

單軍,男,1984年生,山東泰安人,副研究員。2011年畢業於南京大學,獲環境科學理學博士學位。2009–2010年在德國哥廷根大學作訪問學者。近年來,運用同位素示蹤技術結合現代分析手段,研究了天然有機質和異源有機污染物的土壤降解轉化機理、生態系統碳氮動力學過程及其環境影響。在Soil Biol. Biochem.、Environ. Sci. Technol.等SCI期刊發表論文10多篇。


姓 名: 單軍
性 別: 男
職 務:
職 稱: 副研究員
通訊地址: 南京市北京東路71號




2012年 南京大學優秀博士論文


1. Shan, J., Wang, Y.F., Gu, J.Q., Zhou, W.Q., Ji, R., Yan, X.Y., 2014. Effects of biochar and the geophagous earthworm Metaphire guillelmi on fate of 14C-catechol in an agricultural soil. Chemosphere
2. Shan, J., Wang, Y.F., Wang, L.H., Yan, X.Y., Ji, R., 2014. Effects of the geophagous earthworm Metaphire guillelmi on sorption, mineralization, and bound-residue formation of 4-nonylphenol in an agricultural soil. Environ. Pollut.
3. Shan, J., Liu, J., Wang, Y.F., Yan, X.Y., Guo, H.Y., Li, X.Z., Ji, R., 2013. Digestion and residue stabilization of bacterial and fungal cells, protein, peptidoglycan, and chitin by the geophagous earthworm Metaphire guillelmi. Soil Biol. Biochem.
4. Shan, J., Yan, X.Y., 2013. Effects of crop residue returning on nitrous oxide emissions in agricultural soils. Atmos. Environ.
5. Shan, J., Jiang, B.Q., Yu, B., Li, C.L., Sun, Y.Y., Guo, H.Y., Wu, J.C., Klumpp, E., Schaeffer, A., Ji, R., 2011. Isomer-specific degradation of branched and linear 4-nonylphenol isomers in an oxic soil. Environ. Sci. Technol.
6. Shan, J., Xu, J., Zhou, W.Q., Ji, L.L., Cui, Y.B., Guo, H.Y., Ji R., 2011. Enhancement of chlorophenol sorption on soil by geophagous earthworms (Metaphire guillelmi). Chemosphere
7. Shan, J., Brune, A., Ji, R., 2010. Selective digestion of the proteinaceous component of humic substances by the geophagous earthworms Metaphire guillelmi and Amynthas corrugatus. Soil Biol. Biochem.
8. Shan, J., Wang, T., Li, C.L., Klumpp, E., Ji, R., 2010. Bioaccumulation and bound-residue formation of a branched 4-nonylphenol isomer in the geophagous earthworm Metaphire guillelmi in a rice paddy soil. Environ. Sci. Technol.
9. Zhou, W.Q., Shan, J., Jiang, B.Q., Wang, L.H., Feng, J.F., Guo, H.Y., Ji, R., 2013. Inhibitory effects of carbon nanotubes on the degradation of 14C-2,4-dichlorophenol in soil. Chemosphere
10. Liu, J., Shan, J., Jiang, B., Wang, L., Yu, B., Chen, J., Guo, H., Ji, R., 2014. Degradation and bound-residue formation of nonylphenol in red soil and the effects of ammonium. Environ.

