






2002-2004 參加中國科學院知識創新領域前沿項目“中華鱘的種群生態與保護生物學
2002-2004 參加國務院三峽工程建設委員會辦公室支持項目“長江三峽工程生態與環境監測
2003-2004 參加中法先進研究計劃“三峽大壩對魚類空間分佈的影響”
2003-2005 參加國家農業部海洋與河口漁業重點開放實驗室基金“長江口中華鱘幼魚群體遺傳多樣性研究”
2003-2006 參加國家自然科學基金重大項目“大型水利工程對長江流域重要生物資源的長期生態學效應”
2006-2009 參加973項目“心絞痛血瘀證的代謝組學研究”
2010-2012 參加國家自然科學基金國際合作研究項目“五種廣布鳥類的比較譜系地理學研究-探討歐亞大陸鳥類的演化歷史和遺傳格局形成過程”
2013-2014 主持水利部水工程生態效應與生態修復重點實驗室開放基金課題“預測多倍體標記譜系分析能力的模型構建”
2014-2016 主持國家自然科學基金青年基金項目“水利工程影響下的河道洄遊性魚類景觀遺傳研究-以圓口銅魚為例”


N. Zhao, C. Dai, W. Wang, R. Zhang, G. Song, K. Chen, Y. Qu, X, Yang, F, Zhou and F. Lei. 2012. Pleistocene climate changes shaped the divergence and demography of Asian population of the great tit (Parus major): evidence from phylogeographic analysis and ecological niche models.
Wenjuan Wang, Bailey D.McKay, Chuanyin Dai, Na Zhao, Ruiying Zhang, Yanhua Qu, Gang Song, Shou-Hsien Li, Wei Liang, Xiaojun Yang, Eric Pasquet, Fumin Lei.2013. Glacial expansion and diversification of an East Asian montane bird, the green-backed tit (Parus monticolus).Journal of Biogeography.
Dai, C. Y. *, Zhao, N. *, Wang, W. J., Lin, C. T., Gao, B., Yang, X. J., Zhang, Z. W. and Lei, F. M. 2011. Profound climatic effects on two East Asian black-throated tits (Ave: Aegithalidae), revealed by ecological niche models and phylogeographic analysis. (*共同第一作者)
Z. Shao, E. Rivals, N. Zhao, S. Lek, J.Chang and P. Berrebi. 2011.Evolutionary process of a tetranucleotide microsatellite locus in Acipenseriformes. Journal of Genetics.
N. Zhao and J.Chang, 2006.Microsatellite loci inheritance in the Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis with an analysis of expected gametes ratios in polyploidy organisms. Journal of Applied Ichthyology
N. Zhao, W. Ai, Z. Shao, B. Zhu, S. Brosse and J.Chang, 2005.Microsatellites assessment of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray) genetic variability. Journal of Applied Ichthyology
B. Zhu, N, Zhao, Z.Shao, S.Lek, J. Chang. 2006 Genetic population structure of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) in Yangtze River revealed by artificial neural network. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
B. Zhu, F. Zhou, H. Cao, Z. Shao, N. Zhao, B. May and J. Chang, 2002. Analysis of genetic variation in the Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis:estimating the contribution of artificially produced larvae in a wild population . Journal of Applied Ichthyology