大嘴怪的原型是一隻袋獾,首次出現在50年代的動畫短片《兔八哥遇上大嘴怪》(Devil May Hare)中,也被稱作塔馬尼亞大嘴怪,他有著鋒利的牙齒和巨大的嘴巴,極度貪吃,幾乎什麼都吃。轉圈時所有東西只要他路過都會吃掉。大嘴怪頭部幾乎占身體的一大部分,其實個子是很矮小的。在動畫里他不會說話,只會:“烏拉哇哇啦啊!”地叫喚。大嘴怪是瘋狂的低智商怪物,其運動能力超強,跑起來一陣旋風,稱大嘴怪頭腦簡單四肢發達最合適不過,在動畫中,兔八哥經常輕鬆的整他,他整天被兔八哥搞的稀里糊塗。
Tasmanian Devil; "Taz" for short, is described as: "A strong murderous beast, jaws as powerful as a steel trap, has ravenous appetite, eats tigers, lions, elephants, buffaloes, donkeys, giraffes, octopuses, rhinoceroses, and moose." However, this definition is only partially accurate. He also eats chickens, ducks, and especially rabbits.
Whirring around like a tornado, slicing through trees like a rotary saw,and feasting on an entire ecosystem of jungle creatures, Taz has but one thing on his mind: Eating. The carnivorous native of Tasmania has the power to devour everything and anything in a single gulp. When this furry, salivating beast comes a-runnin', giraffes scurry for their lives, alligators turn themselves into luggage to hide, and sharks literally leap out of the water. And even if you take Taz out of his natural habitat, it is nearly impossible to take away his appetite. Even on Christmas Eve in the suburbs, Taz wants to eat.