



1991年9月,2008年8月分別前往日本九州大學和英國帝國理工大學(Imperial College London)訪問教授。此外曾多次前往美國加州大學洛杉磯分校、日本東京大學、早稻田大學、慶應義塾大學、新加坡國立大學、德國達姆斯塔特工業大學、義大利維羅納大學、加拿大多倫多大學等,以及香港城市大學、中文大學、台灣新竹清華大學、台灣大學訪問和學術交流。此外多次出國參加國際學術會議。
ACM 會員
中國計算機學會 高級會員
中國計算機學會 計算機輔助設計與圖形學專業委員會 副主任、委員
2010年全國計算機輔助設計與圖形學學術會議 (CADCG2010) 大會主席
2010年 International Conference on Field-Programming Technology (國際現場可編程技術學術會議,FPT2010)大會主席
2012年 The 19th Reconfigurable Achitectures Workshop (可重構體系結構研討會,RAW2012) 程序委員會主席








1. 邊計年,薛宏熙 等譯:用SpecC進行系統設計,清華大學出版社,2008.1
2. 邊計年等譯:實用C語言FPGA設計,機械工業出版社,2007.5
3. 邊計年,薛宏熙,蘇 明,吳為民:數字系統設計自動化(第2版),清華大學出版社,2005.7.(獲清華大學優秀教材獎2等獎)
4. 邊計年,吳為民 等譯:嵌入式系統的規範與設計,機械工業出版社,2005.7.
5. 邊計年,薛宏熙,吳 強 譯:數字邏輯與VHDL設計,清華大學出版社,2005.1.
6. 邊計年,薛宏熙 譯:用VHDL設計電子線路,清華大學出版社,2000.8.
7. 洪先龍,劉偉平,邊計年 等著:超大規模集成電路計算機輔助設計技術,國防工業出版社,1998.6.(獲國家新聞出版署1999年“全國優秀科技圖書獎”暨“科技進步獎(優秀著作)”1等獎,1999年第4屆國家圖書獎提名獎)
8. 喬長閣,邊計年,薛宏熙 譯:VHDL簡明教程,清華大學出版社,1997.10.
9. 薛宏熙,邊計年,蘇 明:數字系統設計自動化,清華大學出版社,1996.10.(獲2000年清華大學優秀教材1等獎,2001年北京市高等教育教學成果獎2等獎)
10. 吳文虎主編:中小學計算機知識詞典,天津科技出版社,1994.9.(副主編)
11. 譚浩強主編:微型計算機實用手冊,高等教育出版社,1993.4.(第二分冊編委)
12. 薛宏熙,邊計年,趙致格:數字系統計算機輔助設計,海洋出版社 1990.6.
13. 吳文虎,邊計年:中學計算機教程(下冊),清華大學出版社 1987.
14. 唐澤聖,周嘉玉 等譯:互動式計算機圖形學基礎,清華大學出版社 1986.11.


研究方向:計算機與超大規模集成電路計算機輔助設計(ICCAD)或稱電子設計自動化(EDA)領域中,系統與行為級的設計方法和軟體工具的研究。研究重點是以片上系統SOC(System on a chip)為對象的軟硬體協同設計,系統級和邏輯級綜合、驗證,可重構計算,以及集成電路晶元物理設計演演算法的研究。負責和參加的科研項目:
軟硬體結合的系統集成優化理論與技術—— 軟硬體協同設計自動化的理論與技術;


Ming Zhu,Jinian Bian,Weimin Wu, “A Novel Collaborative Scheme of Simulation and Model Checking for Property Verification”,will appear in: Computers in Industry,SCI,EI2002
Cin-Ngai Sze,Wangning Long,Yu-Liang Wu,Jinian Bian,“Accelerating Logic Rewriting Using Implication Analysis”,In Japan:Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics,Communications and Computer Sciences (IEICE),E85-A(12),2002.12,2725-2736,SCI 626XX,EI 03117394401,INSPEC 7553316
Wu Qiang,Bian Ji-Nian,Xue Hong-Xi,“Scheduling with Resource Allocation for Design Space Exploration in System-level Synthesis”(In English),Journal of Software
¨ Weiwei Zheng, Weimin Wu, Jinian Bian, “RTL Satisfiability Solving and Property Checking Based on Linear Programming” (In Chinese), Journal of Computer Aided Design and Graphics. (鄭偉偉,吳為民,邊計年,“基於LP的RTL可滿足性求解和性質檢驗”,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報)
ZHU Ming, BIAN Ji-Nian, Wu Wei-Min, “CoSAM: a Collaborative Verification System of Functional Simulation and Model Checking” (In Chinese) Computer Integrated Manufactory System. (朱 明,邊計年,吳為民,“功能模擬與形式驗證相結合的系統級協同驗證系統CoSAM”,計算機集成製造系統(CIMS))
Haili Wang, Jinian Bian, Zhihui Xiong, Sikun Li, Jihua Chen, “Hierarchical communication model for interface synthesis in system-on-chip design” (In Chinese),Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics,17(8),2005.8,1803-1808,EI 05359331579. (王海力,邊計年,熊志輝,李思昆,陳吉華,“SoC介面綜合的層次化通信模型”,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,17(8),2005.8,1803-1808)
¨ Zhihui Xiong, Sikun Li, Jihua Chen, Haili Wang, Jinian Bian, “Co-design environment supporting platform-based system-on-chip design methodology”, (In Chinese), Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics,17(7),2005.7,1401-1406,EI 05319278319. (熊志輝,李思昆,陳吉華,王海力,邊計年,“支持平台設計方法的系統晶元協同設計環境”,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,17(7),2005.7,1401-1406)
