1. 波浪及其與建築物的相互作用。
2. 波浪-多孔介質的相互作用。
3. 海洋環境水力學。
1. 波浪-多孔介質的相互作用。
2. 潮汐影響下浮力射流擴散研究。
3. 孤立波與直立結構的相互作用研究。
1. 孫昭晨,申震亞:The Motion of a Moored Floating Body under Wave Action. Proc.of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Workshop, China, 1986.
2. 申震亞,孫昭晨:波浪計算中的一個局部有限元法,海洋學報,Vol.8, No. 5, 1986.
3. 邱大洪,孫昭晨:Wave Induced Pressures on a Buried Pipeline. Proc. of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Conference, Houston, USA, 1987.
4. 孫昭晨:海洋波浪力研究中值得重視的幾個問題, 國際學術動態,No. 3, 1987
5. 邱大洪,孫昭晨:Uplifting Force and Moment on a Large Offshore Vertical Cylinder Resting on a Porous Elastic Seabed. Proc. of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Houston, USA, 1988.
6. 孫昭晨:推搖混合式造波機理論曲線,港口工程, No. 4, 1988.
7. 邱大洪,孫昭晨:Nonlinear Wave Action on a Buried Pipeline in Shallow water. Proc. offshore mechanics and Arctic engineering conference, Hague,The Netherlands, 1989.
8. 孫昭晨,邱大洪:作用於可滲可壓縮海床上的墩柱底部上的波浪力,海洋學報,Vol. 11, No.3, 1989年。
9. 邱大洪,孫昭晨:Uplifting wave force on the bottom of multiple piers. Proc. of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference, Houston, USA, 1990.
10.孫昭晨,邱大洪:Nonlinear wave forces on the bottom of a cylinder. Proc. of International Offshore and Polar Engineering Symposium, Edinburgh, UK. 1991.
11.孫昭晨,N.W.H. Allsop, Numerical Determination of Wave induced flow in rubble mound breakwaters. Proc. of the International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Venice, Italy, 1992.
13.孫昭晨:Numerical Simulation of Solitary wave runup on slopes. Proc. of International Offshore and Polar Engineering Symposium,
Singapore, 1993.
15.李玉成,孫昭晨:海洋流體動力學研究近況,國際學術動態,No.5-6, 1993.
16.孫昭晨:Numerical Simulation of Wave motion in a rubble mound
breakwater. Proc. of International Special Offshore Conference China, 1994.
18.孫昭晨:Solitary wave action on a vertical wall. Proc of 5th ISOPE Conference, Hague, the Netherlands, 1995.
19.李玉成,孫昭晨,滕斌,張永剛:改善由航道作用使防波堤波況異常的數值研究,海洋通報,Vol. 14, No. 2, 1995.
20.李玉成,繆國平,孫昭晨:水波研究新進展,國際學術動態,No. 4, 1995.
22.孫昭晨:Oblique Wave Reflection from a Breakwater. The 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, 1997.
24.王亞玲,沈永明,孫昭晨:兩相湍浮力分層流 模型,大連理工大學學報, 第39卷,第3期,1999.
26.孫昭晨,朱志海:Wave Damping due to Porous Seabed Effect, The 9th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Brest, France,1999.
27.梁書秀、沈永明、孫昭晨: 深度平均的應力-通量代數全場模型及其驗證, 《海洋環境科學》, 1999年第18卷第3期。
28.梁書秀、沈永明、孫昭晨: 潮汐水域中污水測向排放的數值模擬,《海洋學報》(中文版),2000年第22卷第2期。
29. 梁書秀、沈永明、孫昭晨: Numerical Simulation of the Transport and Dispersion of Side-discharged Sewage in Tide-flow, 《海洋學報》(英文版), 2000年第19卷第2期。
30.孫昭晨、邱大洪、朱志海: Seabed Response to Waves, Proc. Of Korea- China Conference on Port and Coastal Engineering, 2000.
33.孫昭晨、Philip L-F Liu:三維對流擴散方程的半隱式差分演演算法,第八屆全國海洋工程學術會議論文集,2000年。
34.孫昭晨、梁書秀:Tidal Flow in Hangzhou Bay, Proc. of China-Japan Workshop on Water Pollution Control and Prediction in the Tidal Waters,2001.
