





1. 手性配體的合成和不對稱催化反應的研究: 新型高效手性配體的設計合成,主要是軸手性手性配體的設計、合成及其應用研究;以樹性大分子負載的手性配體的有機合成方法研究,重點探討其在不對稱催化反應的應用。
2. 設計合成新型聚合催化劑:在這個領域我們的研究方向是金屬有機化學和催化。主要包括設計、合成金屬有機催化劑以實現聚合物的可控性合成。探討有應用前景的聚合物金屬催化劑的合成中的基本化學問題。


1. 樹枝狀手性金屬催化劑的不對稱催化反應研究,項目編號: 05D215,上海市教委, 5萬, 2005.10—2006.10.
2. 雙功能的樹枝狀手性配體的合成和不對稱催化反應研究,項目編號: 05JC14074,上海市科委, 20萬, 2005.10—2007.10.
3. 配位性側連修飾的過渡金屬釩催化劑的合成、結構與反應,項目編號: 20543007,國家基金委, 8萬, 2006.1—2007.1.
4. 噻唑並嘧啶類化合物的合成和除草性能的研究,項目編號: PL419,校博士啟動基金, 2萬, 2004.10—2005.10.
5. 具有橋聯結構的手性雙茚金屬鈦催化劑的合成以及潛手性亞胺不對稱氫化反應研究,項目編號: 20673072,國家基金委, 25萬, 2009.1—2009.12.
1. Guo-Hua Liu, Han Yu, Yun-Ning Xue, Mei Yao and Haibing Fang Synthesis, Crystal Structure of Chiral BINOL Derivatives and Its Application in the Enantioselective Lewis Acid Catalyzed Addition of Diethylzinc to Aldehydes. Chin. J. Struct. Chem. 2007, 26, 133-138.
2. Guo-Hua Liu, Yun-Ning Xue, Lian-Zhun Yang, Mei Yao and Si-Jia Xue 2-(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy)-N-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl)propionamide Acta Cryst.. 2006, E62, o1028–o1029
3. Guo-Hua Liu, Yun-Ning Xue and Si-Jia Xue N’-(4-Chloro-6-methoxypyrimidin-2-yl) -N-[2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)propionyl]thiourea, Acta. Cryst. 2006, E62, o133–o135
4. 劉國華, 薛允寧,陳曉閩, 范青華. 含光學活性聯二萘酚基團的可溶性高分子手性配體的合成及其不對稱加成反應. 高分子學報, 2006, 2, 371-376.
5. Guo-Hua Liu, Dirk J. Beetstra, Auke Meetsma, Bart Hessen, Neutral and Cationic Vanadium(III) Alkyl and Allyl Complexes with a Cyclopentadienyl-amine Ancillary Ligand. Organometallics: 2004,23, 3914-3920.
6. Guo-Hua Liu, Wei-Jun Tang, Qing-Hua Fan, Dendritic BINOL Ligands for asymmetry catalyst: The effect of linking positions and the generations of dendritic wedges on catalyst properties. Tetrahedron: 2003, 59, 8603-8611.
7. Guo-Hua Liu, Qing-Hua Fan, Guo-Jun Deng, Xiao-Min Chen, Chiral BINOL-centered dendrimers enantioselective Lewis acid diethylzinc addition to aldehydes. Arkivoc, 2003, 123-132.
8. Qing-Hua Fan, Guo-Hua Liu, Guo-Jun Deng, Xiao-Min Chen and Albert S. C. Chan, New soluble bifunctional polymeric chiral ligands for enantioselectively catalytic reactions. Tetrahedron:Letter, 2001, 42, 9047-9050.
9. Qing-Hua Fan, Guo-Hua Liu, Xiao-Min Chen, Guo-Jun Deng and Albert S. C. Chan, The synthesis of dendritic BINOL ligands and their applications in enantioselective lewis acid catalyzed Addition of diethylzinc to aldehydes. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2001, 12, 1559-1565.