¨ ZHU Ming, BIAN Jinian, WU Weimin, “Property classification for system verification on CDFG structure” (In Chinese),Computer Engineering,31(10),2005.5,48-50,EI 05249160987 (朱明,邊計年,吳為民,“基於CDFG和OVL的系統驗證性質分類”,計算機工程,31(10),2005.5,48-50)
¨ 趙康,邊計年,吳強,薛宏熙,“C語言系統描述的HCDFG-II實現”,計算機工程與科學 27(4),2005.4,80-83
¨ 劉志鵬,邊計年,王雲峰,薛宏熙,“面向SOC系統設計的層次化CDFG的擴展”,計算機工程與科學 27(4),2005.4,46-48,95
¨ Qiang Wu, Yunfeng Wang, Jinian Bian, Hongxi Xue, “Granularity transformations based on a new CDFG format for granularity selection in hardware-software partitioning” (In Chinese), Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics,17(3),2005.3,387-393,EI 05169051874 (吳強,王雲峰,邊計年,薛宏熙: “軟硬體劃分中基於一種新的層次化控制數據流圖的粒度變換”,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,17(3),2005.3,387-393)
¨ Zhihui Xiong, Sikun Li, Jihua Chen, Haili Wang, Jinian Bian, “Hierarchical platform-based SoC system design method”,Acta Electronica Sinica,32(11),2004.11,1813-1819,EI 05048806862(熊志輝,李思昆,陳吉華,王海力,邊計年,“一種基於層次平台的SoC系統設計方法”, 電子學報, 32(11),2004.11,1813-1819)
¨ “Multi-way hardware-software partitioning algorithm based on abstract architecture template” (In Chinese),Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics,16(11),2004.11,1562-1567,EI 05038790248,INSPEC 8353409(吳強,邊計年,薛宏熙,“ATMP: 基於抽象體系結構模板的多路軟硬體劃分演演算法”,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,16(11),2004.11,1562-1567)
¨ Yawen Niu, Qiang Wu, Jinian Bian, Hongxi Xue, “HCDFG-II - A representation of control/data flow graph for C language system specification”(In Chinese),Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics,16(11),2004.11,1547-1552,EI 05028786279,INSPEC 8334598(牛亞文,邊計年,吳強,薛宏熙, “HCDFG-II——面向C語言系統描述的控制/數據流圖表示”,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,16(11),2004.11,1547-1552)
¨ Heng Hu,Hong-Xi Xue and Ji-nian Bian,“HSM2:A New Heuristic State Minimization Algorithm for Finite State Machine”(In English),Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST),19(5),2004.9,729-733,SCI 857RY,EI 04428412745,INSPEC 8312012
¨ 聶江波,邊計年,薛宏熙,吳為民,朱明,“基於模塊的層次化模型判別”,微電子學與計算機 2003.12 64-67
¨ 曹秉超,邊計年,“順序蘊含圖的狀態編碼方法”,計算機工程與應用 39(30),2003.10 79-81
¨ 朱明,邊計年,薛宏熙 軟硬體協同驗證系統平台間通訊設計,計算機工程與應用 39(27),2003.9 122-124
¨ 朱明,邊計年,薛宏熙,擴展的高層次行為描述內部模型,計算機工程與應用,38(16),2002,204-206
¨ 趙建洲,朱明,邊計年,薛宏熙 SOC系統中C到VHDL的轉換,計算機工程與應用 38(16),2002,12,188-190
¨ 劉建華,楊勛,邊計年,薛宏熙,“嵌入系統中斷控制器的設計”,計算機工程與應用 38(1),2002,1,125-127
¨ 楊勛,邊計年,洪先龍,薛宏熙,“面向片上型系統軟硬體協同驗證平台的研製”,軟體學報Journal of Software,12(增刊),2001.6,202-207,EI 02036826714
¨ 范軼平,貝勁松,邊計年,薛宏熙,洪先龍,“一個有效的針對同步時序電路VHDL設計的模型判別器: VERIS”,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics,13(6),2001.6,485-489,EI 01336615796,INSPEC 6973523
¨ 邊計年,“底層相關的VLSI高層次設計策略”,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics,12(11),2000.11,827-829,EI 00125456525,INSPEC 6799823
¨ 朱明,邊計年,薛宏熙,“利用變數序過濾演演算法減小多叉判決圖規模”,微電子學 30(S0),2000年增刊,2000.10,130-132
¨ 許靈均,邊計年,薛宏熙,“用局部等價替換技術改善時延性能”,微電子學 30(S0),2000年增刊,2000.10,124-126
¨ 盧峰,邊計年,薛宏熙,“結合OBDD和電路結構的等價性驗證演演算法”,微電子學 30(S0),2000年增刊2000.10 121-123
¨ 楊勛,薛宏熙,邊計年,“微處理器模型CE及其驗證方法”,微電子學 30(S0),2000年增刊,2000.10,156-158
¨ 徐正生,曹霆,邊計年,薛宏熙,“時延驅動的多級邏輯綜合研究”,計算機應用 2000年增刊,2000.9 168-170
¨ 范軼平,貝勁松,邊計年,薛宏熙,“符號模型判別系統的一種實用反例生成策略”,計算機應用 2000年增刊,2000.9,165-167,
¨ Long Wang-ning,Min Ying-hu,Bian Ji-nian,Yang Shi-yuan,Xue Hong-xi,“Efficient Heuristic Variable Ordering of OBDDs”,Tsinghua Science and Technology(清華大學學報英文版),5(2),2000.6. 221-226