35.梁書秀、孫昭晨:Numerical Simulation of Salinity Distribution in Hangzhou Bay,Proc. of China-Japan Workshop on Water Pollution Control and Prediction in the Tidal Waters,2001.
36.鄭永紅、沈永明、孫昭晨:A High-order Splitting Scheme for the Advection-Diffusion Equation of Pollutants, Proc. of China-Japan Workshop on Water Pollution Control and Prediction in the Tidal Waters,2001.
37. 李玉成、孫昭晨、董國海、徐雙全、牛恩宗、毛凱:Laboratory Study on the Interaction between regular Obliquely Incident Waves and Vertical Walls, Proc. Of International Offshore and polar Engineering Conference, Vol.3, Stavanger, 2001.
38. 孫昭晨、梁書秀、董國海:Numerical Simulation of Tidal Flow around Hangzhou Bay with a Three Dimensional Ocean Circulation Model, Proc. Of International Offshore and polar Engineering Conference, Vol.3, Stavanger, 2001.
41.李玉成、董國海、孫昭晨、徐雙全:Laboratory Study on the Interaction between Regular Obliquely Incident Waves and Vertical Walls, China Ocean Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2001.(SCI)
44.Zhang Ruijin, Sun Zhaochen, N. Hayakawa, T. Hosoyamada: An accurate and highly efficient three-dimensional tidal model and its application to Dalian Bay, Journal of Applied Mechanics, JSCE, Vol.6, pp.923-931, Aug., 2003.
45. Liang Shuxiu, Sun Zhaochen: Typical Seasonal Circulation in the Bohai Sea, The 13th ISOPE-2003, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp.282-289.
46. Zhang Ruijin, N. Hayakawa, Sun Zhaochen: Numerical Simulation of the Tidal Flow around Hangzhou Bay, International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts, Hangzhou, pp.858-864, 2003. 11.
47. Liang Shuxiu, N. Keiji, Sun Zhaochen: Residual Circulation System and Its Driving Mechanism in the Bohai Sea, International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts, Hangzhou, pp.888-902, 2003. 11.
48. Sun Zhaochen, Zhu Zhihai: Wave Damping and a New Dispersion Equation due to Porous Seabed Effect, Asian and Pacific Coastal Engineering Conference, 2003.
49. Dong Guohai, Li Yucheng, Sun Zhaochen, Sun Yang: Interaction between Waves and a Comb-type Breakwater, China Ocean Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp517-526, 2003. 11.
50. Nakatsuji K, Yamanaka R, Liang S.X, Sun Z.C: Seasonal changes of Baroclinic circulation and water exchange in the Bohai Sea, Proc. Of the Eighth International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, pp.852-870,2003.(EI)
55.劉忠波,孫昭晨:Two sets of higher-order Boussinesq-type equations for water waves,Ocean Engineering,32(2005) 1296-1310。
56.Zhaochen Sun, Shuxiu Liang,Keiji Nakatsuji, Ryoichi Yamanaka:Residual Circulation System in the Bohai Sea,15th ISOPE Conference, Vol.3, Seoul, Korea, 2005.
58. 李俊花、孫昭晨、崔莉:基於新息理論的變點檢測及其在長輸管道泄漏監測中的應用,自動化學報,2006,32(3):462-469。
59.劉忠波、孫昭晨:新型高階Boussinesq水波方程的改進,哈爾濱工業大學學報,2006, 38(4),630-632。
60.孫昭晨,王世澎,波浪輻射應力對潮流的影響,大連理工大學學報,2006,No.5 730-734
61.Wang, S.P. ,Liang S.X., Sun, Z.C, The Effect of Wave Radiation Stresses on Tidal Current, The Proceedings of the 16th (2006) International Offshore and Polar Eng., 586-591(ISTP)
62.Li Mingchang, Liang Shuxiu, Sun Zhaochen, Applicatiom of Artificial Neural Networks in Tidal Level Forecasting , ICEC 2006, The Second International Conference on Estuary and Coastal Engineering , 893-899
71.劉必勁,孫昭晨. 波浪產生和運動的二階計算模型[J]. 海洋通報,2015,01:7-13.
