

一個現代化的中世紀傳奇故事。一個現代化的中世紀傳奇故事,Erik Magnusson,一名年輕男子,他決定跟隨已經疏遠的女友,進入一場中世紀遊戲,在遊戲中,他發現自己的女友被另一個遊戲玩家誘惑了。


A modern medieval saga, "The Wild Hunt" tells the story of Erik Magnusson, a young man who decides to follow his estranged girlfriend Evelyn into a medieval re-enactment game when he discovers that she has been seduced by one of the players.
As the down-to-earth Erik treks deeper into the game in search of his love, he inadvertently disrupts the delicate balance of the make believe fantasy-land.
Passions are unleashed. Rules are broken. Reality and fantasy collide. The good-hearted game turns into a tragedy of mythic proportion...
Capturing the culture of costume play and the potentially dangerous intersection of real and made-up worlds, "The Wild Hunt" is a timely and potent comment on the consuming nature of adopting another identity, even within a game, and the modern yearning for ritual.