¨ 龍望寧,吳有亮,邊計年,薛宏熙,“基於蘊涵樹的冗餘添加與刪除技術”,計算機學報Chinese Journal of Computers, 23(4),2000.4,356-362,EI 01015501585,INSPEC 6605609
¨ 邊計年,“布圖驅動的邏輯綜合技術”,中國學術期刊文摘(科技快報) 6(3),2000.3, (0003K016),387-388
¨ 曹霆,吳彥青,王剛,邊計年,薛宏熙,“Windows中圖形數據傳輸技術的實現”,電子技術與應用 25(10),1999.10. 9-11
¨ 王志明,邊計年,龍望寧,薛宏熙,“基於二叉判決圖的邏輯電路形式驗證工具”,軟體學報 10(增刊),1999.6. 235-238 TP3-2
¨ 貝勁松,邊計年,薛宏熙,龍望寧,洪先龍,“SAS:形式驗證中的OBDD變數排序演演算法”,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics,11(5),1999.9,412-416,EI 99114878831,INSPEC 006406117
¨ 貝勁松,李洪星,邊計年,薛宏熙,洪先龍,“形式驗證中同步時序電路的VHDL描述到S2-FSM的轉換”,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics 11(3),1999.5,196-199,EI 99084745239,INSPEC 006278840
¨ 貝勁松,李洪星,邊計年,薛宏熙,“BDD在有限狀態機驗證中的應用”,微電子學與計算機 1998年增刊,1998.7 158-161
¨ 趙方,郭芳,邊計年,王剛,薛宏熙,“VHDL翻譯型模擬器中函數功能的實現”微電子學與計算機 1998年增刊,1998.7,133-135
¨ 邊計年,“VITAL─設計ASIC模型的VHDL基準”,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics,10(2),1998.3. 161-166,EI 98064254897,INSPEC 006144280
¨ 邊計年,陳菁,“V2C++—— 一個用C++實現的VHDL 翻譯型模擬器”,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics,10(2),1998.3. 167-172 EI 98064254898 INSPEC 006144281
¨ 邊計年,盧峰,郭芳,“適應調試功能的VHDL模型及模擬演演算法”,計算機學報Chinese Journal of Computers,20(11),1997.11,996-1002,EI 98034142626,INSPEC 005851162
¨ 邊計年,移容樹,“VHDL預定義算符的功能實現及其數據類型的相容性”,微電子學與計算機 1995年增刊[1995.7],11-13
¨ 邊計年,郭芳,“VHDL層次化結構模型及其確立演演算法”,微電子學與計算機,1995 年增刊[1995.7] ,8-10
¨ 蘇明,薛宏熙,邊計年,“VHDL集成設計環境”,微電子學與計算機,1995年增刊[1995.7],1-3
¨ 王慶生,薛宏熙,邊計年,“圖文混合編輯器中VHDL源描述的自動生成”,計算機工程,1994年專刊[1994.6]
¨ 邊計年,盧勤,呂昌,劉渝,連永君,“一個功能較強的互動式混合級邏輯模擬工具SIM”,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics,3(2),1991.3,55-60
International Conferences
¨ Qiang Wu,Jinian Bian,Renfa Li,Yunfeng Wang,Haili Wang,Wei Wang,Wei Xie,“Extend Force-directed Scheduling for System-level Synthesis in Time-constrained System-on-Chip Design”,ICESS’05,Xi’an,2005.12.16-18,IEEE CS
¨ Yunfeng Wang,Jinian Bian,Xianlong Hong,Liu Yang,Qiang Zhou,Qiang Wu,“A New Methodology of Integrating High Level Synthesis and Floorplan for SoC Design”,ICESS’05,Xi’an,2005.12.16-18,LNCS,SCI
¨ Feng Lin,Haili Wang,JinianBian,“HW/SW Interface Synthesis based on Avalon Bus Specification for Nios-oriented SoC Design”,FPT’06,Singapore,2005.12.11-14
¨ Zhipeng Liu, Jinian Bian, Jianfeng Huang, Yunfeng Wang, “Fast and Efficiently Binding of Functional Units For Low Power Design”, 2005 6th International Conference on ASIC Proceedings, ASICON’05, Shanghai, 2005.10.17-20, 94-97
¨ Yawen Niu, Jinian Bian, Haili Wang, Kun Tong, Liang Zhu, “SLCAO: An Effective System Level Communication Architectures Optimization Methodology for System-on-Chips”, 2005 6th International Conference on ASIC Proceedings, ASICON’05, Shanghai, 2005.10.17-20, 114-117
¨ Jianfeng Huang, Jinian Bian, Zhipeng Liu, Yunfeng Wang, “A Fast Algorithm for Power Optimization Using Multiple Voltages in Data Path Synthesis”, 2005 6th International Conference on ASIC Proceedings, ASICON’05, Shanghai, 2005.10.17-20, 902-905
¨ Shaohe Wu, Minchuan Chen, Weimin Wu, Jinian Bian, “RTL Property Checking Technology Based on ATPG and ILP”, 2005 6th International Conference on ASIC Proceedings, ASICON’05, Shanghai, 2005.10.17-20, 890-893
¨ Minchun Chen, Weimin Wu, Jinian Bian, “RTL Satisfiability Solving Using an ATPG based Approach”, 2005 6th International Conference on ASIC Proceedings, ASICON’05, Shanghai, 2005.10.17-20, 910-913
