共找到2條詞條名為倫敦德里的結果 展開
- 北愛爾蘭西北部的一個郡
- 北愛爾蘭郡的首府城市
該市的綽號稱為「處女城」(Maiden City),因為在1690年圍城(siege of Derry)期間其城牆從未被炮彈穿破。它也是歐洲僅有的城牆未被攻破過的城市之一。被城牆包圍的老城位於Foyle河的西岸,今天的城市跨越河流兩岸,西岸稱為Cityside,東岸稱為Waterside,由2座橋樑連接。該市擁有一個機場和海港。
1 Londonderry City Walls
2 Apprentice Boys Memorial Hall
3 St Augustine’s Church (Church Of Ireland)
4 Grand Parade
5 Royal Bastion - The Walker Memorial Plinth
6 Double Bastion - Roaring Meg
7 Bishops Gate
8 Cathedral Church Of St Columb
9 Siege Heroes’ Mound
10 Guard Or Sentinel Houses
11 Sally Port
12 New Gate
13 Ferryquay Gate
14 Shipquay Gate
15 Browning Memorial Tablet
16 Guildhall
17 The City’s Cannon
18 Magazine Gate
19 Castle Gate
20 Butcher Gate
21 1st Derry Presbyterian Church
22 Walker Memorial Courtyard
23 City War Memorial
24 The Orchard