共找到24條詞條名為劉澤的結果 展開

2002.4 天津大學自動化學院獲博士學位
2002.4 -至今 北京交通大學電子信息工程學院自控系先進控制系統研究所工作
2007.12-2008.12 國家公派在英國曼徹斯特大學Sensing, Imaging & Signal Processing (SISP) Group做博士后研究一年
2011.1-2011.4 美方資助在美國國家標準技術研究院(NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology), PML(Physical Measurement Laboratory), Quantum Electrical Metrology Division做合作研究
2012.7-2012.10 美方資助在NIST, PML, Quantum Electrical Metrology Division做合作研究
1. 智能測控 Intelligent Measurement and Control(FCS、DCS或基於PC與嵌入式的控制系統設計,基於現場匯流排網路的工業測控系統研發)
2. 電磁層析成像 Electromagnetic Tomography (EMT)(新型的工業過程多維參數檢測技術,用以實現冶金、電力、化工、食品等工業過程多相流的參數檢測、圖像重建和信息提取,將檢測結果應用於控制系統,從而提高控制品質)
3. 電磁無損檢測 Electromagnetic NDT&E (在線電磁鋼軌探傷、電磁層析碳纖維複合材料表徵)
4. 精密測試及計量儀器設計 Precise Instrument Design(弱信號檢測儀器、數字鎖相放大器、精密電磁測量儀器研製)
5. 強制電流陰極保護技術 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection(強制電流陰極保護實時防腐技術及設備研製)
2013-2016 主持國家自然科學基金基礎科學儀器專項項目:120Km/h 車載式在線電磁鋼軌斷軌檢測儀器研製
2011-2013 主持教育部留學回國人員第41批科研基金項目:碳纖維複合材料缺陷的電磁層析無損檢測
2011-2013 主持國家自然科學基金項目:電磁層析鋼軌損傷探測與分析儀器的研製
2007-2009 主持國家863高科技計劃項目:電磁層析成像在鋼軌核傷探測中的應用
2004-2006 主持國家自然科學基金項目:多頻并行激勵電磁層析成像及其圖像重建演演算法
2002-2004 主持校科研基金項目:多維空間參數檢測-電磁層析成像技術及系統研究
2012 合作研究應用3D磁場測量的車輛檢測器技術
2005-2010 主持研製旅客列車空氣制動機測試系統(共研製了四代)
2007-2008 主持研製二乘二取二鐵路LED信號機系統
2005-2006 主持研製雙機熱備鐵路LED信號機系統研製
2004 主持研製基於SoC系統的手持式軌道信號解碼器
2003 合作研製基於FPGA的并行數字視頻增強處理系統
2012.7-2012.12 Programmable Capacitance Standard
2011.1-2.11.4 參加美國國家標準技術研究院NIST項目:新一代可計算電容美國國家標準裝置研製
2007.12--2008.12 參加英國曼徹斯特大學EPSRC項目:航空用碳纖維增強複合材料缺陷檢測
2002.6-11 參加校科技基金:磁懸浮旋轉球控制系統
1999-2002 參加國家自然科學基金項目:電磁層析成像-基於逆問題的圖像重建演演算法與軟體的研究
徠1998-2001 參加國家自然科學基金項目:基於感應原理的電磁成像技術及系統的研究
. Ze Liu, Guoyin Yang, Nan He, Xiaoying Tan, Landweber iterative algorithm based on regularization in electromagnetic tomography for multiphase flow measurement, Elsevier: Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Volume 27, October 2012, Pages 53–58 [SCI, 影響因子 1.177, An3]
. 劉澤,李偉,王淑穎,官慧仙,胡志敏. 海水環境下鋼筋實時防腐方法及儀器研製, 儀器儀錶學報, 2012年第6期, p1400-1406, 共7頁 [EI]
. Ze Liu, Lixiong Zhu, Shengwei Ren, Koffman, A., Waltrip B.C., Yicheng Wang, Electromagnetic rail inspection using AC bridge measurements, IEEE Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 國際精密電磁測量會議), 1-6 July 2012, Washington D.C. U.S.A. Page(s): 724-725 [ISTP,EI]
. Ze Liu, Lixiong Zhu, Koffman, A., Waltrip B.C., Yicheng Wang, Digital lock-in amplifier for precision audio frequency bridge, IEEE Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 國際精密電磁測量會議), 1-6 July 2012, Washington D.C. U.S.A. Page(s): 586-587 [ISTP,EI]
. Ze Liu, Wei Jia, Lixiong Zhu, Xiaofei Zhang, Rail Defect Inspection Using Alternating Current Excitation Coils with Digital Demodulation Algorithm, 28th IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 國際儀器與測量會議), Hangzhou, CHINA, May 2011, p235-238
. 劉澤,王嵬,王平,鋼軌表面缺陷檢測機器視覺系統的設計,電子測量與儀器學報,2010.11,p1012-1017
. 劉澤,王淑穎,李偉,鋼筋混凝土陰極保護極化曲線實時測試儀器設計,電子測量與儀器學報,2011.5,p474-478
. 許羽,劉澤,程軼平,電磁層析無損檢測系統中碳纖維複合材料缺陷重建的模擬研究,無損檢測,2011.6,p23-26
. 劉澤,徐貴富,應用於樓宇節能的無線分散式溫濕度採集系統設計,現代科學儀器,2011.2,第1期,p7-10
. 劉澤,賈偉,張曉飛,朱靂雄,精密電動平移台驅動系統的設計,現代科學儀器,2010.12,第6期,p17-20