Tao Liu, Wei-Ming Wu, Yu-Liang Wu, Ji-Nian Bian, “Hexagon/Triangle Packing Using Improved Least Flexibility First Principle Algorithm”, 2005 6th International Conference on ASIC Proceedings, ASICON’05, Shanghai, 2005.10.17-20, 828-831
Zhuoyuan Li, Haixia Yan, Xianlong Hong, Qiang Zhou, Jinian Bian, Hannal H. Yang, Vijay Pitchumani, “Design Tools for 3D Mixed Mode Placement”, 2005 6th International Conference on ASIC Proceedings, ASICON’05, Shanghai, 2005.10.17-20, 796-799
Bin Liu, Yici Cai, Qiang Zhou, Jinian Bian, Xianling Hong, “Decomposition for Power Gating Design Automation in Sequential Circuits”, 2005 6th International Conference on ASIC Proceedings, ASICON’05, Shanghai, 2005.10.17-20, 862-865
Weiwei Zheng,Weimin Wu,Jinian Bian,“Hierarchical Property Checking for RTL Circuits by LP-based Satisfiability Solving”,The 6th Workshop on RTL and High level Test Symposium,WRTLT’05,Harbin,2005.7. 213-218
Di Wang,Weimin Wu,Weiwei Zheng,Jinian Bian,“Model Checking of A DLX Microprocessor Design By Exploiting Modular Hierarchy”,The 6th Workshop on RTL and High level Test Symposium,WRTLT’05,Harbin,2005.7. 219-223
Yunfeng Wang,Jinian Bian,Xainlong Hong,“ A New Methodology of Integrating High Level Synthesis and Floorplanning for Nanometer Regime Design”,Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design,CAID&CD’05,Delft,Nederland,2005.5. 437-441,ISTP BCT62
Haili Wang,Jinian Bian,Qiang Wu,Yawen Niu,Kun Tong,“Integrated Hardware/Software Partitioning and Architecture Synthesis for Systems-on-Chip Design: An Incremental Design Methodology”,Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design,CAID&CD’05,Delft,Nederland,2005.5. 702-707,ISTP BCT62
Kun Tong,Jinian Bian,Haili Wang,“Piss: A Performance-Driven Interface,Synthesis System”,Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design,CAID&CD’05,Delft,Nederland,2005.5. 601-606,ISTP BCT62
Yawen Niu,Jinian Bian,Haili Wang,“CGEM: A Communication Graph Extraction Methodology Based on HCDFG for Channel Mapping in System Level Design”,Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design,CAID&CD’05,Delft,Nederland,2005.5. 696-701,ISTP BCT62
Liang Zhu,Haili Wang,Jinian Bian,“A Novel Method of Generating Transaction-level Model Based on Transformation Techniques”,Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design,CAID&CD’05,Delft,Nederland,2005.5. 768-773,ISTP BCT62
Rongjun Mu,Jinian Bian,Yu-liang Wu,Wai-Chung Tang,“Further Minimization of Bdds for LargeCircuits With Xor/Xnor Recognition”,Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design,CAID&CD’05,Delft,Nederland,2005.5. 551-555,ISTP BCT62
Wenjun Wang,Yunfeng Wang,Jinian Bian,“A Congestion Driven Re-Synthesis Method after floorplannig”,2005 (3st) International Conference on Communications,Circuits,and Systems and West Sino Exprositions Proceedings,ICCCAS’05,Hong Kong,2005.5. 1220-1224,ISTP BCZ13,INSPEC 8623662, IEEE xplore
Jianfeng Huang,Jinian Bian,Zhipeng Liu,Yunfeng Wang,“Power optimization in data-path scheduling and binding with multiple supply voltages and threshold voltages by simulated annealing”,2005 (3st) International Conference on Communications,Circuits,and Systems and West Sino Exprositions Proceedings,ICCCAS’05,Hong Kong,2005.5. 1370-1374,ISTP BCZ13,INSPEC 8623694, IEEE xplore
