Houghton Mifflin出版的書籍
《雪花人》介紹的是在很久很久以前,有一個叫威利。班特利的小孩很喜歡雪。他的家鄉每年冬天都會下很厚的雪。每到這時,他就會開心的用手接住天上飄來的雪花,然後細心的觀察 雪花的形狀。然後回家,畫下來。漸漸的,他越來越喜歡雪花。這些小冰晶千千萬萬,卻各有各的不同,美極了。一天,爸爸媽媽送給威利一份禮物,一台顯微照相機。威利高興極了,照相機在那年月畢竟還是稀罕物。威利想,我終於可以讓美麗的雪花成為永恆了。
From the time he was a small boy, Wilson Bentley saw snowflakesas small miracles. And he determined that one day his camera wouldcapture for others the wonder of the tiny crystal. Bentley'senthusiasm for photographing snowflakes was often misunderstood inhis time, but his patience and determination revealed two importanttruths: no two snowflakes are alike; and each one is startlinglybeautiful. His story is gracefully told and brought to life inlovely woodcuts, giving children insight into a soul who had notonly a scientist's vision and perseverance but a clear passion forthe wonders of nature. \"Of all the forms of water the tinysix-pointed crystals of ice called snow are incomparably the mostbeautiful and varied.\" -- Wilson Bentley. SNOWFLAKE BENTLEY won the1999 Caldecott Medal.
Jacqueline Briggs Martin is the author of Snowflake Bentley,winner of the 1999 Caldecott Medal, and The Lamp, the Ice, and theBoat Called Fish, an ALA Notable Book, a Bulletin Blue Ribbon Book,Riverbank Review Finalist, Notable Social Studies Trade book andwinner of The Golden Kite Award for Illustration. She grew up on afarm in Maine much like the one in this story. She lives in Mt.Vernon, Iowa.