72.鄭坤,孫家文,陳昌平,孫昭晨,任喜峰. Simulation of Wave Impact on Three-Dimensional Horizontal Plate Based on SPH Method[J]. Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2014,06:701-709.
73. 周鴻權,孫昭晨,李伯根,武小勇,鞏明,楊輝. 浙江象山港海域懸沙濃度分佈變化及其水動力影響分析[J]. 海洋通報,2014,06:694-702.
74. 孫家文,張子鵬,於永海,孫昭晨,梁書秀,索安寧. 基於動力條件改變的筆架山連島壩侵蝕原因分析[J]. 海岸工程,2014,04:1-13.
75. 張志波,梁書秀,孫昭晨,董麗紅. 筆架山連島沙壩侵蝕和修復的物理模型實驗研究[J]. 水動力學研究與進展A輯,2014,01:50-58.
76. 張衛平,孫昭晨,梁書秀. 離岸深水港輕型碼頭在波浪作用下動力響應研究[J]. 水運工程,2014,03:74-79.
77. 楊萍,高樹飛,孫昭晨,貢金鑫. 直立牆上不規則波波浪力試驗和統計分析[J]. 水運工程,2014,05:26-31.
78. 趙旭東,梁書秀,孫昭晨,劉忠波,韓松林,任喜峰. 基於GPU并行演演算法的水動力數學模型建立及其效率分析[J]. 大連理工大學學報,2014,02:204-209.
79. 張衛平,孫昭晨,梁書秀. 地震波傾斜入射下兩相飽和土層響應數值模擬[J]. 計算力學學報,2014,03:333-339.
80. 梁書秀,郝菲菲,孫昭晨,邵彥,李亞新. 基於Fluent的白內障術後房水流體力學數值分析[J]. 暨南大學學報(自然科學與醫學版),2014,04:350-356.
81. 劉忠波,房克照,孫昭晨. 論一類四階Boussinesq方程的變淺性能[J]. 力學學報,2014,04:512-518.
82. 李明昌,司琦,梁書秀,孫昭晨. 動水射流多參數多目標非線性遺傳優化耦合反演方法研究[J]. 水力發電學報,2014,04:92-97.
83. 梁書秀,嚴斌,孫昭晨,張怡輝. 海洋環流模式中的二階湍流封閉格式綜述[J]. 水利水電科技進展,2014,04:82-88+94.
84. Liang SX, Xie J, Sun ZC, et al. Development of a regional coastal management decision-aided system. Part A: Establishment of an automatic numerical simulation program. Ocean and Coastal Management, 2014, (96):173-180. (SCI,EI,IF=2.029)
85. Liang Shuxiu, Sun Zhaochen, Sun Jiawen, Zhang Zhibo. Study on the Erosion Mechanism of the Bijia Mountain Gravel Tombolo, China. Journal of Coastal Research,2014, 30(4):851-861.
86. Liang S.X., Han S.L., Sun Z.C., et al. Lagrangian methods for water transport processes in a long-narrow bay-Xiangshan Bay, China. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2014, 26(4): 558-567. (SCI,EI, IF=0.933)
87. 韓松林, 梁書秀, 孫昭晨. 狹長海灣象山港三維污染物運移特徵的數值模擬. 海洋通報, 2014, 33(5): 511-518.
88. 韓松林, 梁書秀, 孫昭晨. 基於FVCOM的象山港海域潮汐潮流與溫鹽結構特徵數值模擬. 水道港口, 2014, 35(5): 481-488.
89. Li, MC,Si, Q,Liang, SX , Sun, ZC. Multiple Objectives for Genetically Optimized Coupled Inversion Method for Jet Models in Flowing Ambient Fluid. Engineering application of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2014, 8(1): 82-90. (SCI, IF=0.664)
90. Wang Xing-Gang, Sun Zhao-Chen, Liang Shu-Xiu, Liu Si, Liu Shu-Xue, Luo Jun-Bin. Numerical Investigation on the Effects of Wave Group on the Motion of Moored DDMS Platform. Journal of Marine Science and Technology –Taiwan, 2013, 21(3): 258-267. (SCI,EI,IF=0.807)
91. 梁書秀,白波,孫昭晨. 渤海海峽北部非層化期海洋湍流混合的微結構特徵. 海洋環境科學,2013, (2), 190-195.