Haili Wang,Jinian Bian,Qiang Wu,Yunfeng Wang,“iTuCoMe: HCDFG-based Incremental Tuning HW/SW Codesign Methodology for Multi-level Exploration”,Procedings of The 9th International Conference on Computer Suppoted Cooperative Work in Design,CSCWD’05,Coventry,UK,2005.5. 978-983,ISTP BCO78,INSPEC 8588021,IEEE Xplore
Jianzhou Zhao,Jinian Bian,Weimin Wu,“Cooperation of SMV and Jeda for the Property Checking of Mixed Control and Data Intensive Designs”,Procedings of The 9th International Conference on Computer Suppoted Cooperative Work in Design,CSCWD’05,Coventry,UK,2005.5. 1024-1028,ISTP BCO78,INSPEC 8588029,IEEE Xplore
Yunfeng Wang,Jinian Bian,xianlong Hong,“Interconnect Delay Optimization via High Level Re-synthesis After Floorplanning”,International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,ISCAS’05,Cobe,Japan,2005.5. 5641-5644,ISTP BCZ06,IEEE xplore
Zhuoyuan Li,Xianlong Hong,Qiang Zhou,Yici Cai,Jinian Bian; Hannal Yang,Prashant Saxena,Vijay Pitchumani,“A Divide-and-Conquer 2.5-D Floorplanning Algorithm Based On Statistical Wirelength Estimation”, International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,ISCAS’05,Cobe,Japan,2005.5. 6230-6233,ISTP BCZ06,IEEE xplore
Qiang Wu,Jinian Bian,Hongxi Xue,“System-level Architectural Exploration Using Allocate-on-Demand Technique”,Proceedings of Asia and South-Pacific Design Automation Conference,ASP-DEC05,shanghai 2005.1,1296-1299,INSPEC 8487179,IEEE xplore
Ming Zhu,Jinian Bian,Weimin Wu,“Optimization Techniques in a Functional Verification Platform for Embedded System”,The First International Conference on Embedded Software and System,ICESS04,Hangzhou,2004.12,480-486;Lecture Note in Computer Science (LNCS),Vol. 3605 / 2005,DOI: 10.1007/11535409_79,2005.8. 542-548
Haili Wang,Jinian Bian,Yawen Niu,Kun Tong,Yunfeng Wang,,“CA-Ex: A Tuning-Incremental Methodology for Application-Specific Communication Architectures in Distributed Embedded Systems”,The First International Conference on Embedded Software and System,ICESS04,Hangzhou,2004.12. 7-14 Best Paper Award;Lecture Note in Computer Science (LNCS),Vol. 3605 / 2005,DOI: 10.1007/11535409_79,2005.8. 74-80
Qiang Wu,Jinian Bian,Hongxi Xue,“A Distributed Architecture Model for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor System-on-Chip Design”,The First International Conference on Embedded Software and System,ICESS04,Hangzhou,2004.12. 124-130;Lecture Note in Computer Science (LNCS),Vol. 3605 / 2005,DOI: 10.1007/11535409_79,2005.8. 150-157
Kun Tong,Haili Wang,Jinian Bian,“A Generic Interface Modeling Approach for SOC Design”,2004 7th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuits Technology Proceedings,ICSICT’04,Beijing,2004.10. v.II,1400-1403 EI 05299218069,ISTP BBR18,INSPEC 8510606
Jianzhou Zhao,Jinian Bian,Weimin Wu,“PFGASAT-a Genetic SAT Solver Combining Partitioning and Fuzzy Strategies”,Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference,COMPSAC 2004,Hong Kong,(28th) 2004.9,108-113,EI 05219121849,INSPEC 8303524,IEEE xplore,ACM lib
Weimin Wu,Ming Zhu,Jianzhou Zhao,Jinian Bian,“AL/RTL Co-Modeling And General Test Generation”,2004 International Conference on Communications,Circuits and Systems,ICCCAS2004 (2nd),Chengdu 2004.6. 1329-1333,EI 05038790248,ISTP BBC53,000224820400291,INSPEC 8097931,IEEE xplore
