,許並社,“基於一種新型有機金屬配合物的量子阱結構有機電致白光器件的性能研究”,物理學報 60(9),2011
25.夏龍,孟維欣,許慧俠,郝玉英,王華,許並社,“基於[NPBZn(4-TfmBTZ)]電致激基複合物的有機電致白光器件”,發光學報 32(6),2011
24.Yuying Hao, Weixin Meng, Huixia Xu, Hua Wang, Xuguang Liu, and Bingshe Xu, “White organic light-emitting diodes based on a novel Zn complex with high CRI combining emission from excitons and interface-formed electroplex,” Organic Electronics 12, 136–142, 2011
23.Hongli Liu, YuyingHao, HuaWang, JunfuZhao, PingHuang, and BingsheXu, “Luminescent properties of R doped Sr2SiO4:Eu3+(R=Li, Naand K) red-emitting phosphors for white LEDs,” Journal of Luminescence 131, 2422–2426, 2011
22.Huixia Xu, Bingshe Xu, Xiaohong Fang, Yan Yue, Liuqing Chen, Hua Wang, and Yuying Hao, “Molecular structure, photoluminescent and electroluminescent properties of bis(2-(4-methyl-2-hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazolate)zinc with excellent electron-transport characteristics,” Materials Chemistry and Physics 129, 840–84, 2011
21.Liping Lei, Yuying Hao, Wenhao Fan, and Bingshe Xu, “Electronic Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of a Novel Iridium(III) Complex with an Ancillary Ligan2-(4-Trifluoromethyl -2-Hydroxylphenyl)Benzothiazole,” Chinese Chemical Letters 28(6), 063101, 2011
20.Huixia Xu, Bingshe Xu, Xiaohong Fang, Liuqing Chen, Hua Wang, and Yuying Hao, “Correlation between molecular structure and optical properties for thebis(2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazolate) complexes,” Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A:Chemistry 217, 108–116, 2011
19.Yuying Hao, Junfeng Lei, Xiaohong Fang, Wenhao Fan, and Bingshe Xu, “Theoretical studies on geometrical and electronic structure of electroplexat the NPB/PBD interface in organic light-emitting diodes,” Current Applied Physics 10, 744–748, 2010
18.孟維欣,郝玉英,張志強,王華,許並社,“NPB層嵌入MgF2超薄層對OLED性能的影響”,光電子·激光 21(5),2010
17.Yuying Hao, Xiaoxia Guo, Liping Lei, Jianning Yu, Huixia Xu, and Bingshe Xu, “Multicolor emitting from a single component emitter: New iridium(III) complexes with ancillary ligand 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl) benzothiazole,” Synthetic Metals 160, 1210–1215, 2010
16.Fei Ma, Zhuxia Zhang, Husheng Jia, Xuguang Liu, Yuying Hao, and Bingshe Xu, “Adsorption of cysteine molecule on intrinsic and Pt-doped graphene:A first-principle study,” Journal of Molecular Structure:THEOCHEM 955, 134–139, 2010
15.郭海波,郝玉英,樊文浩,張志強,郭曉霞,許並社,“一種新型的橙紅光發射材料聚8-羥基喹啉鎵的合成與光譜特性”,光譜學與光譜分析 129(50),1358-13612,2009
14.雷俊峰,郝玉英,樊文浩,房曉紅,許並社,“TPD/PBD界面電致激基複合物幾何結構和電子結構的理論”,發光學報 30(5),2009
13.Xiaohong Fang, Yuying Hao, Peide Han, and Bingshe Xu, “Theoretical study on charge transport properties of a dinuclear aluminum 8-hydroxyquinoline complex,” Journal of Molecular Structure:THEOCHEM 896, 44–48, 2009
12.Hua Wang, Bingshe Xu, Xuguang Liu, Hefeng Zhou, Yuying Hao, Huixia Xu, and Liuqing Chen, “A novel blue-light organic electroluminescence material derived from 8-hydroxyquinoline lithium,” Organic Electronics 10, 918–924, 2009
11.Xiaohong Fang, Bingshe Xu, Peide Han, Mei Chi, Yuying Hao, and Xuguang Liu, “The effect of the cyano-group substitution on the electronic properties of 8-hydroxyquinoline lithium studied with DFT,”Journal of Molecular Structure:THEOCHEM 848, 82–86, 2008
10.Zhixiang Gao, Hao Yuying, Cheng Ma, Hua Wang, and Bingshe Xu, “Studies on a New Type of Insert Layer Structure OLED,” Optoelectronics Letters 4(3), 0209-0212, 2008
9.Xiaohong Fang, Yuying Hao, Xuguang Liu, and Bingshe Xu, “Characterization of optical, and electronic properties of(N,N’-bis(salicylidene)-ethylenediamine)zinc as an organic electroluminescent materials,”發光學報 29(1), 27-31, 2008
8.Bingshe Xu, Hua Wang, Yuying Hao, Zhixiang Gao, and Hefeng Zhou, “Research on preparation and performance of a new type of blue light-emitting material δ-Alq3,” Journal of Luminescence 122-123, 663-666, 2007
7.Limin Ruan, Hua Wang, Yuying Hao, Hefeng Zhou, Xuguang Liu, and Bingshe Xu, “Intramolecular energy transfer models and energy band characteristic of rare earth complexes with o-phthalic acid,” Journal of Luminescence 122-123,467-470, 2007
6.Bingshe Xu, Yuying Hao, Hongfang Xiao, Hua Wang, and Xuguang Liu, “Optical and electrical properties of(N,N’-bis(salicylidene)-ethylenediamine) zinc as a novel electroluminescent material,” Applied Physics Letters 90(5), 53903, 2007
5.樊文浩,郝玉英,房曉紅,許並社,曾凡桂,“取代基對82羥基喹啉鋰電子光譜影響的理論研究”,功能材料 5(38),2007
4.樊文浩,郝玉英,房曉紅,許並社,曾凡桂,“8-羥基喹啉鋰及其衍生物電子光譜性質的理論”,發光學報 28(2),2007
3.Yuying Hao, Bingshe Xu, Zhixiang Gao, Hua Wang, Hefeng Zhou, and Xuguang Liu, “Optical Properties and Electronic Energy Level Structure of Salicylaldehyde Anil Zinc,” Journal of material science and technology 22(2), 225-229, 2006
2.Bingshe Xu, Yuying Hao, Hua Wang, Hefeng Zhou, and Xuguang Liu, “ Chen Ming-wei, The effects of structure on optical absorption/photoluminescence of bis(8-hydroxyquinoiline)zinc,” Solid States Communications, 136(6), 318-322, 2005
1.郝玉英,王華,許並社等,“8-羥基喹啉鋰的合成、表徵與發光特性”,發光學報 25(4),419-424,2004