

唐熠,男,1984年8月出生,博士,教授。2007年畢業於山東農業大學動物醫學專業,獲得學士學位;2010年畢業於廣西大學預防獸醫專業(家禽病毒學方向),獲碩士學位;2013年畢業於山東農業大學預防獸醫專業(家禽病毒學方向),獲博士學位。2013-2016年在美國賓西法尼亞州立大學(The Pennsylvania State University)威利家禽病毒學實驗室(WileyLab/Avian Virology)從事博士后研究;2016年7月至今在山東農業大學動物科技學院預防獸醫系任教。近年來在Science Advances,ScientificReports,Biosensors and Bioelectronics,Infection,Genetics and Evolution等國際刊物上發表SCI論文22篇;其中以第一作者發表SCI論文14篇。多次受美國東北禽病大會(NECAD)、美國禽病學會(AAAP)、世界禽流感大會(ISAI)邀請作大會報告;曾擔任ScientificReports, Veterinary Microbiology, Journal of Virological Methods以及Transboundaryand Emerging Diseases等SCI雜誌的審稿人;現為美國禽病學會AAAP,世界禽病學會WVPA以及美國微生物學會ASM會員。


1.YehY, Tang Y, Aswathy S, et al. Tunableand Label-Free Virus Enrichment for Ultra-sensitive Virus Detection UsingCarbon Nanotube Arrays [J]. Science Advances, 2016, in press.
2.Tang Y, Yu X,Chen H, et al. An immunoassay-based reverse-transcription loop-mediatedisothermal amplification assay for the rapid detection of avian influenza H5N1virus viremia [J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016; 86:255-61.
3.Tang Y, ChenH, Diao Y, et al. Elimination of carryover contaminating DNA: Advanceduracil-DNA-glycosylase-supplemented real-time reverse-transcriptionloop-mediated isothermal amplification (UDG-rRT-LAMP) method for universal andspecific detection of Tembusu virus [J]. Scientific Reports, 2016; 6:27605.
4.Tang Y, Lin L,Aswathy S, et al. Detection and characterization of two co-infection variantstrains of avian orthoreovirus (ARV) in young layer chickens usingnext-generation sequencing (NGS)[J]. Scientific Reports, 2016; 6:24519
5.Tang Y and LuH. Whole genome alignment based one-step real-time RT-PCR for universaldetection of avian orthoreoviruses of chicken, pheasant and turkey origins [J].Infect Genet Evol, 39, 120-126, 2016.
6.Tang Y and LuH. Genomic characterization of a broiler reovirus field strain detected inPennsylvania [J]. Infect Genet Evol, 31 C, 177-182, 2015.
7.Tang Y, Lu H,Aswathy S, et al. Genomic characterization of a turkey reovirusfield strain by Next-Generation Sequencing [J]. Infect Genet Evol,32, 313-321, 2015.
8.Tang Y,Yin-Ting Y, Hao C, et al. Comparison of Four Molecular Assays for theDetection of Tembusu virus [J]. Avian Pathology 44, 379-385, 2015.
9.Tang Y and LuH. Genomic characterization of a novel avian arthritis orthoreovirus variant bynext-generation sequencing [J]. Archives of Virology,160, 2629-2632, 2015.