Zhu Ming,Bian Jinian,Wu Weimin,“A Novel Collaborative Scheme of Simulation and Moddel Checking for Property Verification”,Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design,CSCWD’04,Xiamen,(8th,Vol.II) 2004.5. 67-72 ISTP BAN11,000222931800020,INSPEC 8229343,IEEE xplore
Ming Zhu,Jinian Bian,Weimin Wu,Hongxi Xue,“Property Classification for Hibrid Verification”,The 4th Workshop on RTL and High level Test Symposium,WRTLT’03,(2nd),Xian 2003.11. 129-132
Jianzhou Zhao,Jinian Bian,Weimin Wu,“ACSAT: A SAT Solver via Solving TSP by ACO”,The 4th Workshop on RTL and High level Test Symposium,WRTLT’03,Xian 2003.11. 133-137
Weimin Wu,Di Wang,Weiwei Zheng,Jinian Bian,Ming Zhu,Jianzhou Zhao,“Safety Checking By Problem Solving”,The 4th Workshop on RTL and High level Test Symposium,WRTLT’03,Xian 2003.11. 151-156
Ming Zhu,Jinian Bian,Weimin Wu,Hongxi Xue,“Property Classification for Functional Verification based on CDFG”,Proceedings of the Twelfth Asian Test Symposium,ATS’03,(12th),Xian 2003.11,503 ISTP BY38Z 000189157300092,INSPEC 7905635,IEEE xplore
¨ Haili Wang,Qiang Wu,Jinian Bian,Zhihui Xiong,Jihua Chen,Sikun Li,“A Novel Virtual-Real Component Synthesis Approach in SoC Design”,8th International Conference on CAD/Graphics,OCT 29-31,2003 CAD/ GRAPHICS TECHNOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS,PROCEEDINGS,CAD/Graphics’03,Macau 2003.10. 151-156,ISTP BAY65 000224243000023
Qiang Wu,Yunfeng Wang,Jinian Bian,Hongxi Xue,“Graph Transformations on CDFG for Granularity Selection in Hardware-Software Partitioning: Experiments and Analysis”,8th International Conference on CAD/Graphics,OCT 29-31,2003 CAD/ GRAPHICS TECHNOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS,PROCEEDINGS,CAD/Graphics’03,Macau 2003.10. 303-308,ISTP BAY65 000224243000046
Weimin Wu,Zhuoyuan Li,Hanbin Zhou,Xianlong Hong,Jinian Bian,“A Size-Balancing Approach to Mixed Mode Placement”,8th International Conference on CAD/Graphics,OCT 29-31,2003 CAD/ GRAPHICS TECHNOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS,PROCEEDINGS,CAD/Graphics’03,Macau 2003.10. 309-314,ISTP BAY65 000224243000047
Qiang Wu,Jinian Bian,Hongxi Xue,Yiping Fan,Weimin Wu,Xianlong Hong and Jun Gu,“Applying Search Space Smoothing Technique to Hardware/Software Partitioning”,Proceedings of 2003 5th International Conference on ASIC. (IEEE Cat. No.03TH8690),ASICON’03,Beijing 2003.10,85-88,ISTP BY56E 000189408900012,INSPEC 8015734,IEEE xplore
Hu Heng,Hongxi Xue,Jinian Bian,“A heuristic state assignment algorithm targeting area”,Proceedings of 2003 5th International Conference on ASIC. (IEEE Cat. No.03TH8690),ASICON’03,Beijing 2003.10. 93-96,ISTP BY56E 000189408900014,INSPEC 8015736,IEEE xplore,,ACM lib
Jinian Bian,Hongxi Xue,Zhengsheng Xu,Lingjun Xu,Yunfeng Wang,Yu-Liang Wu,“Local Logic Substitution Algorithm for Post-Layout Re-synthesis”,Proceedings of 2003 5th International Conference on ASIC. (IEEE Cat. No.03TH8690),ASICON’03,Beijing 2003.10. 136-139 ISTP BY56E 000189408900024,INSPEC 8015745,IEEE xplore
Wang Yunfeng,Bian Jinian,Wu Qiang,Hu Heng,“Reallocation and Rescheduling after Floor-planning for Timing Optimization”,Proceedings of 2003 5th International Conference on ASIC. (IEEE Cat. No.03TH8690),ASICON’03,Beijing 2003.10. 212-215 ISTP BY56E 000189408900042,INSPEC 8015761,IEEE xplore
