Wings Clipped

Wings Clipped

Grey、Avril Lavigne、Anthony Green於2017年9月29日發行的單曲《Wings Clipped》。


All your lovers, no, they're not your friends
你的那些愛人 他們都不是你真心的朋友
Learn the hard way fast
That every time you give someone your trust
They throw it back, they throw it back
都被他們辜負 盡數返還
Another Sunday waking on the ground, signal breaking down
周日 再次從地板上醒來 一人獨自心傷著
Cause every time you said they loved you
因為每一次他們說愛你 都只是謊言
Left and took it back, took it back
然而最終都離開了你 那些話語也不再算數
Taken hostage, cut your tongue
They make you watch as the world slips by you
Chasing something, you're crying out, crying out, oh
想要追逐的夢想也化為泡影 你只能啞然哭泣 無可奈何
They say it's weakness
But you're just an angel with your wings clipped
其實 你是一個羽翼破碎的天使 別灰心喪氣
Someone came and took all of your secrets
Now you can't fly away, you can't fly away, ay
只是想阻止你飛遠 飛到那廣袤天宇之上
They say it's madness
Future on the line, you're moving backwards
說你的未來早已定下 你會被生活的洪流捲走
Someone came and broke you right in half
那些人來到你身邊將你的心撕碎 一分為二
So that you can't fly away, that you can't fly away, ay
只是想阻止你飛遠 飛到那廣袤天宇之上
But you're just an angel with your...
所以 你還是一個天使啊
Got you covered like a body suit made of lead and doubt
你彷彿被身不由己和猜忌緊緊包圍 喘不過氣
But you're still wondering why you feel too heavy to go out, to go out
你好奇為何自己依舊感到沉重 無法擺脫這一切
People calling in a state for you, think they love too loud
有人出現 為你的立場發聲 你卻感覺無法承蒙厚愛
And so you push them all away but it's too damn quiet now, quiet now
所以你把人們推開 逃離 現在你的世界徹底安靜了
Taken hostage, cut your tongue
They make you watch as the world slips by you
Chasing something, you're crying out, crying out, oh
想要追逐的夢想也化為泡影 你只能啞然哭泣 無可奈何
They say it's weakness
But you're just an angel with your wings clipped
其實 你是一個羽翼破碎的天使 別灰心喪氣
Someone came and took all of your secrets
Now you can't fly away, now you can't fly away, ay
只是想阻止你飛遠 飛到那廣袤天宇之上
They say it's madness
Future on the line, you're moving backwards
說你的未來早已定下 你會被生活的洪流捲走
Someone came and broke you right in half
那些人來到你身邊將你的心撕碎 一分為二
So that you can't fly away, that you can't fly away, ay
只是想阻止你飛遠 飛到那廣袤天宇之上
You can't fly away


歌曲名稱《Wings Clipped》