共找到35條詞條名為張春生的結果 展開
- 中央紀委常委、副秘書長兼辦公廳主任
- 張家口市委常委
- 法官
- 河北省人民政府研究室黨組成員、副主任
- 玉成窯非物質文化遺產傳承人
- 南開大學數學科學學院教授
- 中國電建集團華東勘測設計研究院院長
- 山西省晉中市政協主席
- 高級政工師
- 骨科主任醫師張春生
- 湖南省平江籍烈士
- 甘肅省政府外事辦公室原副巡視員
- 廣東能源集團公司廣東紅海灣發電有限公司副總經理
- 巢湖市彩虹社會工作服務中心理事長
- 福建省書法家
- 優秀共產黨員
- 北京市順義區水務局副局長
- 天津市醫學會中西醫神經內科委員
- 湖南省桑植籍烈士
- 河南賽思口腔醫院牙周病科主治醫師
- 孫吳縣旅遊發展委員會主任
- 大同市政協副處級幹部
- 唐山市發改局副局長兼物價局局長
- 鄭州商業技師學院原黨委副書記
- 舞美設計師
- 北京十二中優秀教師
- 雲南煤礦安全監察局巡視員
- 北京市順義區交通局副局長
- 威海海事局船舶監督處(危管防污處)副處長
- 中共山西省應縣縣委副書記
- 石家莊市商務局副局長、黨組副書記
- 江西新余分宜縣林業局主任科員
- 石家莊腎病醫院主任醫師
- 廣空後勤醫院男科專家
- 天津作家

張春生 教授
1.Zhang, C., Wu, R. On the distribution of the surplus for the D-E model prior to and at ruin.Insurance:Mathematics and Economics 1999, 24, 309-321. (SCI, SSCI).
2.Zhang, C., Wu, R. On the distributions of the surplus of the constant interest force risk model prior to and at ruin, Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics 2001,17(4), 410-416.
3.張春生,吳榮.關於破產概率函數可微性的注.應用概率統計2001, 17(3), 267-275.
4.Zhang, C., Wu, R. Total duration of negative surplus for the compound Poisson process that is perturbed by diffusion. Journal of Applied Probability 2002, 39(3), 517-533. (SCI)
5.Zhang, C., Zhang, L., Wu, R. Some results for the compound Poisson process that is
perturbed by diffusion, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 2002, 18(1), 153-160.
7.Zhang, C., Wang, G. The joint density function of three characteristics on jump-diffusion risk process. Insurance:Mathematics and Economics 2003, 32, 445-455. (SCI, SSCI)
8.Zhang, C., Chen, C. On the Monotonicity of the Function π(x;α), Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics 2003, 19(4), 352-355.
9.Guo, J., Zhang, C. Ruin probability of time correlated claim, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis 2003, 36(1), 28-33.
10.Wang, G., Zhang, C., Wu, R. Ruin theory for the risk process described by PDMP’s, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series 2003, 19(1), 59-70.
11. 張春生,吳榮.古典風險模型的極值聯合分佈,數學物理學報2003, 23 A (1) , 25-31.
12. 吳榮,張春生.一類具有正跳的 Levy過程,應用概率統計2003, 19 (2) , 125-130.
13. 李尚友,張春生.常利率環境下帶干擾風險模型的破產估計,應用概率統計 2003, 19
14. Wu, R., Wang, G., Zhang, C. On a joint distribution for the risk process with constant interest rate. Insurance:Mathematics and Economics 2005, 36, 265-374. (SCI, SSCI)
15. 周明,張春生. 古典風險模型下的絕對破產.應用數學學報 2005, 28, 696-703.
16. 李學坤,張春生.The moment of the first overstepping time on spectrally positive levy processes. 應用概率統計2005, 21, 213-222.
17. 陳立新,張春生.與兩種破產類型相關的餘額極值聯合分佈.數學物理學報 2006,26 A (3);467-475.
18. 邢永勝,張春生.帶干擾的 Erlang (2) 風險模型的不破產概率.應用數學學報 2006,
29 (1);175-183.
19. Meng, H., Zhang, C.S., Wu R. On a joint distribution of the classical risk process with a stochastic return on investments. Stochastic models 2007, 23(3), 513-522. (SCI)
20. Meng, H., Zhang, C.S., Wu, R. The expectation of aggregate discounted dividends for a Sparre Anderson risk process perturbed by diffusion. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 2007, 4,273-291. (SCI)
21. Wang, S.S., Zhang, C.S. The maximum surplus before ruin in the generalized Erlang(n) risk model perturbed by diffusion. Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics 2009, 26(5): 786-796.
22. Wang, S.S., Zhang, C.S, Wu, R. Calculations of ruin probabilities concerning with claim occurrences. Acta Mathematica Scientia 2010, 30B(3): 919-931. (SCI)
23. Ji, L.P., Zhang, C.S. The Gerber-Shiu penalty functions for two classes of renewal risk processes. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2010, 233: 2575-2589. (SCI)
24. Wang, S.S., Zhang, C.S., Wang, G..J. A constant interest risk model with tax payments. Stochastic Models 2010, 26(3). 2010, 26(3): 384-398. (SCI)
25. Wang, W, Zhang, C.S. A New Look at the Adjustment Coefficient in the Compound Poisson Model Perturbed by Diffusion. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics. (2010,Vol.26 No.2)
26. Wang, W, Zhang, C.S. Optimal dividend strategies in the diffusion model with stochastic return on investment. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. (2010 Vol.23 No.6,1071-1085) (SCI)
27. Wang, S.S., Zhang, C.S. The maximum surplus before ruin and related problems in a jump-diffusion renewal risk process. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, (2011 Vol.27 No.12, 2379-2394). (SCI)