Ming Zhu,Jinian Bian,Weimin Wu,Hongxi Xue,“Property-Classified Hybrid Verification based on CDFG”,Proceedings of 2003 5th International Conference on ASIC. (IEEE Cat. No.03TH8690),ASICON03,Beijing 2003.10. 233-237 ISTP BY56E 000189408900047,INSPEC 8015766,IEEE xplore
Jin Chen,Qiang Wu,Jinian Bian,Hongxi Xue,“SGA - A Self-adaptable granularity Approach for Hardware/Software Co-design”Proceedings of 2003 5th International Conference on ASIC. (IEEE Cat. No.03TH8690),ASICON’03,Beijing 2003.10. 365-368 ISTP BY56E 000189408900079,INSPEC 8015794,IEEE xplore
Yang Xiao,Yufeng Wang,Jinian Bian,“Placement-Aware Retiming and Rescheduling in High-Level Synthesis”,CAID/CD’03,Hangzhou 2003.10. 556-561
Qiang Wu,Jinian Bian,Hongxi Xue,“A Unified Method for System Synthesis with Hardware and Software IP Cores in SoC Design”,CAID/CD’03,Hangzhou 2003.10. 802-807
Weimin Wu,Di Wang,Weiwei Zheng,Jinian Bian,Ming Zhu,“Property Checking Using RTL ATPG”,CAID/CD’03,Hangzhou 2003.10. 871-875
Zhu Ming,Bian Jinian,Xue Hongxi,“Uniform Internal Model for Hybrid Language Description”,2002 International Conference on Communications,Circuits and Systems and West Sino Exposition Proceedings (Cat. No.02EX591),ICCCAS’02,Chengdu 2002.6. 1322-1325 INSPEC 7691405,ISTP BY38Z 000189407400280,IEEE xplore
Qiang Wu,Yunfeng Wang,Jinian Bian,Weimin Wu,Hongxi Xue,“A Hierarchical CDFG as Intermediate Representation for Hardware/Software Codesign”2002 International Conference on Communications,Circuits and Systems and West Sino Exposition Proceedings (Cat. No.02EX591),ICCCAS’02,Chengdu 2002.6. 1429-1432 INSPEC 7691428,ISTP BY38Z 000189407400303,IEEE xplore
Xu Lingjun,Bian Jinian and Xue Hongxi,“Delay-driven Algorithm for Logic Re-synthesis after Placement”,CAID&CD’01,jinan,qingdao 2001.10. 647-651
Wang yunfeng,Lu Feng,Bian Jinian,Xue Hongxi,“,Merging High-Level Synthesis with Layout Design for SOC Design”,CAID&CD’01,jinan,qingdao 2001.10. 227-231
Lu Feng,Bian Jinian,Xue Hongxi,“EVBCS: New Equivalence Verification Algorithm Based on OBDD and Circuit Structure”,International Conference on ASIC,Proceedings,ASICON’01,Shanghai 2001. 10,190-193,EI 02126890572,ISTP BU56Q 0001 76369900036,INSPEC 7260694,IEEE xplore
Yang Xun,Zhu Ming,Xue Hongxi,Bian Jinian,Hong Xianlong,“A Platform for System-on-a-chip Design Prototyping”,2001 4th International Conference on ASIC Proceedings,ASICON’01,Shanghai 2001. 10. 781-784,EI 02126890717,ISTP BU56Q 0001 76369900184,INSPEC 7260842,IEEE xplore
Liu Jianhua,Zhu Ming,Bian Jinian,Xue Hongxi,“A debug sub-system for embedded-system co-verification”,2001 4th International Conference on ASIC Proceedings,ASICON’01,Shanghai 2001.10.,777-780,EI 02126890716,ISTP BU56Q 0001 76369900183,INSPEC 7260841,IEEE xplore
Yang Xun,Xue Hongxi,Bian Jinian,“A Platform Supporting Hw/Sw System Coverification”,CAID&CD 2000,Hong Kong 2000.11. 533-536
Yiping Fan,Jinsong Bei,Jinian Bian,HongXi Xue,Xianlong Hong,Jun Gu,“VERIS: An Efficient Model Checker for Synchronous VHDL Designs”,WCC 2000 (icda 2000) 2000.8. 475-480; Annual International Hardware Description Language Conference and Exhibition (HDLCON),AUG,2000; System-On-Chip Methodologies & Design Languages 2001,97-107,ISTP BT43U 000173022800009
Jinian Bian,Hongxi Xue,Yanqing Wu,“OMDD - New Representation of Boolean Functions Oriented to Logic Synthesis”,Procedings Volume VII. Computer Science and Engineering: Part I. Programming-Techniques,SCI2000/ISAS2000,Orlando,Florida,USA 2000.7.
