



Ye Xu, PanXiang Ji, ZeLong Liu, et al., Evaluation of the Neutron Background in a Direct WIMP Detector with Neutron Veto System Based on Gd-doped Liquid Scintillator, JCAP06(2011)009
Xu,Ye, Wu, Bin, Zhang, Ying jie., et al., Discrimination between neutrino events and backgrounds using pulse shape information in reactor neutrino experiments, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A610, 590-596 (2009)
Xu, Y., Xu, W. W., Meng, Y. X., Wu, B., Improving application of Bayesian Neural Networks to discriminate neutrino events from backgrounds in reactor neutrino experiments, Journal of Instrumentation, 4, P01004 (2009)
Xu, W. W., Xu, Y., Meng, Y. X., Wu, B., Applying Bayesian Neural Network to determine neutrino incoming direction in reactor neutrino experiments and supernova explosion location by scintillator detectors, Journal of Instrumentation, 4, P01002 (2009)
Xu, Ye, Xu, Weiwei, Meng, YiXiong, et al., Application of Bayesian Neural Networks in High Energy Physics Experiments, 2009 Fifth International Conference on Natural Computation Vol. 6, 57-61 (2009)
Wei, Zheng-Tao, Xu, Ye, Li, Xue-Qian, Probing unparticle theory via lepton-flavor violating process J/psi -> ll' at BESIII, European Physical Journal C62, 593-598 (2009)
Xu, Y., Meng, Y. X., Xu, W. W., Applying bayesian neural networks to separate neutrino events from backgrounds in reactor neutrino experiments, Journal of Instrumentation, 3, P08005 (2008)
Xu, Ye, Xu, Weiwei, Meng, Yixiong, Zhu, Kaien, Xu, Wei, Applying Bayesian neural networks to event reconstruction in reactor neutrino experiments, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A592, 451-455 (2008)
Xu Ye, Hou Jian, Zhu Kai-En, Applying Bayesian neural networks to identify pion, kaon and proton in BES II, Chinese Physics C32, 201-204 (2008)