雅德麗·史密斯(英文名:Yeardley Smith),1964年07月03日出生於巴黎,法國演員、製片人。曾出演《辛普森一家》。
監護者The Chaperone ------- (2011)

毒品高中/High之學校 High School ------- (2010)
Spork ------- (2010)
Tug ------- (2009)
Waiting for Ophelia ------- (2008)
Miracle of Phil ------- (2008)
The Simpsons Ride ------- (2008)
辛普森一家/辛普森家庭電影版(台)/阿森一族大電影(港) The Simpsons Movie ------- (2007)
2007 Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards ------- (2007)
"Phil of the Future" ------- (2004)
The Simpsons' Christmas Message ------- (2004)
死神喜歡我(電視劇) "Dead Like Me" ------- (2003)
午夜歸來 Back by Midnight ------- (2002)
CyberWorld ------- (2000)
"Hollywood Squares" ------- (1998)
盡善盡美/愛在心裡口難開(台)/貓屎先生(港) As Good as It Gets ------- (1997)
贏得美人歸 Just Write ------- (1997)
我愛牙仙女 Toothless ------- (1997)
"Dharma & Greg" ------- (1997)
聖誕老豆/一路響叮噹 Jingle All the Way ------- (1996)
恐龍物語:回到未來 We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story ------- (1993)
玩具兵團/玩具大國民 Toys ------- (1992)

Comic Relief IV ------- (1991)
"Herman's Head" ------- (1991)
Listen to Me ------- (1989)
"The Simpsons" Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire ------- (1989)
Ginger Ale Afternoon ------- (1989)
The Simpsons: Family Therapy ------- (1989)
Zwei Frauen ------- (1989)
辛普森一家/阿森一族 "The Simpsons" ------- (1989)
The Simpsons: Family Portrait ------- (1988)
辣手少年 Three O'Clock High ------- (1987)
"Square One TV" ------- (1987)
"The Tracey Ullman Show" ------- (1987)
驚心動魄撞死你/火魔戰車 Maximum Overdrive ------- (1986)
Heaven Help Us ------- (1985)
比利金傳奇 The Legend of Billie Jean ------- (1985)
"Brothers" ------- (1984)
What's Wrong with Virginia ------- (2010)
Waiting for Ophelia ------- (2008)
Outstanding Voice-Over Performance 獲獎1次
1992 ·艾美獎 獲獎