92. 孫家文,梁書秀,孫昭晨. 規則波對水平板衝擊作用試驗研究. 大連理工大學學報,2013, (2), 249-253.
93. 范從軍,梁書秀, 孫昭晨. 時域內規則波作用下豎直板的水彈性響應. 海洋工程, 2013, 31(5):37-44.
94. 熊偉,梁書秀,孫昭晨,劉光生. 海岸與近海工程數值模擬的自動化研究. 海洋環境科學, 2013, (4):588-593.
95. 屠珊珊,梁書秀,孫昭晨,朱志海,張亦飛. 象山港特徵污染物濃度分佈反演研究. 海洋開發與管理, 2013, (3):83-88.
96. 劉忠波,孫昭晨,房克照. 波浪在滲透海床上傳播的數學模型及其驗證[J]. 大連理工大學學報,2013,03:417-422.
97. 李明昌,張光玉,司琦,梁書秀,孫昭晨. 非線性遺傳優化海域水質耦合模型多參數反演方法研究[J]. 水資源與水工程學報,2013,03:10-13.
98. 楊萍,孫昭晨. 作用於直立堤上不規則波波谷力和傾覆力矩的統計分佈特性[J]. 中國水運(下半月),2013,08:154-157.
99. 韓智臣, 孫昭晨, 梁書秀. 飽和軟黏土中吸力錨的承載能力數值分析. 水運工程, 2013, 4:162-167.
100. 范從軍,孫昭晨,馬小劍,高哲. 波浪對豎直板的水彈性衝擊[J]. 水道港口,2013,05:380-386.
101. 師艷景,梁書秀,孫昭晨,韓智臣. 大潮差條件下浮式防波堤錨泊線組合形式的試驗研究[J]. 水運工程,2013,12:18-24.
102. 董麗紅,梁書秀,孫昭晨. 海灘養護理論與試驗研究進展. 海洋開發與管理, 2012, (5):44-51.
103. 解靜,梁書秀,孫昭晨,趙旭東,張亦飛,劉必勁、朱志海. 基於WEB GIS水動力數值模擬可視化技術應用. 水運工程, 2012, (6):52-57.
104. 解靜,梁書秀,孫昭晨,屠珊珊,張亦飛,李伯根. 象山港污染物漂移擴散規律研究,水道港口, 2012, (5):429-435.
105. 駱俊彬,孫昭晨,梁書秀,趙旭東. 直牆建築物后不規則波越浪壓力試驗研究. 水運工程, 2012, (11): 26-30.
106. 張衛平,孫昭晨. 處于海洋環境的樁柱在瑞利波作用下的響應[J]. 地震工程與工程振動,2012,03:124-129.
107. 李龍龍,孫昭晨,劉忠波. 交錯網格下四階Boussinesq方程對潛堤上波浪演化的應用[J]. 水運工程,2012,02:17-20.
108. 張衛平,孫昭晨. 波浪作用下考慮樁土相互作用的樁柱響應[J]. 水運工程,2012,03:55-59.
109. Sun Zhao-chen,Wang Xing-gang,Liang Shu-xiu,Liu Shu-Xue,Liu Si. Dynamic Response Analysis of DDMS Platform Subjected to Wave Groups and Current Forces. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2011, 23(6):697-708. (SCI,EI, IF=0.933)
110. Sun, J. W,Sun, ZC ; Liang, SX, Zheng, K. Spectral Analysis of Random Wave Uplift on a Horizontal Deck. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2011, 23(1):81-88. (SCI,EI, IF=0.933)
111. Ma Xiao-jian, Sun Zhao-chen, Wave groupiness effect on a moored ship by numerical simulation. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2011 23,145-153.
112. 王興剛, 孫昭晨 , 梁書秀 , 李明昌 , 趙旭東. 規則波作用下四錨浮標系統動力分析. 海洋工程. 2011, 29 (3):43-49.
113. 熊偉,劉必勁,孫昭晨,梁書秀,張亦飛. 寧波舟山近海三維潮汐潮流數值模擬[J]. 水道港口,2011,06:399-407.