. Ze Liu, Yu Xu, Xiaoying Tan, Xiaofei Zhang, Wei Wang, Simulation Study on the Image Reconstruction of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics in Electromagnetic Tomography Non-Destructive Evaluation Systems, 6th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT6 世界工業過程層析成像大會), Beijing, China, Sep 6, 2010, p1143-1147
. Ze Liu, Yu Xu, Xiaofei Zhang, Yali Pei, Yiping Cheng and Wuliang Yin, Simulation Study on the Characteristics of Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Plastics in Electromagnetic Tomography Nondestructive Evaluation Systems, IEEE International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA2010), Changsha, China, March 13, 2010
. Ze Liu, Xiufang Sun, A Novel Design of Train Air Brake Test Instrument, IEEE 27th International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Austin, Texas, USA, May 2010, p639-640
. Ze Liu, Xiaoying Tan and Wei Jia, An Image Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Tikhonov Regularization in Electromagnetic Tomography, IEEE International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA2010), Changsha, China, March 13, 2010,
. Ze Liu, Wei Wang, Xiaofei Zhang, Wei Jia, Inspection of Rail Surface Defects Based on Image Processing, 2010 2nd International Asia Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (CAR2010), Wuhan, China, March 6-7, 2010
. Ze Liu, Wei Wang, Xiaofei Zhang, Application of Online Collaborative Documentation and Knowledge Sharing Platform in Research Team, 2009 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (ICIII2009), Xi'an, China December 26, 2009, v2, p591-594
. Ze Liu, Wuliang Yin, Design of Electromagnetic Imaging System based on Integrated Impedance Analyzer, IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (IMTC), Singapore, May 2009
. Xin Li, W Yin, Ze Liu, Philip Withers, A J Peyton , Characterization of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic by Means of Eddy Current Non-Destructive Testing and FEM Modeling, WCNDT 2008 - The 17-th World Conference on Non-destructive Testing, 2008
. Liu Ze, He M, Xiong HL, Simulation study of the sensing field in electromagnetic tomography for two-phase flow measurement, FLOW MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION (FMI) 16 (2-3): 199-204, APR-JUN 2005 [SCI, An3]
. Liu Z, He M, Xiong HL, The design of a sensor with flexible circuit excitation in electromagnetic tomography system, SENSORS & THEIR APPLICATIONS XIII 15: 276-281, 2005 [ISTP]
. Liu Z, He M, Xiong HL, Development of EMT Experimental System for Multiphase Flow Measurement, The Seventh International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI'2005), vol.2 p47-52, AUG 2005 [ISTP]
. Ze Liu, etc, Boundary Magnetic Signal Demodulation of Electromagnetic Tomography System, IEEE 7th International Conference on Signal Processing, (ICSP04), 2004.8 [EI]
. Ze Liu, etc, Simulation Study of the Sensing Field in EMT for Two-phase Flow Measurement, The 4th International Symposium on Measurement for Multiphase Flows (ISMTMF'04), Vol.1,p142,2004.10
. 劉澤 何敏 徐苓安 熊漢亮, 多激勵模式的電磁層析成像系統, 儀器儀錶學報 2001.6, p614-617 (EI:0254-3087)
. 劉澤 何敏 徐苓安 熊漢亮, 電磁層析成像系統信號檢測與處理的優化設計,天津大學學報(自然科學版) 2001,34(4).p425-429
國家發明專利 電磁層析成像系統的快速并行激勵裝置及方法
國家發明專利 一種鋼軌重傷電磁層析無損檢測裝置及方法
國家發明專利 一種列車空氣制動系統的電學模擬裝置
國家發明專利 一種動態電流激勵的鋼筋結構保護方法和裝置
國家發明專利 基於電磁層析成像的碳纖維複合材料缺陷檢測裝置及方法