寅吃卯糧,漢語成語,拼音是yín chī mǎo liáng,意思是形容這一年吃了下一年的糧。寅年吃了卯年的糧食。比喻經濟困難,入不敷出,只能預先挪用眼下虧空著的財物或還沒到手的收入,不顧將來。出自《龍圖公案·借衣》。
eat next year's food;anticipate one's income;draw one's pay in advance;eat one's corn in the blade;
Although credit cards are becoming a more acceptable part of the financial scene, they are still regarded with suspicion bymany as being a major part of the "live now, pay later" syndrome.
Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin accused the United States monday of living beyond its means "like a parasite" on theglobal economy and said dollar dominance was a threat to the financial markets.
People in china, and elsewhere in Asia, have lived beneath their means to enable people in the us and europe to livebeyond theirs.
Indeed, if the thais and Indonesians did not come from inherently polite societies, they would say to the US and Europe:"the time has come for you to administer the same bitter medicine you prescribed to us: stop living beyond your means."
【順接】:糧多草广 糧盡援絕【順接】:飛芻挽糧 積草囤糧 積草屯糧 因敵取糧 寅吃卯糧 寅支卯糧 煮弩為糧 饋貧之糧【逆接】:斗柄回寅 夙夜惟寅【逆接】:寅吃卯糧 寅憂夕惕 寅恭諧協 寅支卯糧