114. 劉必勁,張亦飛,孫昭晨,徐偉. 波浪作用下大型開敞式碼頭系泊船舶撞擊能量研究[J]. 水運工程,2011,07:71-75.
115. 王興剛,孫昭晨,梁書秀. 深水Spar平台在不規則波中的運動響應. 中國造船, 2011(2):16-24.
116. 姜華林,孫昭晨,李黎,劉波,吳俊萍. 基於蒙特卡洛方法的海上搜尋區域確定模型[J]. 水道港口,2011,04:285-290.
117. 楊國平,周豐,孫昭晨. 離岸深水港岩基淺埋輕型結構碼頭建造技術[J]. 水運工程,2011,11:106-111.
118. 王興剛,孫昭晨,梁書秀,郭傳勝. 水深和螺旋板對Classic Spar水動力特性的影響. 中國海洋平台, 2011(1): 23-30.
119. 李明昌,司琦,梁書秀,孫昭晨,尤學一. 海域潮流場數值模型開邊界條件補遺預測的應用數據驅動模型. 水資源與水工程學報,2011(1):7-10. (EI)
120. 王興剛,孫昭晨,梁書秀. 卸載浮標系統運動響應分析. 水運工程,2011(4):40-44.
121. 李明昌, 梁書秀, 孫昭晨等. 基於數據驅動模型的潮位和潮流預測方法研究. 北京理工大學學報, 2010, 30(7):864-868.(EI)
122. 李明昌, 梁書秀, 孫昭晨. 海域組合單元水質模型參數反演方法研究. 應用基礎與工程科學學報, 2010, 18(3):408-418.(EI)
123. Zhao, XZ,Sun, ZC,Liang, SX,Effects of Wave Breaking on Freak Wave Generation in Random Wave Train. China Ocean Engineering, 2010, 24(4):653-662. (SCI,EI, IF=0.503)
124. 李明昌, 梁書秀, 孫昭晨. 開邊界優化反演方法在渤海灣潮汐模型中的應用. 中國港灣建設, 2010, 167(3):18-21.
125. Sun, J. W. , Liang, S. X., Sun, Z. C., Zhao, X. Z.. Simulation of Wave Impact on a Horizontal Deck Based on SPH Method. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2010, 9: 372-378.
126. 李明昌, 梁書秀, 孫昭晨. 海域水質生態模型參數估計方法研究初探-以葉綠素參數估計為例. 海洋環境科學, 2010, 29(1):8-11.
127. Zhao X.Z., Sun Z.C., Liang S.X. Generation and Propagation of nonlinear surface waves in a Fully-Nonlinear Wave Flume. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2010, 14(3):203-216.
128. Zhao X.Z., Sun Z.C., Liang S.X. 3-D simulations of freak waves based on high-order spectral method. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series), 2010, 17(2):286-291.
129. 臧士文,梁書秀,孫昭晨. 二維海面溢油預報模型的研究及應用[J]. 中國水運(下半月),2011,07:81-84.
130. 劉光生, 梁書秀, 孫昭晨等. 海洋數值計算中非結構化網格自動剖分的改進演演算法. 水道港口, 2010, 23(1):1-6.
131. 馬小劍,孫昭晨,張志明,楊國平,周豐. 風流作用下碼頭系泊船舶纜繩張力及運動量研究[J]. 水道港口,2010,03:164-169.
132. 孫家文,孫昭晨,梁書秀,張志明,楊國平,周 豐. 隨機波對水平板衝擊作用實驗研究. 海洋工程, 2010, 28:46-54.
133. XZ Zhao, C H Hu, Z C Sun and S X Liang. Validation of the initialization of a numerical wave flume using a time ramp. FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH, 2010, 42(4): 1-10. (SCI, IF=0.886)
134. ZHAO, X. Z., SUN, Z. C., LIANG S. X. The initialization of nonlinear water waves in a numerical wave flume. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2009, 28(6): 93-102. (SCI, IF=0.762)
135. Li, MC, Liang, SX ; Sun, ZC ; Zhang, GY. Optimal Dynamic Temporal-Spatial Parameter Inversion Methods for the Marine Integrated Element Water Quality Models Using a Data-Driven Neural Network. Journal of Maine Science and Technology-Taiwan, 2012, 20(5): 575-583. (SCI,EI, IF=0.807)
136. Li, MC, Liang, SX ; Sun, ZC ; Zhang, GY. Optimal Estimation for Key Parameters of the Marine Quality Model Using Data-driven Neural Network. Journal of Maine Science and Technology-Taiwan, 2010, 18( 5): 771-779. (SCI,EI, IF=0.807)
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1. Liang S.X., Zhao X.D., Sun Z.C., et al. Development of GPU Parallel Algorithm for an Unstructured-Grid Three-Dimension Hydrodynamic Model. 7th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, 2014, Sep. 7-12, Hannover, Germany.
