擔任Journal of Computer Science、Informatics and Electrical Engineering的編委,以及IEEE ICMU 2009國際會議Co-Chairs of P2PNet'09的分會主席。參與組織第7、8、9屆全國信息隱藏和多媒體安全大會,以及2009、2010 年GlobeCom 等國際會議。
已在IEEE Transaction、IET Transaction等國內外著名期刊和ICC、GlobalCom等重要國際會議發表學術論文70多篇。其中,SCI收錄10餘篇,EI收錄38篇,ISTP收錄7篇;專著5部、譯著2部,教材2部。申請發明專利7項,授權1項,軟體著作權3項等。
(1)Huang Yong feng, Li Xing, "Improvement on QoS of VoIP", Chinese Journal of Electronics,2003.10 Vol.12NO.4,pp659-663.
(2) Huang Yong feng, Li Xing, "Petri Net Modeling and Performance Analyzing for MGC", Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2004.10,Vol.13, No.4, pp634-637.
(3) Huang Yong feng, Li Xing, "Fast Echo Canceller Implementation In IP Telephony Gateway" ,Chinese Journal of Electronics,2004.1 ,No.1,Vol.13,pp96-105.
Huang Yongfeng ,Li Xing, The Caching Strategy and Pre-storage Algorithms of the Media-stream Server ", Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2006.6 ,Vol.15,No.2
Huang Yongfeng, Li Xing," "An Integrated IP Telephony Gateway And Its Stochastic Petri Net Model". SPIE Proceedings of Network design and Management , APOC2001 Nov.12, 2001. Beijing, Vol. 4584 , pp258-265.
Huang Yongfeng, Xiao Bo, Xiao Honghua. Implementation of covert, communication based on steganography. In Proceedings of IEEE 4th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2008, Harbin, China. (EI:084311 653760)
Huang yongfeng Tang Shanyu, A New Security Architecture for SIP Based P2P Computer Networks, Scientific Journals International (SJI) 2008,7
Shangyu Tang, Huang yongfeng, Yau Jimyip,Performance of data driven network application from the user perspetive, KSII Transaction on Internet and information systems Vol.3,N0.3,June 2009,p235-250
Xiao Bo, Huang Yongfeng, Shanyu Tang. An Approach to Information Hiding inLow Bit-rate Speech Stream. In Proceeding of IEEE GlobeCom2008, New Orleans.
Linda Yunlu Bai, Yongfeng Huang, Guannan Hou, Bo Xiao. Covert Channels Based on Jitter field of the RTCP Header. In Proceeding of IEEE IIHMSP2008,Harbin.
Huang Yongfeng and etc., “SIP Protocol and Application”,Posts & Telecommunications Press, 2009.
Huang Yongfeng, “Computer Network”, Tsinghua University Press, 2007
Li Xing, Huang Yongfeng, “Advanced Computer internet Network”, Posts & Telecommunications Press, 2006.