徠洛納杜恩是英國作家Richard Doddridge Blackmore於1869年出版的小說。1921年曾好萊塢拍成電影。本版是2000年BBC攝製的電視電影。

首播時間: 2000年12月24日
The mini TV drama is produced by BBC in 2000 and based on the original romance novel by Richard Doddridge Blackmore originally published in 1869.
The story has all the elements for thrill, young farmer John falls in love with Lorna, who turns out to be a distinguished member of the royal family. Their love is forbidden not only because of this great social divide, but also, the Doones clan Lorna grows up with is the arch enemy of John and his fellow villagers. In fact, John’s father is killed by Carver, heir and betrothed husband to Lorna.
演員: Richard Coyle
Peter Vaughan
Jesse Spencer
Anton Lesser
Ai徠dan Gillen
Michael Kitchen
Amelia Warner
Trevor Cooper
Jack Shepherd
James McAvoy