2. Sun Z.C., Liang S.X., Zhang Y.F., et al. Comparison of Assessment Methods on Hydrodynamic Changes Caused by Long-Term Coastline and Topography Variations. 7th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, 2014, Sep. 7-12, Hannover, Germany.
3. Shu-xiu Liang, Zhao-chen Sun, Song-lin Han, Hong-qiang Yin and Bo Bai. Ocean Turbulent Mixing in Northern Bohai Strait, China. ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean,Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2013-06. (EI)
4. Han, S.L., Liang, S.X., Sun Z.C. Study of pollution transport based on a dynamical system theory in Xiangshan Bay. ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean,Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2013-06. (EI)
5. Xie Jing, Sun Zhaochen, Liang Shuxiu, Zhang Yifei, Li Bogen. Numerical study on pollutant transport in long-narrow waters - Xiangshan Bay, China. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2012, 815-820. (EI)
6. Ma X,Sun Z,Liang S. The Numerical Study of a Moored Ship’s Motion Responses in Wave Groupiness. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2012, 883-890.(EI)
7. Mingchang, Li,Qi, Si,Shuxiu, Liang,Zhaochen, Sun. Research on cumulative environmental impact assessment on integrated marine engineering of Bohai Bay. 2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, 2011, 638-640,(EI)
8. Li, Mingchang,Si, Qi,Liang, Shuxiu,Sun, Zhaochen. Carrying capacity assessment of Tianjin Binhai new district by artificial neural network. 2011 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2011.(EI)
9. Li, Mingchang,Si, Qi,Liang, Shuxiu,Sun, Zhaochen. Pilot study on marine water quality model parameters' dynamic inversion. 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, 2011.(EI)
10. Li, Mingchang; Zhou, Bin ; Liang, Shuxiu; Sun, Zhaochen. The pilot study on prediction method by artificial neural network for carrying capacity of coastal zone. 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications, ISA2010, 2010.
11. Sun Jia-wen, Sun Zhao-chen,Liang shuxiu, Zhang zhi-ming, Yang Guo-ping, Zhou feng. Experimental Study of Random Wave Impact on a Horizontal Plate. Proceedings of the 20th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2010, 663-669. (EI)
12. Mingchang Li, Bin Zhou, Shuxiu Liang, and Zhaochen Sun. Optimal parameter inversion of marine water quality model using a BPNN data-driven model-a case study on DIN. 7th International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2010, 2010, 67: 885-892. (EI)
13. Li, Mingchang ; Zhou, Bin ; Liang, Shuxiu; Sun, Zhaochen. An optimistic calibration numerical method for water quality model parameters with COD. 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2010, 2010. (EI)
14. Li, Ming-Chang; Zhang, Guang-Yu; Liang, Shu-Xiu; Sun, Zhao-Chen. Marine water quality assessment's nonlinear set pair analysis method. 2010 International Conference of Environment Materials and Environment Management, EMEM 2010, 2010, 113-116: 185-190.
15. 梁書秀,張怡輝,孫昭晨,夏季渤海海峽垂向混合的數值研究, 第十三屆全國水動力學學術會議暨第二十六屆全國水動力學研討會文集(上),2014.8,572-579.
16. 趙旭東,梁書秀,孫昭晨,基於OpenGL的波流耦合作用下海域泥沙啟動判斷系統的建立,第十六屆中國海洋(岸)工程學術談論會論文集(上),2013.8,778-782.
17. 王興剛,梁書秀,孫昭晨,波群和流作用下深水DDMS平台與其系泊纜索耦合動力響應分析,第十五屆中國海洋(岸)工程學術討論會論文集(上),2011,160-167.