Xun Yang,Hongxi Xue,Jinian Bian,“The Integration of Simulation and Emulation for SOC HW/SW Coverification”,Procedings Volume VIII. Computer Science and Engineering: Part II Geographical Information Systems,SCI2000/ISAS2000,Orlando,Florida,USA 2000.7.
Wangning Long,Yu-Liang Wu,Jinian Bian,“IBAW: An Implication-Tree Based Alternative-Wiring Logic Transformation Algorithm”,Proceedings ASP-DAC 2000. Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference 2000 with EDA TechnoFair 2000. (Cat. No.00EX389),ASP-DAC'00,Yokohama,Japan 2000.1. 415-421,INSPEC 6597039,IEEE xplore
Wangning Long,Yu-Liang Wu,Jinian Bian,“On Implication-Tree Based Redundancy Addition and Removal Algorithm”,1999 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems. Signal Processing and Communications Beyond 2000,ISPACS'99,Phuket,Thailand 1999.12. 53-56 INSPEC 6662729,
Zhiming Wang,Jinian Bian,Hongxi Xue,“A Method of Formal Verification for Logic Circuits with ‘Don't Care’ Information”,Proceedings of The 6th International Conference On Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics,CAD/Graphics'99,Shanghai 1999.12. 622-625 ISTP BQ56H 000088777900119
Bian Jinian,“Lower Level Dependent Design Methodology for High Level VLSI Design”,CAID&CD'99,Bangkok,Thailand 1999.11. 173-177
Xun Yang,Hongxi Xue,Jinian Bian,“Cycle-based Algorithm Used to Accelerate VHDL Simulation”,APCHDL'99,Fukuoka,Japan 1999.10. 17-21
Jinsong Bei,Hongxing Li,Jinian Bian,Hongxi Xue,Xianlong Hong,“FSM modeling of synchronous VHDL design for symbolic model checking”,Proceedings of the ASP-DAC '99 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference 1999 (Cat. No.99EX198),ASP-DAC’99,Hong Kong,1999.1. 363-366,ISTP BM69S 000079494700090,INSPEC 6358324,IEEE xplore
Jinsong Bei,Jinian Bian,HongXi Xue,Wangning Long,“A new heuristic algorithm for OBDD variable ordering”,ASICON’98,Beijing,1998.10. 354-357
Zhiming Wang,Wangnign Long,Jinian Bian,Hongxi Xue,“An OBDD based formal verification system”,ASICON’98,Beijing,1998.10. 366-369
Fang Guo,Jinian Bian,Gang Wang,Hongxi Xue,“A process-based event driven method for compiled-code simulation”,5th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics,CAD/Graphics'97,Shenzhen 1997.12. 601-604 ISTP BK32T 000071822600126
Jinian Bian,Hongxi Xue,Ming Su. “VIDE: A visual VHDL integrated design environment”,Proceedings of the ASP-DAC '97. Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference 1997 (Cat. No.97TH8231),ASP-DAC'97,Chiba,Japan 1997.1,383-386,EI 97073722182,ISTP BJ06S,INSPEC 5559025,IEEE xplore
Bian Jinian,Lu Feng,Wan Bo,Su Ming,“A model and an algorithm for VHDL high-level and hierarchical simulation with debug function”,CAD/Graphics'95,Wuhan 1995.10. 1235-1240; Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,vol.2644 1996. 791-796,EI 96053164216,ISTP 1996 No.8,P67639,INSPEC 5276251
Bo Wan,Jinian Bian. “VHdbx: An X window system based high-level debugger for the VHDL simulation environment”,1995 4th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology. Proceedings (Cat. No.95TH8143),ICSICT'95,Beijing 1995.10. 358-360,EI 96063224075,ISTP 1996 P 67258,INSPEC 5340928
Qingsheng Wang,Hongxi Xue,Ming Su,Jinian Bian. “Behavioral description in visual VHDL and its implementation”,1995 4th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology. Proceedings (Cat. No.95TH8143),ICSICT'95,Beijing 1995.10. 361-363,EI 96063224076,ISTP 1996 No7,P67258,INSPEC 5340929,IEEE xplore
Bian Jinian,Liu Yu. “Signal state and delay calculation in switch-level networks for mixed-level simulation”,China 1991 International Conference on Circuits and Systems. Conference Proceedings (Cat. No.91TH0387-1),ICCAS'91,Shenzhen,1991.6. 917-920,EIM 9305-026040,EI 93030727787 ,INSPEC 4264542,IEEE xplore

