





2004/09-2007/07 中國地震局地球物理研究所 博士
2001/09-2004/07 中國地震局分析預報中心 碩士
1992/09-1997/06 北京防災技術高等專科學校 專科


2013/01-今 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所 副研
2010/06-2012/12 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所 博士后
2012/03-2012/06 美國喬治亞理工學院 訪問學者
2007/09-2010/05 江蘇省地震局 助研/副研
2004/11-2005/02 英國愛丁堡大學 訪問學生
1997/09-2001/08 南京基準地震台 研究實習員/助研






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Zhang Z.J., J. Wu, Y. Deng, J. Teng, X. Zhang, Y. Chen, G. Panza, 2012. Lateral variation of the strength of lithosphere across the eastern North China Craton: New constraints on lithospheric disruption, Gondwana Research
Gao Y., J. Wu, Y. Fukao, Y. Shi, A. Zhu, 2011. Shear wave splitting in the crust in North China: stress, faults and tectonic implications, Geophys. J. Int
Gao Y., J. Wu, J. Cai, Y. Shi, 2009. Shear-wave splitting in southeast of Cathaysia block, South China, J. Seism
Zhang Z., Deng Y.F., Chen L., Wu J., Teng J.W., Panza G., 2012. Seismic structure and rheology of the crust under Chinese mainland, Gondwana Research
Zhang Z.J., Wang Y.H., Deng Y.F., Chen L., Wu J., Teng J.W., Chen Y., Fan W.M., Panza G., 2012. Geophysical evidence of disruption by underplating-triggered lower-crust flow of the Archean lithosphere of North China Craton, Terra Nova
Zhang Z.J., Chen Y., Yuan X.H., Tian X.B., Klemperer S.L., Xu T., Bai Z.M., Zhang H.S., Wu J., Teng J.W., 2013. Normal faulting resulting from eastward lower crustal flow in South Tibet, using evidence from passive seismic profiling across the Yadong-Gulu Rift,Tectonophysics (in press)
Shi Y.T., Y. Gao, J. Wu, Y. Su, 2009. Crustal seismic anisotropy in Yunnan, Southwestern China, J. Seism
Liu K.H., S.S. Gao, Y. Gao, J. Wu, 2008. Shear wave splitting and mantle flow associated with the deflected Pacific slab beneath northeast Asia, J. Geophys. Res
高原,吳晶,易桂喜,石玉濤,2010. 從殼幔地震各向異性初探華北地區殼幔耦合關係,科學通報
高原,吳晶,2008. 利用剪切波各向異性推斷地殼主壓應力場:以首都圈地區為例,科學通報